Enchanted ball

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Hello! Before we start I'm so sorry that this took so long! I've been busy with school and some personal things happened in my life so I hope you enjoy this chapter!

It was time for December, the time for winter and the time for get togethers. Zelda got a invitation to a enchanted ball, her face lit up with excitement and she said to herself "OMG!!!!!! An invitation to a ball?! I SHOULD TELL BYLETH IF SHES COMING!!!" She ran to Byleth's dorm and she knocked the door really fast, Byleth opened the door and she said to Zelda "Hi Zelda! What's su-" Zelda pulled Byleth's rist as she ran to her dorm and she closed the door as she screamed of excitement and she said to Byleth "BYLETH!!!!!! ARE YOU GOING TO THE ENHANCED BALL?!" Byleth had a confused look on her face, she didn't knew anything about the enhanced ball, she looked left to right and she said to Zelda "um I really don't know, and I haven't got a invitation for it." Zelda was kind of shocked that Byleth hasn't gotten a invitation for the ball, she crossed her arms and she said to Byleth "Aw come on Byleth!!! Have you checked the mail at least?" Byleth put her hand on her chin, she was thinking if she checked the mail, she remembered something and she said to Zelda "I think I did got a invitation! Wait here" Zelda squealed as she jumped up and down, Byleth left Zelda's dorm as walked outside of the smash mansion. She opened the mail box and she looked through the things that she got, she found a letter that was in the mail box, she opened it and she read it and it said "You are truly invited to the enchanted ball of smash bros, truly for only smash royalty. We hope that you will join us this evening." Byleth smiled at the letter that she got invited to the ball, she ran back inside the smash mansion, she ran back Zelda's room, as Byleth walked back inside. Zelda had a big smile on her face and she said to her "so? DID YOU GOT THE INVITE OR NOT?" Byleth showed Zelda the invitation that she's coming to ball, Zelda screamed, she jumped up and down and she said to Byleth "Yay!!!! So you are coming!!! EEEE IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!" Byleth smiled at her and she said to Zelda "yeah! But what time does it start though?" Zelda checked the time on her phone and she said to her "6:30, that's the time the enhanced ball starts. In the night time if your wondering because we don't wanna go in the morning haha!" Byleth luaghed a little and she said to her "yeah hehe anyway I have to go, I will talk to you later!" Zelda waved her goodbye and she said to her "alright! See ya! And I will get ready for the ball!" Byleth waved at her as she left Zelda's dorm. While Byleth was heading back to her dorm Erdrick was in his dorm before Byleth came back, Erdrick was reading a book he remembered that he also got the invitation for the ball. He picked it up and he looked at it for a few seconds, he sighed, and he said to himself "I wonder if Byleth is gonna come to the ball... gah snap it out Erdrick. You don't know if she is gonna come or not, let's just hope for the best!" Byleth opened the door as she saw Erdrick and she said to him "Hi Erdrick!" Erdrick smiled as he put the letter away and he said to Byleth "H-hi Byleth! How are you doing?" Byleth walked over to him as she sat right next to him and she said to him "I'm doing good thanks for asking but um... have you got the invite for the enhanced ball tonight? I think the invite said for Royalty right?" Erdrick nodded his head and he said to her "yeah your correct, and about me going... um..." Byleth had a worried look on her face thinking that Erdrick won't go to the ball, and she said to him "so... your not coming then?" Erdrick showed her the invite as he smiled and he said to her "I'm going silly! Why I wouldn't go!" Byleth smiled and she hugged him, Erdrick blushed as he smiled and he wrapped his arms around her and he hugged her back. Byleth smiled and she said to him "I'm so glad that your coming!" Byleth stopped hugging him, she blushed and she said to him "sorry! I just got a little bit too excited hehe!" Erdrick luaghed a little as he looked at her and he said to her "it's okay! I don't mind!" They both chuckled, Erdrick checked the invitation again to see what time it's starts. He looked at Byleth and he said to her "Byleth, what time does the ball start? It says it doesn't have a time for it" Byleth looked at Erdrick's invite again and she said to him "it says right here! It starts at 6:30! So we have time to get ready" Erdrick smiled and he said to her "alright! That's perfect! So we can have more time to get ready!" Byleth smiled at him as she held her hands together and she said to him "yeah! Hehe!" Then Byleth and Erdrick talked for the past hour. Few hours passed by it was 5:30 Zelda was getting ready with