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Okay! I got this idea since I'm going to high school as a freshman! So enjoy this one!

Byleth was hanging out with Zelda and Lucina, they were talking about Prom and Zelda said to Byleth "Prom is coming up!!!!! Are you girls gonna come?!" Zelda sounded excited and Lucina said to Zelda "yea I'm gonna come! What about you Byleth?" Byleth nodded and she said to Lucina "yea, I'm gonna come!" Zelda smiled and she said to Lucina and Byleth "we should go to the mall to get our prom dresses!!!!!" Lucina nodded and she said to Zelda "yea! That would be great idea! You wanna come Byleth?" Byleth smiled and she said to Lucina "yes! Let's go!" Then Lucina, Byleth and Zelda went to the mall to get their prom dresses. Erdrick was with Akira, they were talking about if they are going to prom or not. Then Akira said to Erdrick "so, are you going to Prom Erdrick?" Erdrick nodded and he said to Akira "Heack yea! It's my first time going! I really don't know what to expect but I know it's gonna be fun! Who are you gonna to prom with?" Akira blushed light pink and he said to him "well, I don't know? Maybe my friend Makoto" Erdrick had a smug grin on his face and he said "OoOoOh! Maybe Makoto likes you back!!!!" Akira blushed more and he said to him "SUSH!!!!" Erdrick luaghed and he said to Akira "okay I will stop!" Then Akira sighed and he said to Erdrick "so, you wanna go for a battle before prom starts? Prom starts at 7:30 PM and right now it's 4:30 PM, it will be a quick battle and we will get ready" Erdrick nodded and he said to Akira "alright! Let's go!" Then they had a battle and after the battle, and they got ready for prom. Zelda, Lucina and Byleth also got ready for prom, Lucina wore a light blue dress with a dark blue jacket and she wore black heals. Zelda wore a pastel pink dress, a yellow sweater and she wore white sandals. Byleth wore a light teal dress, with a light pastel blue jacket and she wore black sandals. Byleth got ready, Zelda saw Byleth and she said to her "OMG YOU LOOK SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!" Zelda squealed, then Lucina said to Byleth "you look good girl!" Byleth smiled and she said to them "Thanks! Now let's get going! Akira's friend Makoto, is gonna drive us to prom!" Lucina and Zelda walked outside and Byleth walked as well, Erdrick and Akira got ready and Akira said to Erdrick "okay! Let's go! My friend Makoto is gonna drive us!" Erdrick nodded and he said to him "okay! Let's go!" Akira found Zelda, Lucina and Byleth. Akira said to them "Hey! You girls look amazing!" Zelda smiled and she said to him "thanks!" Lucina smiled and she said to him "thanks, so where's our ride at?" Then Akira said to Lucina "my friend Makoto is gonna drive us! She will be coming in a bit, I guess we have to wait for a bit" Byleth saw Erdrick and she walked up to him and she said to him "Hey! You look good! Ready to do this!" Erdrick blushed as he saw Byleth, he took a deep breath and he said to her, "you look very beautiful tonight Byleth!" Byleth blushed a little and she said to him "t-thanks!" Akira saw Makoto in her car and he said to his friends "Okay! She's here! Let's all say hi and let's go to prom!" Makoto rolled up her window and she said to Akira "hey Akira! And I see you got some friends to come to prom! Come on in! There is some room in the back, Akira you can sit in the front!" They all got inside the car and Makoto drove Akira and his friends to prom. As Makoto drove up to prom, she waved bye to them and she said to Akira "I will pick you up! The prom ends at 10:00 PM, don't get in trouble! See ya!" And Makoto drove off. Akira and his friends got inside prom, it was located in the Cafeteria. Music was playing and it was dark and it had pretty lights. It had food and a lot of people were dancing. They all went inside and Zelda started to dance with a lot of people, Lucina got some Punch, and she sat down on a chair and she drank her punch. Akira went to dance as well, and Byleth and Erdrick sat down on a table and started talking. Time passed (yes time skip >:3) Byleth was getting some punch from the punch bowl untill she bumped into a few girls and she said to them "ah! Sorry! My bad!" The girls were from school, one girl was named Tiffany and she said to Byleth "Watch were you are going at! Oh look! It's the girl