Under the Mistletoe 

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Okay before we start! I didn't had a phone back in December but it's March so sorry for updating this so late! But enjoy this part!

It was Friday December 24th Christmas Eve, Zelda was decorating her room with lights and pretty things, Female Byleth walked inside Zelda's room and she said "Hey Zel! Wow I love your room! Getting ready for the holidays?" I asked, Zelda said to her "Yes! Christmas is my favorite time of year! So I'm gonna be festive for this year!" She said excitedly. Lucina walked in and said to the both of us "I made Christmas cookies for everyone in the roster! Here you go you to!" She handed Female Byleth and Zelda the cookies Female Byleth said to Lucina "thank you! These are so good!" Zelda was already munching into the cookie she said with her mouth full "thank u!!! It's so GOOD!!!" Lucina said to Zelda and Female Byleth "your welcome! Well gtg! Also I think Palutena is hosting a Christmas party later on! It starts at 7:00! I will be there! Bye!!!" She lefted Zelda said to Female Byleth "A CHRISTMAS PARTY!!! Oh my gosh! It's gonna be so much fun!!!! Are you gonna come?" She asked Female Byleth, Female Byleth said to Zelda "yeah I'm gonna come!" Zelda said excitedly "yay! I'm glad that your coming! Well I gotta wrap some Christmas presents! See ya later!" Female Byleth waved at Zelda and said "bye Zelda!" Then she walked to her room. Erdrick was hangout out with Joker/Ren, Ren said to Erdrick "so aren't you gonna go to Palutena's Christmas party?" He asked, Erdrick said to him "heack yeah! It's gonna be lit!" Ren had a smug grin on his face and said to Erdrick "also aren't you gonna be with Female Byleth under the mistletoe?" He teased Erdrick. Erdrick blushed and said to Ren "SHUT UP!!!! I'm gonna strangle you!!!" Ren started laughing and said to him "I'm joking! But maybe it will happen!" Erdrick said to Ren "shut it..." Terry walked over to Ren and Erdrick he said to them "hey you guys! Are you ready for the party later on?" He asked Ren said to him "yeah I'm gonna be there!" Erdrick said to Terry "heack yeah! I'm gonna come!" Terry said to Ren and Erdrick "alright! I gotta go! I have to visit my friends back at my world! See you at the party!" Then he lefted. Ren said to Erdrick "well aren't you gonna well...! Give something to Female Byleth? It's your VERY first Christmas together!" He said teasing him, Erdrick said to Ren kind of flustered "OH SHUT IT REN!!!!" Ren said to Erdrick "okay okay fine! I'm just joking! I'm gonna buy some presents for my friends, see ya!" Then we opened the door and he lefted. Erdrick said yelling to Ren "WAAAAAIIIIITTTT!!!! I wanna come too!!!! Don't leave meh!!!!" Ren said to Erdrick "well come on! Let's go before the shop closes!" Then they left to buy there presents, Female Byleth was in her room she was wrapping presents for her friends, she said to herself relieved "phew! That's the last one!" Then she realized and she said In shock "Ah! I forgot to wrap up a present for Erdrick!" She got the gift and she wrapped it up, she put the bow on the top and she said relieved "oh thank goodness! I would be a goner with I didn't give a present to him! Now! Time to get ready for the party!" The party was filled with smash bros chacaters everyone was there, Zelda and Lucinda saw Female Byleth and Zelda said to her "OMG HIIIII!!!!!" Female Byleth walked up to Zelda and said "Hi Zelda! You look so pretty!" Zelda said "thank you!!! You look pretty too!" Lucina said to Female Byleth "hey girl! Ready to have fun?" Female Byleth said to Lucina "yep! Let's go to get some food first!" Then they had a fun time at the party. Meanwhile with Ren and Erdrick, they were walking back to the party and Ren said to Erdrick "we took so much time but WE FOUND THE GIFTS!!! And the party just started...! Why..." Erdrick said to Ren "it's okay bro! Ik it just started but we are gonna have a fun time!" Ren said to Erdrick "yup! And now ITS SHOWTIME!!!" He said excitedly Erdrick said to Ren a little confused "isn't that Snakes catchphrase?" Ren said to him "I know! I know! But let's go to the party!" They both arrived at the party Ren said to Erdrick "okay I'm gonna be right over there! Talking to Marth! If you need anything tell me! Okay? Byeee!!!" Then he walked away, Erdrick said to him "okay!" Erdrick went to his room and wrapped up the presents for his friends, he said to himself while wrapping the presents "One for Ren, then Terry, Zelda, Marth, Roy..." he was done wrapping up the presents and he said to himself "okay! Just one more present to wrap!" The last present was for Female Byleth he wanted to buy one for her, then he wrapped it up. Later on Zelda walked into Erdrick's room and said to him "Hey! Come on! Come and hangout with me Lucina, and