Byleth, Zelda wore her hair up in a ponytail and she said to Byleth "you think that Lucina is gonna come Byleth?" Byleth smiled and she said to her "yeah! She texted me that she got invite that she's going! Why?" Zelda smiled shyly and she said to her "oh just wondering haha..." Byleth felt worried for Zelda, she looked at her and she said to her "you okay Zelda? You been kind of worried for Lucina lately, do you have feelings for her?" Zelda had a suprised look on her face and she said to her "NO I DON'T! I mean, well I wanna stay friends with her..." Byleth put her hand on Zelda's shoulder and she said to her "hey, it's okay if you like Lucina more than just friends. And I'm sure she will respect you of who you are, and I will respect you too! Whatever sexuality you are. I will respect you!" Zelda smiled at Byleth and she said to her "Aw thanks Byleth! I'm just gonna think of it more later on hehe! But you look SO PRETTY IN THAT GOWN!!!!!" Byleth had her hair up in a bun, she had a light pink dress with white leggings and blue shoes. Byleth smiled at Zelda and she said to her "Thanks! You look good too!" When they were finish they left Zelda's room and they saw Lucina, Lucina waved at Byleth and Zelda. Lucina saw them and she said to them "heyyy!!! You both look great! This isn't my first time going since I used to go to these kind of parties or whatever" Zelda crossed her arms and she said to Lucina "it's not a party Lucina! It's a ball! A great one!" Lucina laughed at her and she said to Zelda "I'm joking! And you look very pretty Byleth" Byleth smiled at Lucina and she said to her "thanks! You look nice too!" Zelda had to go to the bathroom and she said to Byleth and Lucina "I have to go to the bathroom girls, wait for me here! I will be back in a few minutes!" And Zelda walked to the bathroom. Then Lucina looked at Byleth and she had a smug grin on her face and she said to her "soooooo is Erdrick gonna come! What did he say?" Byleth blushed a little and she said to Lucina "he said he's coming, but I don't know why he's taking so long though" Lucina scoffed and she said to her "boys am I right? Well I'm gonna wait and sit down on the couch until Zelda is done doing her business" Byleth nodded her head and she said to her "okay" Lucina walked over to the couch and she sat down. Erdrick was done getting ready, he had a suit on and he had a little bow tie to go along with it. He opened the door as he saw Byleth and he said to her "alright are you ready to go By-" Byleth looked at Erdrick as she saw him, she ran up to him and she said to him "ah Erdrick! You're ready! You look good by the way! You ready to go?" Erdrick blushed as he saw Byleth in her dress, he tried his best not to get all flustered around Byleth. Byleth smiled softly at Erdrick and she said to him "but how do I look? Is the dress alright?" Erdrick blushed at Byleth, he took a deep breath, he smiled and he said to her "you look really gorgeous in that dress Byleth. It really suits you!" Byleth blushed when Erdrick said that to her, she smiled softly and she said to him "o-oh! T-thank you Erdrick! Your too kind!" They both smiled at each other, Erdrick rembered something that he bought something for Byleth. He had a surprised look on his face and he said to Byleth "wait here! I'm gonna be right back" Byleth nodded and she said to him "oh ok!" Byleth wondered what Erdrick is gonna give her, once Zelda was done doing her business in the bathroom she yelled out to Byleth and Lucina "okay girls! Let's go! We don't wanna be late!" Lucina got out of the couch and she said to Zelda "finally! You took forever in there! Byleth if you want we will wait for you if you need to get anything ok?" Byleth nodded and she said to her "okay I just need to wait for Erdrick he hasn't got ready yet so... I'm gonna wait for him but don't leave me yet!" Lucina nodded her head, she gave Byleth a thumbs up and she said to her "alright we will wait for you" then Lucina and Zelda went outside of the smash mansion, Once Erdrick came back, he walked up to Byleth and he said to her "okay.. here I actually wanted you to have this" Erdrick gave Byleth a necklace, it was a golden one that wasn't very cheap that he bought at the mall. Byleth blushed a little, she smiled at it and she said to Erdrick "Aw Erdrick! You didn't have to!" Erdrick smiled at Byleth and he said to her "yeah but do you wanna wear it?" Byleth smiled and she said to him "yes!" Erdrick nodded his head and he said to her "okay let me just put it on" Byleth lifted her hair that Erdrick could put the necklace on her, Erdrick put the necklace around Byleth's neck and once he was done putting it on her. He gave a bright smile and he said to her "you look really gorgeous Byleth" Byleth blushed a little and she said to him "Aw thanks! Shall we get going?" Erdrick nodded his head and he said to her "sure! Let's