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Hi! Before we start, sorry I've been gone for so long! School has been catching up on me but I'm glad you all are waiting for the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy this one!

Byleth was in her dorm, she was still remembering of what those people said to her, she let out a sigh and she went to go outside in the smash gardens to clear off her mind. Byleth sat down on a bench, she was waiting for Zelda so they can have their next team battle together, Byleth kepted on thinking and thinking of what those people said to her. She couldn't take all of that pressure anymore then she said to herself, "I don't get it... why are those people still keep saying those stuff to me, I don't know what I did wrong but... why do they keep saying those bad stuff about m-" Then Zelda appeared. Byleth looked at Zelda and she said to her "o-oh! Hi Zelda! I didn't knew you were here and watching me ramble! Hehe!" Zelda smiled and she said to Byleth "well I did watch you ramble though" giving a smug face to Byleth. Byleth sighed and she said to Zelda "well, let's go. We don't wanna be late for our battle together... like I'm not gonna do much anyway." Zelda smiled and she know that Byleth was sad and she said to her "yea but you okay girl? You seem... sad" Byleth gave a fake smile to her and she said to Zelda "it's fine! I'm just... Of what those people said to me, I still remember it." Zelda had a worried look on her face and she said to Byleth "I know it's hard for you but I'm sure there is nice people that love you! So probably don't think about it right now okay?" Byleth nodded her head and she said to Zelda "okay, I will try not to think about it. Let's go!" Then Byleth and Zelda went on their way back so they can do their team battle together. Time passed (yes time skip) It was 9:30 pm. Byleth came back to her dorm and she sat down on her bed, she was still thinking of what those mean people said to her. She tried many times not to think about it but she still rembers it. Byleth sighed and she layed down on her bed and she cried a little. Erdrick was heading back to his dorm where Byleth was, he opened the door and he saw Byleth. Erdrick sat down right next to her and he tapped her shoulder and said to her "hey, you okay? You seem upset." Byleth looked him and she sat down and she sighed. Then Byleth took a deep breath and she said to him "I'm not fine..." Erdrick had a worried look on his face and he said to her "do you wanna talk about it?" Byleth stayed silent for a bit and she said to Erdrick "yes..." Erdrick had his hand on Byleth's shoulder and he said to her "so what's been on your mind lately? Is there something that's bothering you?" Byleth tried to hide her tears away, her voice almost broke down because she was about to cry and she said to Erdrick "y-yes... there's something that's b-bothering me..." Byleth started crying and she hugged Erdrick. Erdrick wrapped his arms around Byleth and he rubbed her back and he said to her "shh... it's okay, I'm here. Let it all out, it's gonna be okay" Byleth was crying in Erdrick's arms, Erdrick felt worried for Byleth of how much that she's been through. Then Byleth let go and she said to Erdrick "it's just... I keep rembering those comments and what those people said to me, it's been really stressful and I don't like it at all. Why can't I be a normal person!" Erdrick had a sad look on his face when Byleth said that. Erdrick held Byleth's hand and he said to her "you are a normal person! You are a great and a beautiful person Byleth! And..."  Byleth had a suprised look on her face and she was curious. Erdrick blushed and he said to her "and I think you're a sweet person... too" Byleth blushed and she said to him "o-oh... thanks..." Then Erdrick looked at her and he said to Byleth "and don't listen to those people, probably ignore those type of comments that make you feel bad or upset. Maybe try avoiding those type of comments and probably avoid those people." Byleth had a slight smile on her face but she was still sad and she said to him "I will try..." Byleth sniffed and she had water in her eyes, Tears were rolling down on Byleth's cheeks. Then Erdrick put his hands on Byleth's cheeks and he wiped her tears away and he lifted a peice of her hair and he kissed her on the forehead. Byleth blushed as she saw Erdrick kissing her on the forehead, Erdrick stopped and he blushed and he said to her "sorry... I kind of got carried away" Byleth smiled at Erdrick and she said to him "it's fine!" Erdrick had a sweet smile on his face and he knew that Byleth was feeling better, Byleth blushed and she said to Erdrick "can I ask you a question Erdrick?" Erdrick smiled brightly and he said to her "sure! Go ahead!" Byleth's cheeks turned red and she said to him "I-is it okay if I can... um... sleep with you tonight...?" Erdrick blushed and he said to her "o-of course... and I don't want you to be lonely tonight so, sure!" Byleth smiled and she layed down on his bed and she tucked herself in. Erdrick layed down and he tucked himself in and he looked at Byleth. Byleth looked at Erdrick and she said to him "I would like to say... thank you for everything Erdrick" Erdrick blushed and he said to her "your welcome... it's the least I could do!" They both giggled. Then Byleth put her hands on Erdrick's cheeks, Erdrick blushed red, he could feel his cheeks burning and Byleth smiled and she gave him a kiss on the forehead. Byleth stopped and she said to him "and I will always... love you" Erdrick smiled and he said to her "I will always love you to" Byleth felt tired and she yawned and she said to Erdrick "I'm gonna get some sleep, goodnight" Erdrick smiled and he said to her "okay goodnight." And they fell asleep. Time passed and it was around like 2 am, Byleth couldn't sleep and she tapped on Erdrick's shoulder. Erdrick woke up and he said to her "huh... oh hey Byleth. Why did you wake me up so early?" Byleth had a tired look on her face and she said to him "I can't sleep" Erdrick smiled and he said to her "I think this would help" Byleth was curious and she said to him "what will?" Erdrick goes to hug Byleth as he wrapped his hands around her, Byleth gasped and she smiled of his hug. Then Byleth whispered to Erdrick and she said to him "Erdrick... I love you" Erdrick smiled and he said to her "I love you too Byleth" Byleth felt tired again, her eyes were getting blurry and she fell fast asleep in Erdrick's arms. Erdrick looked at Byleth and he noticed that she was sleeping, he smiled and he fell fast asleep while his hands were around Byleth and they both fell asleep.

Hi! I'm so sorry that this took so long to write! School has been catching up on me lately but hey a new chapter! I hope you all liked this one! And chapter 23 is coming out soon! See you all later! And it's like 2 am so I just finished this lol. Goodnight!

Bittersweet Love, Female Byleth x ErdrickWhere stories live. Discover now