who got hated on since she was added into the smash roster! Have you got into low tier yet?" The girls luaghed, Byleth felt sad and she said to Tiffany "that's not the point! Sorry for bumping into you Tiffany and the rest of you girls," Tiffany kind of got mad and she said to Byleth "you should be more CARFUL next time!" Tiffany also said to Byleth "haven't you got a prom date yet? Oh let me guess! You don't have one because you are so lonely and a LOSER!" The girls laughed and Byleth felt sad and she didn't said anything. Erdrick was talking to Akira and he said to Akira "I'm gonna be right back! I'm gonna get some punch from the punch bowl!" Then Akira said to him "okay!" Erdrick came up to Byleth and he said to Tiffany "whatever you are doing to make fun of Byleth, it's NOT gonna help! So stop making fun of her and making her feel bad!" Tiffany was suprised and she said to him "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make her sad! I was telling her to be careful because she BUMPED INTO ME!" Then Byleth said to Tiffany "it was an accident!" Then Erdrick said to Tiffany "you better leave my girlfriend alone and you better stop making fun of her!" Tiffany sighed annoyed and she said to her friends, "let's go girls! We don't have time to deal with Byleth and her boyfriend of hers." Then they walked away. Then Erdrick looked at Byleth, Byleth had tears in her eyes and Erdrick said to her "you okay?" Byleth held Erdrick's hand and she ran outside of the dance. It was cold outside and Byleth hugged Erdrick and she started to cry and she said to him "t-thank you f-for.... saving me b-back there.... I didn't know what t-to do...!" Erdrick wrapped his arms around Byleth and he said to her "your welcome, if I wouldn't came and stand up for you. I would feel bad for you." Byleth stopped hugging him and Erdrick wiped her tears and he said to her "don't listen to Tiffany and what her other friends say, you can be YOU! You are a good person and you make people smile. And you are very beautiful as well." Byleth smiled and she said to him "thanks! I kind of feel better now!" Erdrick smiled and he said to her "that's good! Now, let's continue this prom!" And then they went back inside. Time passed (again) it was 9:20 PM, couples sway around the dance floor. Then Lucina said to Zelda "Zelda! The last time that Byleth and Erdrick danced together, you should dance with someone! Maybe.... Pit!" Zelda blushed and she said to Lucina "w-what!? Pit!? He is just a friend to me Lucina!!!!!" Lucina had a smug grin on her face and she said to Zelda "come on! Do it!" Zelda sighed and she said to her "fine!" Pit was at the dance and he walked up to Zelda and he said to her, "o-oh! Hi! Princess Zelda! I-I didn't knew you were h-here! You look very cute in that dress by the way!" Zelda blushed and she said to him "o-oh! Thank you! I bought it at the mall today! Hehe!" Pit blushed and he said to her, "do you want to dance with me?" Zelda smiled and she said to him "yes!" Pit smiled and he held Zelda's hand and they danced. Byleth was sitting on a chair and Erdrick came up to her and he held his hand out to her and he said to her "would you like to take this dance?" Byleth blushed and she said to him, "yes, I will!" And She held Erdrick's hand. Zelda and Pit danced and Zelda blushed and she said to Pit, "you are a good dancer Pit! I didn't knew that you would ask me to dance!" Pit smiled and he said to Zelda "yea! I wanted to dance with you because I saw you sitting all by yourself and I wanted to dance with you!" Zelda blushed and he said to Pit, "o-oh! Okay, but thanks for asking me to dance with you!" Pit smiled and he said to Zelda "No problem!" Byleth and Erdrick kepted on dancing, then Erdrick said to Byleth "thanks for dancing with me tonight. Even we danced before we we're friends." Byleth smiled and she said to him "yea! And thanks for standing up for me back there, it was really sweet of you!" Erdrick blushed and he said to Byleth "o-oh, your welcome...." Byleth smiled at Erdrick which cause Erdrick to blush even more. He took a deep breath and he said to her "not gonna lie Byleth, but... you look really beautiful tonight." Then Erdrick smiled at her, Byleth blushed and she said to him "oh! Thank you...!" Then, they started looking at each other then Erdrick leaned in and he kissed Byleth. Byleth blushed and she  