go!" Byleth hold Erdrick's hand and they walked outside. It was dark and cold since it was fall and it was almost winter. Lucina saw Byleth and Erdrick walking towards them, she tapped Zelda's shoulder and she said to her "Zelda look! It's Byleth and Erdrick! They look really good in those outfits!" Zelda looked at Byleth and Erdrick, she can feel her excitement to the point that she wants to fangirl already, she got excited and she said to Lucina "okay!!!!! LETS GO SAY HI TO THEM!!!" Zelda pulled Lucina's rist and they went to see Byleth and Erdrick. Byleth saw Zelda and Lucina walking towards them, Erdrick waved at them and Lucina and Zelda saw them and Lucina said to them "hey guys! You both look great by the way!" Byleth smiled at them and she said to Lucina "thanks! You look nice too!" Zelda had a big smile on her face and she said to Erdrick "you look nice Erdrick!" Erdrick smiled at Zelda and he said to her "thanks! You look very nice too!" Zelda still had a smug grin on her face and she said to him "wait... did you got that necklace for Byleth Erdrick?" Lucina face palmed and she said to herself "I think he did? I wasn't paying attention" Erdrick nodded his head and he said to her "yeah I did why?" Zelda squealed a little and she said to him "THATS SO SWEET! ITS JUST... okay let's go because I don't wanna embarrass myself in public ehehe" Lucina nodded and she said to Byleth "yea what she said" they all chucked, Byleth noticed that the enhanced ball wasn't too far and she said to Lucina "hey Lucina? The enhanced ball isn't so far, we could walk there right guys?" They all nodded and Erdrick said to her "yeah! We could all walk there! Besides it's great exercise!" Lucina nodded and she said to her "yeah! Let's walk over there! It won't be too long anyway!" And they all walked to the enhanced ball. Once they got to the enhanced ball they're was a line to get inside, it was filled of people from the smash roster that are royalty and perfect. After they got out of the line the enhanced ball was really big almost like the Prom but even better, Zelda had a big smile on her face but it faded and she said to Byleth "wait... this doesn't look like how I imagined it!" Lucina shrugged because she didn't really mind it at all and she said to Zelda "well it's different since this is our first time here, and I've been to parties and events like this so I'm kind of used to it! And hey there's a punch bowl! Now I'm gonna get some punch! So I will be over there, vibin!" Zelda really didn't mind how the enhanced ball looked, she smiled and she walked over to Lucina to drink some punch with her, Erdrick had his hands in his pockets since he doesn't know what to do or to entertain himself. Byleth however, she tapped his shoulder and she said to him "you wanna do something for the past hour?" Erdrick smiled at Byleth and he said to her "sure! I could tell you the team battle with Min Min and Terry once!" Byleth had a big smile on her face and she said to Erdrick "yeah! Tell me about it!" Then Byleth and Erdrick walked over to a table and they sat down on a chair and talked for the past few hours to entertain theirselfs. Back outside, Tiffany and her group of friends, Kimberly and Vanessa tried getting into the ball but they couldn't because they aren't in the smash roster. Tiffany groaned and she said to Kimberly and Vanessa "UGH!!!!! WHY CAN'T WE GET IN! UGH THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!" Vanessa shrugged and she said to Tiffany "well, the only thing you wanted to come here that is ruining Byleth's night. Can't we do something better for tonight Tiffany instead ruining Byleth's night. You know what happened last time at prom?" Kimberly remembered what happened at prom and she said to Vanessa "I know what happened! Erdrick came up and portected her! It was so sweet don't you think Tiffany?" Tiffany was in rage literally about to destroy a tree and she said to Kimberly "NO! It is not sweet, BYLETH CAN'T EVEN STAND UP FOR HERSELF BECAUSE SHE HAS HER BOYFRIEND WITH HER! We need to tell her that she needs to stop being annoying and a crybaby! Come on! I have plan to ruin Byleth's night or maybe both hehe!" Vanessa sighed and she said to Tiffany "okay whatever and don't tell us that this stupid plan didn't worked because I support their relationship!" Kimberly smiled at Vanessa and she said to her "I agree! They are soooooo cute together!!! No wonder they are prom queen and king this year!" Tiffany yelled and she said to them "SHUT UP! STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM! JEEZ! LETS JUST- GET ON WITH THE PLAN FOT CRYING OUT LOUD OKAY!? MY GOD!" Kimberly sighed and she said to Tiffany "fine... whatever let's get with this stupid plan" and they walked away trying to find a way to get inside the enhanced ball. Back with Lucina and the others, she was getting some Punch from the