Chapter 8: This little devil

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(Y/n) POV

I tried reaching out to turn off my alarm as it got louder but, my hand hit nothing but oxygen.(CHEMICAAAALLSS)
I swear,my alarm is going to turn me insane if it doesn't turn off, Right.Now.
Will I dare to peak out of my covers, and get eternally blinded by the light?
Ahhh, it keeps getting louder!! Fine I will do it, GEEEEZZZZZZ!!
I ripped the covers off my face, and tried to re-adjust the weird black spots in my eyes, to look at my nightstand only to find my annoying alarm clock at the very end of my nightstand, with a very angry Dust sitting on top of it, wait, wait, wait, by the looks of it, he purposely moved my alarm clock out of reach to make me internally suffer. Greeeaaaat! Yeah, no, I am not getting out of this bed, till the end of me, nope, not ever. I glued the covers back onto me.
Omagawd it keeps getting louder! I ripped my covers off me, flinching at the light, then trying to reach the alarm, without getting my bed. I scooched closer to the alarm barely reaching it.
Almost there...
Almost there...
Almost th-
I paused
I looked down, then back at Dust, it was the first time, but I'm pretty sure I saw a small, almost smile appear in his features. and then the world around me went upwards, as I went downwards

GOD ALMIGHTY (insert cuss word)!!!!

(Le time skips of time skips)

I sat down and ate some cereal at my table outside the kitchen (FrOsTed fLaKeS) Dust however didn't even bother to eat, so I was gonna ask him, but I forgot he is a complete A-hole, so he wouldn't talk to me, or what I like to call it, talking in a language through his
Eyes that I am foreign to. Don't ask, don't bother. I let out a huff, tomorrow I'm going back to work, and no I am NOT leaving this little devil home, or I'll come to see my house look like someone nuked it, and I will die in a freezer, I think not! Thank you very much! 'Ughhhh, I'll figure something out in the morning.' Your probably wondering if I slept well, but to be honest I vividly remember a weird dream, but for some reason, it doesn't really bother me, don't care, get a move on! (( y/n) should be my role model) I really don't know what to do with my new bitty, he's seems angry, but lost as well, And I really, really want to help him! I'll just have to figure something out. But NO I'm not forgiving him for being a jerk moving my alarm just out of reach, that's EVIIIIILLLLL!!

I do not forgive, but I still say sorry.
you only say sorry if you really regret it, *low chuckle* but I don't feel even the slightest touch of regret...

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you really liked it
Next chapter is going to be another explanation but chapter 9 will come out simmer or later hope fully sooner

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