Female Byleth! It's Christmas Eve so it's good to spend time with your friends!" She said happyly and Erdrick said to her "Okay! I will be there!" He said to her, Erdrick walked to Lucina's room he saw Lucina and she said "ayeee! You came! Sit down!" Zelda said to him "yay you came!!!" Female Byleth said to him "Hi Erdrick! I'm glad you came! How's your evening been?" Erdrick sat right next to Female Byleth and said to her "it's been good!" Zelda said to all of her friends "oki! So I got you all presents! It took me A LONG TIME to wrap these! I hope you like them!" She said. They gave each other presents Lucina got some perfume, Zelda got some lotion and some earrings, Female Byleth got some bracelets and a necklace, and Erdrick got some new boots and some new earbuds. After talking and laughing Ren was inside the vent and he said to himself "now im just gonna open the vent door really slowl- OH CRAP!!!" Then the vent open fell off and Ren was falling down and Lucina caught him and she said to him "What are you doing here!? You can use the door!" She put him down and Ren said to Lucina "well I was about to hangout with Terry buuuut I got bored! Sorry!" Zelda said to him "It's okay Ren! But you could've got hurt!" Ren said to Zelda "yea ik" Ren sat right next to Lucina and he said to all of them "Guys I'm sorry for coming in like this I should've use the front door like you asked Lucina...." Erdrick said to Ren "It's okay dude! But you scared me though!" Female Byleth said to Ren "it's fine! But don't do that next time!" Ren said to her "okay! But there is one more thing I need to put up...!" He grabbed the mistletoe and he put it up on the ceiling right next to Female Byleth and Erdrick and he said to them "ooh la la! Mistletoe!!!" Zelda fangirled and Lucina said "oohh!!!! How Romantic at this time of year!" Female Byleth's and Erdrick's faces turned red Female Byleth said blushing "U-um...!" Erdrick said to Ren while blushing "SERIOUSLY!? Oh god..." he hide his face and Zelda said fangirling "HURRY UP SO YOU TO CAN KISS!!!!" Erdrick sighed and said to himself "why me..." Female Byleth put her hand on Erdrick's shoulder and she kissed him on the cheek. Erdrick's face turned extremely red Zelda fangirled and screamed and said "AAAAAHHHHHH OMG!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!" Lucina said out loud "Alright!" Ren said "perfection just perfection!" Female Byleth stoped and she hide her face and said "o-okay I did it.... now take that thing off of the ceiling Ren!" Erdrick hide his face cuz he was blushing hard. Ren said to Female Byleth "okay okay! I will!" He took the mistletoe off of the ceiling and he said walking out of the door "well it was fun hanging out with you all! But I have to go to help Terry with some things! Bye!" Then he lefted. Erdrick was in his room he said in his mind "Idk why Ren put that thing on top of the ceiling! It's so embarrassing! I hope no one else knows about this!" Female Byleth came inside Erdrick's room and she said to him "hey..." Erdrick said to her "hi..." she walked in and she closed the door and said "idk why I did that... I'm sorry...." Erdrick said to her "it's okay! Ren can be a little something these days!" They both laughed and they both looked up, they saw the mistletoe again and Erdrick blushed and he said "mistletoe..." Female Byleth said to him "yeah..." Erdrick said to her "Merry Christmas Byleth chan" Female Byleth said to him "Merry Christmas Erdrick" they closed their eyes, they held hands and they leaned in and they kissed, Female Byleth kissed him and Erdrick kissed her back, they stopped and they looked at each other. Female Byleth said to Erdrick "I think we just make out for a couple of seconds...." Erdrick said to her "yea..." they both smiled and Female Byleth said to him "so wanna hangout for the rest of the night?" She asked she sat down on her bed. Erdrick looked at her and he lay down on her lap and he said "I wanna stay here with you tonight..." Female Byleth blushed and she put her hand on his head and she stroked his hair and she said "okay you can stay here until you feel tired" Erdrick said to her "okay thanks..." then he fell asleep in her lap, Female Byleth said to herself "Merry Christmas my love..." then she carried him to the left side of her bed and she layed him down and she layed down on her bed, Erdrick woke up and said "I though-" she held Erdrick's hand and she smiled she said "let's go to sleep okay?" Erdrick smiled at her and said "sure... and Merry Christmas my love..." she said to him "you to my love..." then they both fell asleep then it strike midnight then it was Christmas Day December 25th.

I'm back!!!! I been gone for so long but I'm done! Part 12 is coming tomorrow goodnight!

Bittersweet Love, Female Byleth x ErdrickWhere stories live. Discover now