punch bowl, she drank some and she sat down on a table and she said to Zelda "tonight is going well! Right Zelda? Uh Zelda?" Zelda was spaced out, she knew that Lucina was talking to her and she said to Lucina "oh yeah! Tonight is going well indeed! Hehehe!" Lucina kind of felt worried for Zelda she drank her punch and she said to her "you ok Zel? You been acting strange lately, is there anything on your mind that has been keeping you up?" Zelda smiled as she drank her punch and she said to Lucina "no no no! Everything's been alright with me!" Lucina smiled at Zelda and she said to her "well alright then, if there's anything bothering you. You can tell me!" Zelda smiled and she said to her "okay" Byleth was walking around the ball, she saw some familiar faces like Peach and Rosalina. Then, couples sway the dance floor, everyone was slow dancing. Byleth drank a cup of Punch, she was thinking that Erdrick wouldn't dance with her, but Erdrick found Byleth. He walked up to her and he held his hand out to her and he said to her "would you like to take this dance Byleth?" Erdrick blushed a little as he smiled, Byleth smiled shyly as she blushed and she said to him "Sure! I would love that!" Byleth held Erdrick's hand and they danced. Erdrick was a pretty good dancer and so was Byleth. They swayed and they spinned as they danced, everyone in the ball saw them dancing beautifully. Everyone stepped back and Byleth and Erdrick were the only ones dancing on the dance floor, they smiled at each other as they danced. Once they did their final pose for the dance they finished their dance, everyone clapped for them, Zelda shouted loudly and she said to them "YAY!!!!! THATS THE COUPLE!!!! WOOOO!!!!! YEAH!!!!!" Byleth and Erdrick looked at the crowd, and Byleth looked at Erdrick and they look in to each other's eyes. They blushed as they held hands and they looked at the crowd and they bowed for them then the enhanced ball was back to normal after they stopped dancing. Along with Tiffany and her friends, Tiffany already had the plan and she said to her friends "alright girls, are you ready to hear the pla-" Tiffany was interrupted by Kimberly's squealing and she said to Tiffany "EEEEEEE!!!!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!! And they danced so good! Right Vanessa?" Vanessa nodded her head and she said to Kimberly "yeah I agree! They danced so good! I'm glad we had a great view! But I wished we were inside the enhanced ball though! Well it's alright though! What do you think Tiffany? About Byleth and Erdri-" Tiffany raged again and she yelled at Vanessa "SHUT UP VANESSA! I don't want to HEAR about them! YOU DIDNT LET ME TALK ABOUT THE PLAN!!!!" Vanessa sighed and she said to her "ugh fine, let's get this stupid plan over with" Tiffany had a smug grin on her face thinking it's gonna go well but it may not go well for long. Back at the enhanced ball, Byleth and Erdrick walked outside of the ball. It looked like a garden from a backyard, they walked to the garden while Erdrick said to Byleth "that was fun! I can't believe that we were the only ones dancing out there" Byleth smiled at him and she said to Erdrick "yeah! It was really fun and yes I can't believe that we were the only ones that were dancing hehe!" Erdrick had to go to the restroom, he sighed and he said to her "I have to go to the restroom Byleth. You can walk to the garden without me but I'll catch up with you!" Byleth smiled at him and she said to him "alright! And don't worry take your time!" Erdrick smiled at Byleth and he said to her "thanks!" Then Erdrick ran back to the enhanced ball to use the restroom. Byleth walked to the garden, she gasped as she smiled then she said to herself "the garden is enhanced!!! So cool!!!" Byleth wondered around the enhanced garden, she sat down on a bench as she saw a pond and she looked into it. Tiffany, Vanessa and Kimberly were behind a tree then Tiffany whispered to them "Alright let's do this!" Vanessa and Kimberly sighed, they didn't really want to make fun of bully Byleth again but they had no choice but to do it anyway. Tiffany, Vanessa and Kimberly walked to the enhanced garden where Byleth was then Tiffany shouted at Byleth "hey!" Byleth looked around seeing who called her name, then she found Tiffany and her friends. She gasped and she said to her "Tiffany!? W-what are you doing here?! And Vanessa and Kimberly you to as well? What's going on?" Tiffany snorted then she started to luagh and she said to Byleth "I just can't believe that YOU are invited to the enhanced ball! Your aren't even royalty you loser!" Tiffany luaghed while Vanessa and Kimberly didn't say anything, Byleth felt bad for herself but she remembered that Erdrick said that she's gonna stand up for herself, then Byleth said to Tiffany "well I got invited and I am royalty! I may be a little bit different from anyone else from the