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Hello! Before this chapter starts, I been through a lot of stuff lately so I'm sorry for not publishing any chapters lately but enjoy this chapter!

Byleth was in her room thinking what Zelda said to her, she never had an argument with Erdrick before. It was on her mind for the past few hours and she couldn't stand it, she said to herself "me and Erdrick never had an argument before! This is not gonna happen! Not today!" She open her door as she walked to Zelda's room, Byleth knocked on Zelda's door and Zelda opend it and she said to Byleth "Hiya Byleth! What's up?" Byleth had a worried look on her face and she said to Zelda "can I talk to you for a second?" Zelda had a smile on her face and she said to Byleth "yea sure!" Byleth walked in Zelda's room and she sat down on a chair and Zelda said to Byleth "okay what's up?" Byleth had a worried look on her face and she said to Zelda "well, I think you said about me and Erdrick arguing and I been thinking about it and I don't want to have an argument with him!" Zelda looked at her and she said "well I did say that! But your not gonna have an argument with him! If it's something personal or something I'm pretty sure things will heat up but it's gonna happen! Don't worry to much!" Byleth let out a worried sigh and she was about to leave and she said to Zelda "I won't worry to much about this and thanks see ya!" Then Byleth left. Erdrick was with Terry, Terry said to Erdrick "So! School is almost over my dude! I can't wait for the summer! What about you?" Erdrick was distracted by the question that Marth said, Terry tapped on Erdrick's shoulder and he said to Terry "WHAT!? Sorry! I didn't listen!" Terry chuckled and he said to Erdrick "what's up dude? You seem distracted! What's up?" Erdrick let out a worried sigh and he said to Terry "well, Marth told me a few days ago that like, what happened if me and Byleth started arguing? I really don't want THAT to happen!" Erdrick put his head down and sighed. Terry looked at Erdrick and he said "well, I don't know about that my dude! But I'm sure it's not gonna happen but if it's the topic you both are talking about then things will get pretty rough when you to start arguing." Erdrick got off from table and started to walk away and he said to Terry "I uh... thanks Terry, I gotta go now. See ya" then Erdrick started to leave to go start on Training. A few hours has passed by Byleth was in her dorm, waiting for Erdrick to come back. She was worried for him, she may think he got hurt or lost, she ran to Lucina's dorm, she knocked on her door. Lucina open her door and she said to Byleth "Sup Byleth! What's with the worried face?" Byleth was out of breath and she said to her "have you seen Erdrick? I been looking for him for hours!" Lucina looked at Byleth and she said to her "I think I seen him somewhere he talked to me about something but he went somewhere, don't know?" Byleth sighed and she said to Lucina "it's fine, I will look for him but thanks. See ya" Byleth came back to her dorm, she sat down on her bed waiting for Erdrick to come back. A few minutes later Erdrick came to his dorm where Byleth was, he said to her "Hiya Byleth! How's everythin-" Byleth looked at him, she was about to yell at him and she said "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?! I WAS SO WORRIED FOR YOU!!!!" Erdrick was confused and he yelled at her back and said "I WAS TRAINING!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK I WAS?!" Erdrick felt mad and upset that he yelled at Byleth. Then Byleth said to him "WHAT!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE OR LOST!? I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!!!" Then Zelda was walking to meet Lucina then she heard Byleth and Erdrick yelling, Zelda couldn't believe her eyes that they were yelling, Zelda couldn't say anything or it would make the whole situation even worse so she stayed quite. Then Erdrick said to Byleth "I LEFT FOR 2 HOURS FOR TRAINING!!!! YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONE!?! WHAT THE HEACK BYLETH!?!" Byleth couldn't believe that Erdrick was yelling at her, then she said to him "Well... I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU!!! And STILL YOU HAVEN'T