closed her eyes, they stopped and they smiled. Time passed (yes again XD) Prom was over and Akira said to Lucina "okay, we have to wait for Makoto to drive all of us home." Lucina nodded and she said to Akira "okay!" Zelda and Pit were walking out of Prom and Zelda smiled at Pit and she said to him "thanks for coming with me Pit! I know you didn't asked me to Prom, but. It was an amazing night dancing with you!" Pit blushed a little and she said to her "oh! Your welcome Zelda!" They smiled at each other untill Makoto drove up to come pick up Zelda and the rest of her friends. Akira saw Makoto and she said to her "Hey Makoto!" Makoto waved at Akira and she said to him, "hey! Ready to go? I can drive you all back home!" Akira smiled and he said to her "Sure!" Akira and the rest of his friends got inside the car, Zelda was about to leave untill she said to Pit. "Um... I have to go, I will see you later! Maybe we can hangout sometime!" Pit nodded and he said to her "okay! I understand! See ya!" Zelda waved at Pit and she went inside the car and Makoto drove off back to the smash mansion. Once Makoto got back to the smash mansion, she dropped of Akira and the rest of his friends, then Makoto said to Akira "okay! I will see you later! Come and visit the Leblanc sometime soon!" Akira nodded and he gave her a thumbs up and he said to Makoto "okay! See ya!" Then Makoto drove off. Time passed (yes again, I'm lazy) Byleth was in her room, she got her pajamas on and she said to herself "that was a nice night!" She stretched her arms, and Erdrick walked in and he flopped himself on the bed and he fell asleep. Byleth saw Erdrick, she realized that he was tired from all the dancing and all the fun he had. She smiled at him and she carried him to his bed. Then Erdrick woke up and he realized that Byleth was looking at him, Erdrick blushed and he said to Byleth "h-hi, Byleth...." Byleth blushed and she said to him "o-oh! Hi! I didn't mean to wake you up!" Erdrick smiled at her and he said to her "it's okay! Anyway, what are you doing up so late? It's almost 11:30 Pm" Byleth shrugged and she said to him "I was hanging out with Zelda and Daisy but I got bored so I gone back here!" Erdrick nodded and he said to her "oh okay!" Then Erdrick sat down right next to Byleth, then he blushed lightly and he said to Byleth, "tonight was..... amazing!" Byleth smiled at him and she said to Erdrick "yea it was! I didn't knew prom would be THIS fun!" They both laughed and Erdrick said to Byleth "also, I wanted to say that..... thank you for dancing with me by the way. I never knew you would ask!" Byleth chuckled and she said to him "yea! Dancing with you was actually really fun!" Erdrick smiled at Byleth with a sweet look on his face and he said to her "and.... you looked very beautiful than ever, since the last time we danced..." Byleth blushed and she said to Erdrick "o-oh...! Thank you! That's really sweet of you!" Byleth smiled and she held Erdrick's hand and she said to him "not only that but..." Erdrick had a surprised look on his face and he said to Byleth "but what?" Byleth put her hand on Erdrick's shoulder and she said to him "I love you" Erdrick smiled at Byleth and she said to her, "I love you to" Erdrick put his hand on Byleth's cheek, then Byleth leaned in and she kissed Erdrick. He opened his eyes and he blushed, then he closed his eyes. Byleth stopped and she said to Erdrick "sorry! I just got a little bit carried away..." Erdrick smiled and he said to her "it's okay! Don't say sorry!" Byleth had a big smile on her face and she put her head on Erdrick's lap and she fell asleep. Erdrick blushed and he looked at Byleth, he smiled and he carried Byleth to her bed, he tucked her in and covered her with a blanket. He smiled at her and he stroked Byleth's hair and he said to himself "if anything breaks us apart, I will find you and we will have a happy life." Then he kissed Byleth on the forehead and he walked to his bed and he fell asleep.

Heyyy!!!! Chapter 19 is out! I hope you all like this one! Tmorrow I go back to school as a freshman! Yay! But I may not publish chapters that often, I'm not deleting the story! I'm gonna be busy, sorry! I will try to publish more chapters if I'm not busy! On chapter 20, I will be talking about things! So see ya!

Bittersweet Love, Female Byleth x ErdrickWhere stories live. Discover now