smash roster but I am still me!" Tiffany sighed and she whispered to Vanessa "why are you not saying something! Say something!" Vanessa sighed and she said to Byleth "um... well. I do consider you royalty since you drink tea and stuff but uhhh yeah" Vanessa didn't want to make fun of Byleth and she whispered to Tiffany "I'm gonna go, this is boring Tiffany. I don't need your help with this stupid plan, let's go Kimberly." Kimberly nodded and Vanessa and Kimberly walked away. Tiffany got upset that her friends left but she wasn't gonna give up. With Erdrick, he was already out of the restroom looking for Byleth outside. Untill he heard someone talking it was actually Tiffany being mean to Byleth once again, Erdrick looked at the conversation that they're having. He felt very upset and he had to do something, he ran up to Byleth and he stand right in front of her and he said to Tiffany "You leave Byleth alone!" Byleth gasped a little, she didn't knew that Erdrick would come and protect her, then Byleth smiled softly that she realized that Erdrick is standing up for her. Tiffany was suprised and confused and she said to Erdrick "what are YOU! Doing here! Oh let me guess, pft! You came here just to protect your little girlfriend that she doesn't even PORTECT HERSELF! I can't believe you're dating Byleth Erdrick!" Erdrick felt upset that he wanted to leave already but he couldn't, he sighed to calm himself down and he said to her "Byleth can portect herself! And don't say that to her, she didn't do anything to you! And I'm glad that I'm dating Byleth to tell you the truth!" Then Tiffany felt upset and she said to Byleth "But your not gonna be royalty! Oh wait! Byleth isn't even royalty though! How stupid of her because she danced with you and she claims herself to be royalty like a princess! Hahaha!" Byleth felt even more bad for herself, then Erdrick was about to say something then Byleth got the courage to yell at Tiffany and she said to her "STOP MAKING FUN OF ME TIFFANY! WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU?! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!" Erdrick was suprised that Byleth said something to Tiffany. Then Tiffany got even more upset then she walked up to Byleth and she moved Erdrick out of the way, he knew what's up and he said to Tiffany "what are you gonna do to Byleth you loser! I won't let you get away with this!!!" Tiffany pushed Erdrick down to the floor, Byleth gasped worriedly and she said to him "Erdrick!" Tiffany sighed and she said to her "I don't care how you feel, I'm gonna make fun of you whenever I want to! And nobody loves you! Not your friends or your family, NOT EVEN YOUR STUPID BOYFRIEND LOVES YOU BYLETH!!!! ERDRICK WOULD NEVER and I mean NEVER LOVE YOU!" Tiffany slapped Byleth on the cheek and she pushed her down onto the floor, Byleth couldn't take it anymore she felt like she wanted to cry but she didn't want to. She felt very weak, then Erdrick got really upset and he stand right back up and he stand right in front of Byleth to portect her and he yelled at Tiffany and he said "LOOK I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE BEING MEAN TO MY GIRLFRIEND BUT SHE SAID EVERYTHING OF WHAT SHE SAID! IM TRYING TO SUPPORT HER BUT YOU KEEP COMING ALONG AND BEING MEAN TO BYLETH! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU ACTUALLY PUSHED AND SLAPPED BYLETH! YOU'RE SUCH A DISGRACE TIFFANY!!!!" Tiffany felt even more upset then she yelled at Erdrick "well I DON'T CARE! I CAN MAKE FUN OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID GIRLFRIEND! Shes useless, annoying, stupid and a big crybaby! I still can't believe that YOU are dating her Erdrick!" Erdrick looked at Byleth and he looked at Tiffany and he said to her "well.. to tell you the truth Tiffany.. I'm glad that I'm dating Byleth, she's one of the best people I've ever met in my entire life, she's strong, nice, pretty, beautiful, kind and very cute. I wouldn't miss the world for her and I would do anything to make her happy again and I will always take care of her when she's hurt. So try going through me first if your gonna make fun of Byleth again or I should say. You shouldn't make fun or bully Byleth anymore Tiffany!" Byleth blushed as she smiled, she heart warmed up when Erdrick said those things to her. Then Tiffany felt upset, she didn't had anything else to say and she looked at Byleth with a mean look on her face and she said to her "you are never gonna be loved Byleth and as for you Erdrick. I can't believe that you are really dating that crybaby loser." Then she walked away. Erdrick looked at Byleth and he said to her "are you okay Byleth!?" Erdrick gasped as he saw Byleth all torn up and she said to him "yeah I'm okay ow! My knee!" Byleth had a scrape on her knee and it was bleeding. He carried her and he looked around the garden as he found a bench and he said