SHOWED UP!!!" Then Erdrick walked up to Byleth and he slapped her. Zelda hearing the argument she gasped silently, then Erdrick gave Byleth a mean look on his face, then Erdrick left Byleth's dorm. Byleth had tears rolling down to her cheeks and she broke down and started crying, Zelda walked in and she said to Byleth "it was bad wasn't it....?" Byleth cried she didn't knew that Erdrick slapped her on the face, then Byleth said to Zelda "I-it was bad Zelda...! I'm a failure... for making him yell at me! He probably doesn't want to be with me anymore!" Byleth cried even more, then Zelda came up to Byleth and she hugged Byleth. Zelda was also about to cry because she shipped Byleth and Erdrick for the longest time. But Zelda held her tears in and she hugged Byleth and she said "it's okay, it was your first argument with him right?" Byleth sniffed and she said to Zelda "y-yes..." Zelda let go of Byleth and she said "I know it's hard but it's part of life, maybe he will come up to you and say sorry." Byleth looked at Zelda and Byleth was still upset then she said to Zelda "maybe... maybe not" Erdrick was walking to see Terry, then Lucina tapped Erdrick's shoulder and she said "You slapped Byleth didn't you!" Erdrick looked at Lucina and he said "HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW!?" Lucina sighed and she said to Erdrick "Zelda told me, calm down. It was your first argument wasn't it?" Erdrick sighed sadly and he said to Lucina "yes...." then Lucina looked at Erdrick. She knew that Erdrick didn't mean to slap Byleth, Lucina said to Erdrick "why did you slap Byleth anyway?! You said you were gonna care for her! Don't you remember?!" Erdrick kind of broke down and almost cried and he said to Lucina "well... I didn't mean to slap her! I just got so mad that I slapped her! I felt so bad for her now! She PROBABLY HATES ME!!!!!" Lucina looked at him and she said "you just got carried away, and she would not hate you! You just have to say sorry" Erdrick sighed and he said to Lucina "what if she doesn't want to be with me anymore and breaks up with me?" Lucina chuckled and she said to him "Look you are the perfect boyfriend for Byleth! And she wouldn't break up with you! Now go on and apologize to her." Erdrick smiled and he said to Lucina "oki i will see ya!" A few minutes later Byleth was in her dorm still upset, Zelda left Byleth's dorm to leave Byleth alone for a bit. Erdrick opened her door and he said to her "hi..." Byleth looked at Erdrick and she said "hello..." Erdrick walked to Byleth and he hugged her and he started crying and he said to her "IM SO SORRY BYLETH!!!!" Byleth was surprised by Erdrick's hug, then she hugged him back. Erdrick cried for a few minutes, then Erdrick let go of Byleth and he said to her "I didn't mean to slap you...! I got carried away since this was our first argument..." Byleth sighed and she said to him "it's okay Erdrick! And yea this was our first argument, I really didn't want to argue with you but it's okay. And I'm sorry that I yelled at you as well, I was worried for you!" Erdrick smiled and he wiped his tears away and he said to her "it's okay Byleth! And I knew you were worried for me. I guess I was a little bit upset," Byleth smiled at him and she said to Erdrick "so does this mean we are still Boyfriend and Girlfriend....?" Then Erdrick walked up to her and he put his hand on Byleth's cheek and he said to her "Of course" then he kissed her, Zelda was watching and she Fangirled quietly and she said to herself "OMG!!!!!! YES THEY DID IT!!!! MY SHIP IS BACK BABY!!!!!!!" Some of the fighters were looking at her, then Zelda ran away of embarrassment and kept fangirling. Then Byleth closed her eyes and she kissed him back. They stopped, and Byleth smiled at him and she said to Erdrick "I accept your apology Erdrick" Erdrick gave Byleth a bright smile and he hugged her and he said to Byleth "I love you!" Byleth blushed by Erdrick's sudden words, she smiled and she hugged him back and she said to him "I...I love you to Erdrick." Then the day was over and Byleth and Erdrick are back to being as a couple again.

HI!!!! I'm back!!!!! I love this ending tbh! The bonus chapters are coming soon! So see ya!

Bittersweet Love, Female Byleth x ErdrickWhere stories live. Discover now