Sweet dreams

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I am back! Here is part 14! I hope you guys like this! And was inspired by a comic that I saw on YouTube so yeah enjoy this!

Female Byleth was in her room she was in her bed and she was thinking about her and Erdrick gotten really close and started hanging out more after they started dating during this quarantine, she got off from her bed and she said to herself "I'm gonna go get some breakfast" she left her room and she went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Erdrick was hangout with Marth, then Marth said to Erdrick "so I can't believe the training is still open during this quarantine! But your MP and your spells are amazing but I think you need to be more careful beacuse I'm gonna beat you in the next battle!" Marth did a peace sign to Erdrick, Erdrick crossed his arms and he said to Marth "Yea I will beat you! I will put magic burst on you when you land on my trap!" He said to Marth, Marth looked at Erdrick and he said to him "yeah but anyway there's something I need to tell you Erdrick it's been on my mind for the past hour..." Erdrick looked at Marth and he said to him "Sure tell me!" Erdrick gave him a smile and Marth said to Erdrick. "You been dating Female Byleth for the longest time! I'm glad you to hanged out during this quarantine! And I'm glad that you are treating her really nice and caring for her!" Erdrick smiled at Marth and he said to him "Well I uh? Thanks! But how did you know that we are......... dating?" Marth put his finger on his cheek and he said to Erdrick "I heard Lucina talking to me about it! And I heard Zelda screaming about it too but it hurts my ears when she screams but mostly it's okay!" Erdrick looked at Marth and Erdrick said to him "Lucina told you? Okay then! Yeah Zelda fangirls a lot but it's okay I think I'm used to yet!" They both laughed and Marth got up and he said to Erdrick "I gotta go but it's good that you are treating Byleth good and it's okay if you and her get into arguments sometimes but it happens! Well I gotta go do something! See you later." Marth walked away and Erdrick said to himself "me and Byleth having an argument? But we never argue before? But he is right I am treating Byleth good" then Erdrick went to hangout with Joker/Akira. Byleth went to hangout with Zelda, they were talking and Zelda said to Female Byleth "you and Erdrick have been dating and hanging out together for the past few months!!!! I haven't noticed that you two haven't argued!" She said, Byleth was confused and she said to Zelda "what do you mean me and Erdrick arguing?" Zelda had an explanation to Byleth and she said to her "well if you are arguing with someone it can mean many things! But if you and Erdrick argued, yea it may be pretty rough but that's what makes a relationship even stronger than before!" Byleth sighed worried and she said to Zelda "but I don't WANT him to argue with him! If we did... it would turn out horrible... but thanks for the explanation Zel!" Zelda said to Byleth "your welcome girl!" As she smiled brightly to Byleth. A few hours later it was 8:30 PM Erdrick was in his room reading a book then Female Byleth opened the door as she walked inside the room and she closed the door and looked at Erdrick and said to him "Hey Erdrick!" She sat down on his bed right next to him and she said to him "what are you doing?" Erdrick looked at Byleth and he said "just reading a book, want me to read it to you?" Byleth kind of blushed and she said to him "y-yes..."  Byleth sat between Erdrick's legs and she put her head down on Erdrick's chest. Erdrick blushed like crazy, so did Byleth, Byleth said to Erdrick "I can get off if you are uncomfortable..." Erdrick said to Byleth "N-no! It's okay! It's fine!" Then Erdrick started reading the story to Byleth. A few minutes later Byleth felt kind of sleepy and in Byleth's mind: Erdrick is nice but.... after a few chapters that he read to me... I can't focus... so tired..." Erdrick kept reading the story to Byleth and he was almost done reading and he said to Byleth. "Man! The plot twist was really exciting! Isn't it Byleth....? Byleth?" He put the book down and he saw Byleth, she went  right fast asleep on top of Erdrick. Erdrick blushed and he said to himself "oh... she's sleeping... but I gotta really use the restroom! Maybe I can just be carfu-!" Erdrick was about to get off and he fell onto the floor and he landed on top of Byleth . Byleth woke up and she said to him "Erdrick...?" Erdrick got nervous and he said to Byleth "Oh! B-byleth! Uh this is just a dream! Now GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!" Byleth said to Erdrick "okay..." as she put her hands on Erdrick's cheeks, Erdrick said to Byleth "Byleth what are you doin-" then Byleth kissed Erdrick, Erdrick blushed, his eyes was wide open. He almost closed his eyes but couldn't resist, Byleth stoped kissing him and Erdrick got off of Byleth. Byleth said to Erdrick "that was a pretty good story 8/10" Erdrick was still blushing after that kiss and he said to her "I-I'm not blushing! Wait what do you mean an 8/10?!" Byleth looked at Erdrick and she said to him "the storyline is kind of off you know? And..." Erdrick looked at Byleth and he said to her "and what?" Byleth said to Erdrick "I'm sorry that I kissed you... I didn't mean to do that" Erdrick pinned Byleth against the wall, Byleth blushed as she saw Erdrick straight up to her face. Erdrick said to Byleth "it's okay... Byleth..." he put his hand on Byleth's chin. Byleth's cheeks turned pink, Erdrick looked at Byleth and he said to her kind of Romantically "It's totally fine my love..." he leaned in and he kissed her. Byleth blushed as she ever blushed before, her eyes widen she didn't knew this side of Erdrick. Byleth closed her eyes and she put her hand on Erdrick's cheek. Erdrick stoped kissing her and he walked and he sat down on his bed and he said to her "I couldn't get that kiss off of my mind so I just had to... well kiss you!" Byleth said to Erdrick "it's fine Erdrick! That kiss you gave me.... it felt... nice" they both blushed and Erdrick said to Byleth "it's getting late it's almost 9:00 o'clock wanna head to bed?" Byleth sat down right next to Erdrick and she hugged him and said to him "yes...." Erdrick hugged Byleth and he said "okay" they stoped hugging and Byleth began to cover herself under the blankets and Erdrick layed down on the bed as he covered himself with the blanket. They both smiled and they held hands and Byleth said to Erdrick "Love you" Erdrick smiled back at Byleth and he said to her "Love you to" and they both fell asleep.

I'm back!!!! Sorry for being gone for so long! I'm gonna do bonus chapters of this story! So those bonus chapters will come out soon! And part 15 is coming out soon! See you all in the next chapter! Bye!

Bittersweet Love, Female Byleth x ErdrickWhere stories live. Discover now