to her "there's a bench right over there, I can patch you up there." Erdrick walked over to the bench as he put Byleth down on it, Erdrick looked at Byleth and he said to her "I will get the first aid kit, stay here I'll be back I promise." Then Erdrick went back to the enhanced ball to get the first aid kit, few minutes passed by and he came back with the first aid kit. He sat back down as he opened the first aid kit, he got a pack of wet wipes and he said to Byleth "I'm gonna start with the knee first. It's gonna hurt a little bit okay?" Byleth nodded and she said to him "okay" then he put the wet wipe on Byleth's knee as he wiped of the blood off of it, Byleth looked at Erdrick while he was taking care of her. She couldn't believe that Erdrick stand up for her then Erdrick was done with Byleth's knee and he said to her "now I'm gonna get the band aid and put it on your knee then it will be all better again!" Byleth smiled and she said to him "alright!" Erdrick put the band aid on Byleth's knee and it was all better again then he said to her "alright it's done! Are you feeling better now Byleth? I tried my best to take care of you" Byleth smiled at Erdrick and she said to him "I'm better now thanks..." Erdrick knew that Byleth wasn't feeling right, he had a worried look on his face and he said to her "you okay Byleth? You don't seem like yourself" Byleth had tears in her eyes and she cried. Byleth cried of what happened as she rested on his lap crying, Erdrick blushed as he smiled and he stroked Byleth's hair as he said to her "shh shh shh... it's okay I'm here Byleth..." Byleth cried as she said to him "I felt so scared Erdrick! I felt like I wanted to leave...! but why did you have to come and protect me? I'm so useless and I don't deserve to be saved or portected...!" Erdrick put his hands on Byleth's shoulders as Byleth looked at him. Erdrick had a worried look on his face and he said to her "you're not useless Byleth! And you deserve to be portected! The reason I portected you because didn't want you to get hurt or get builled! So I portected you from Tiffany! Please don't ever say that your useless!" Erdrick wiped Byleth's tears off from her face as she sniffed, she sighed and she said to him "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that.. I won't say that about myself anymore.." Byleth held Erdrick's hands as she said to him "but... thank you for portecting me, it was really sweet of you. I felt so alone that I couldn't do anything but you came and..." Byleth sighed as she took a deep breath and she said to Erdrick "you portected me... so... thank you Erdrick" Erdrick smiled as he hugged her and he said to her "of course and I know you that you can already portect yourself but... I just wanna portect you so you wouldn't get hurt..." Byleth stopped hugging as she looked at Erdrick, he had a worried look on his face and he said to her "but it's okay! And I know you that yelled at Tiffany and you standed up for yourself! I'm so proud of you Byleth!" Erdrick smiled at her softly, Byleth blushed softly as she said to him "I um... thanks! I try to yell at her sometimes and I guess I did!" They both luaghed and Erdrick looked at Byleth and he said to her "yeah but do you wanna know spell that I've been working on?" Byleth had a big grin on her face and she said to Erdrick "yeah!" Erdrick chuckled and he said to her "alright but close your eyes first and don't peek!" Byleth smiled as she nodded her head and she closed her eyes and she said to him "alright!" Erdrick rembered the spell and it was a light spell, after he made it balls of light has appeared and Erdrick smiled as he said to her "okay you can open your eyes now Byleth!" Byleth opened her eyes as she gasped, she looked around and she said to him "it's so... beautiful! How did you do that?" Erdrick chuckled as he smiled and he said to her "I practiced!" Byleth smiled at him and she said to him "well it's very pretty I love it... thank you Erdrick!" Erdrick smiled at her and he said to her "of course Byleth!" He realized that Byleth's hair is down and not in a bun anymore, he blushed softly as he said to her "but do you want me to put your hair back up into a bun though? Or do you wanna leave it down?" Byleth blushed shyly and she said to him "I can leave it down for now but maybe later I can put my hair back into a bun... why?" Erdrick blushed, he could feel his cheeks burning. He sighed as he said to her "well I think you look very beautiful with your hair down or up in a different hairstyle Byleth... it's very cute..!" Erdrick hide his face from embarrassment, Byleth gasped as she blushed, she smiled softly as she said to him "that's really kind of you Erdrick! Thank you..!" Erdrick put his hands down as he held Byleth's hands and he said to her "of course Byleth!" They looked at each other for a few minutes, Byleth put her hand on Erdrick's cheek and she said to him "thank you Erdrick... for everything" Erdrick smiled as he looked at Byleth and he said to her "of course Byleth and thank you for tonight as well, shall we keep this night going? My love?" Byleth smiled as she blushed a little and she said to him "of course, my hero" then they leaned in as they kissed. They closed their eyes as they kissed, it was quite outside as they could hear the crickets. They stopped and they blushed. Then Erdrick said to Byleth "that was... nice" then they both smiled as they luaghed, Byleth stand up and she said to him "do you wanna head back to the enhanced ball? I think everyone else is waiting for us!" Erdrick stand up and he said to her "sure! Let's head back" then Erdrick put Byleth's hair back into a bun, Byleth blushed as Erdrick was fixing her hair. After he was done fixing her hair and he said to her "there, now you look very beautiful and cute just like... a Princess" Byleth smiled softly as she said to him "Aw thanks Erdrick hehe!" Erdrick chuckled as he held Byleth's hand and they walked back inside the enhanced ball. They were heading back inside and Byleth stopped walking and she said to Erdrick "Erdrick! Wait!" Erdrick looked at her and he said to her "yeah? You okay Byleth?" Byleth blushed as she smiled nervously and she said to him "Tonight was really fun!" Erdrick smiled at Byleth and he said to her "yeah it was!" They both chuckled and Byleth blushed a little and she said to Erdrick" and I wanted to say... thank you for dancing with me tonight! It was really sweet of you and I didn't knew that many people saw us dancing which it was really nice... So... thank you for being with me tonight and portecting me and taking care of me Erdrick!" Erdrick blushed softly as he put his hand behind his neck and he said to her "of course Byleth and tonight was fun! I also couldn't believe that we were the only ones dancing! It was really magical and when I portected you from Tiffany you felt alone but I was there for you... and when you said those lights I put on were Beautiful it really warms my heart and..." he walked up to her as he sighed and he said to her "I love you" and Erdrick kissed Byleth on the cheek. Byleth blushed as she said in her mind "Erdrick?" Erdrick stopped and he said to her "jeez I-I'm sorry! I just wanted to give you a peck so... that's all I wanted to give you Byleth" Byleth smiled at Erdrick as she said to him "It's okay! And that felt nice Erdrick! And..." Byleth blushed as she kissed Erdrick on the cheek, Erdrick blushed, he could feel his cheeks burning a little. Byleth stopped as she smiled a little and she said to him "I love you too" Byleth blushed a little and she said to him "gah I'm sorry... i didn't mean to do that.. I guess I kind of got carried away hehe!" Erdrick chuckled as he smiled and he said to her "it's okay! Let's head back inside" then they walked inside the enhanced ball. Zelda was drinking some punch and she felt sick and she said to Lucina "Lucinaaaaaaaa.... I don't feel so good..." Lucina had a worried look on her face and she said to her "are you feeling okay Zelda? Did you eat too much?" Zelda was about to throw up and she said to Lucina "I-I don't knowwwww.... I feel sick...." Lucina took Zelda to the bathroom and Zelda went inside and she threw up of all she ate. Byleth found Lucina and she said to her "hey Lucina! Where's Zelda?" Lucina had a worried look on her face and she said to Byleth "she's throwing up, she probably ate too much food. I feel worried for her... but I will take care of her" Byleth had a worried look on her face as well and she said to her "oh my! I hope that she's okay!" Zelda came out of the bathroom and she said to Lucina "can we go homeeeee now Lucinaaaaaa???" Lucina nodded her head and she to her "yeah we are about to leave" Zelda felt like she's about to faint and she couldn't even walk, Lucina carried Zelda and she sighed and she said to Byleth "so shall we get going? It's kind of getting late" Byleth nodded and she said to Lucina "yeah let's go let me get Erdrick and tell him that we are gonna leave" Erdrick was drinking some apple juice while Byleth walked up to him and she said to him "Erdrick! There you are! Lucina said it's time to go, since the ball has already ended soooo" Erdrick nodded and he said to her "okay! Let's go back home!" And Lucina, Byleth, Erdrick and Zelda walked back to the smash mansion. Once they got back home, Lucina was in her dorm and she about to go to bed and she carried Zelda to her bed as she smiled at her. Lucina had a bucket in case Zelda throws up again and a cup of water. Lucina went to her bed and she fell asleep. With Byleth and Erdrick, they were also getting ready for bed but they were watching a movie together in the living room. After the movie ended Byleth said to Erdrick "that movie was great! It was so much fun!!!" Erdrick smiled at Byleth and he said to her "yeah! It was really funny too!" They both chuckled and they realized it was already 11:50 almost midnight. Byleth felt sleepy, she rubbed her eyes as she yawned and she said to Erdrick "I guess that we should.. head to bed?" Erdrick nodded his head and he said to her "yeah it's getting late too so let's head to bed" Erdrick got off from the couch as he stretched and he walked to his dorm, Byleth catched up to him and she went to her dorm as well. They got ready for bed as they brushed their teeth, Byleth got out from the bathroom from brushing her teeth as she yawned, she walked to her bed as she covered herself with a blanket, Erdrick also got in his bed and covered himself with a blanket and he said to her "goodnight Byleth sweet dreams!" Byleth smiled at him and she said to Erdrick "goodnight Erdrick and sweet dreams to you to!" And Erdrick fell asleep. But Byleth wasn't sleep, she didn't want to sleep all by herself and feeling alone. She tossed and turned while she was trying to get some sleep but she couldn't sleep, she got off from her bed as she walked to Erdrick and she tapped his shoulder as she whispered to him "Erdrick... Erdrick!" Erdrick woke up as he saw Byleth. He rubbed his eyes and he said to her "yeah? You need something Byleth?" Byleth felt kind of nervous of what she's gonna say, she sighed and she said to Erdrick "um... if it's alright with you but it's it okay if I can... sleep with you tonight? I can't sleep" Erdrick scooted over to the left side of his bed as he smiled and he said to her "Sure! Make yourself comfortable Byleth!" Byleth smiled softly as she got into Erdrick's bed and she covered herself with a blanket. Erdrick smiled softly at Byleth and he said to her "you didn't want to be alone Byleth? If that's what I'm hearing" Byleth gasped a little as she sighed and she said to him "yes... it's just that... I don't wanna be alone sometimes so I just thought being with someone makes me feel better" Erdrick smiled at Byleth as he said to her "I can understand that! I know that you don't wanna be alone and after of what happened with Tiffany in all so that's why you wanted to sleep with me?" Byleth nodded and she said to him "yes.. and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable by talking about this. I can leave if you want me too" Erdrick held Byleth's hand and he said to her "no please! Stay you don't have to go you can stay here if you want" Byleth smiled softly as she said to him "alright I'll stay" Byleth blushed by holding Erdrick's hand, she could feel his warmth on her hand. Byleth smiled at Erdrick and she said to him "thank you" Erdrick had a curious look on his face and he said to her "what do you mean?" Byleth chuckled as she said to him "I mean like... for portecting and standing up for me from Tiffany I felt so alone that I wanted to cry but you were with me and I felt stronger than before so... thank you for everything Erdrick" Erdrick smiled as he put his hand on Byleth's cheek. Byleth blushed as Erdrick said to her "of course Byleth, I would always portect you, even you can already portect yourself, I just want the best for you!" Byleth smiled at Erdrick and she said to him "really? You want the best for me Erdrick?" Erdrick chuckled as he smiled and he said to her "of course! Why wouldn't I!" They both luaghed. Byleth smiled at Erdrick and she said to him "I love you Erdrick" Erdrick smiled at Byleth and he said to her "I love you too Byleth" Erdrick leaned in as he kissed Byleth, Byleth opened her eyes as she blushed then she closed her eyes and she kissed him back. They stopped as they blushed and Byleth said to Erdrick "that felt... nice" Erdrick blushed at her and he said to Byleth "yeah" they chuckled, Byleth scooted over to Erdrick a little bit closer, she wrapped his arms around him as she smiled. Erdrick blushed but he smiled at her as he wrapped his arms around her. Then Byleth whispered to him "it feels... so... warm..." Erdrick smiled as he chuckled and he said to her "yeah it does" Byleth looked at Erdrick as she said to him "Goodnight Erdrick... sweet dreams and I love you" Erdrick kissed Byleth on the forehead, Byleth blushed a little and Erdrick said to her "goodnight to you to Byleth sweet dreams to you as well and... I love you too" Byleth smiled as she closed her eyes and she fell asleep in Erdrick's arms, Erdrick closed his eyes as he fell asleep then it was quite as ever and Byleth and Erdrick fell asleep in peace.

Hello!!! It's December everyone! I'm so sorry for the inactivity, I've been so busy with school and finals week are coming for me BUT! A Christmas themed chapter is coming on Christmas Eve so your in for a little treat! Goodnight everyone see you all soon! And Chapter 25 is coming out very soon!

Bittersweet Love, Female Byleth x ErdrickWhere stories live. Discover now