Chapter 45

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Kally's P.O.V
Harry insisted on me going to the award show with him. I didn't know why, I didn't know many people. "How am I suppose to go? I don't have a dress." I say, as Harry puts his shirt on. "Don't worry babe. I got that covered." He says. He walks out of the bathroom, and goes over to the bed, bending down and sliding out a white box with blue string wrapped around it. He hands it to me, and I frown in confusion. I open the box, and pull out a long, wavy white dress. "Harry, how much did this cost?" I ask. As elegant and beautiful this dress was I knew it had to be expensive. "It doesn't matter.." He says. "Yes it does. It must've cost you a fortune, and just for me?" I ask. "Of course." He says. "Thank you. It's absolutely beautiful." I say in disbelief. "You're welcome. I'm glad you like it." He smiles. I go into the bathroom, and put on makeup, then put on the dress. I decide to put my hair into a high bun. I walk out of the bathroom. "Do I look okay?" I ask. Harry's back was turned to me, so he turns around and his mouth opens. "Wow." He whispers. "I know I'm ugly, but come on Harry you don't have to make it obvious." I say. "No it's not that! You look- Wow." He says. "That's it?" I giggle. "You look so good, absolutely stunning. I can't wait to pull that dress off of you." He smirks. "Harry!" I start to blush. "What? It's true. Maybe buying you this dress was a mistake because now I can't stop looking at you. I might just have to sneak you into the bathroom stall and-" He says, grabbing me by the waist."Harry!" I giggle. He smirks, and chuckles to himself, then leans in and kisses me. I pull away with a smile, and he smiles, too. "I got you something else." He smirks. "You didn't.." I say. "Oh, but I did." He says. I sigh, and he gives me another box. I open it, and I see a very, elegant necklace covered in diamonds, and matching earrings as well. "I can accept the dress, but I can't accept this." I say, giving him the box. "You deserve the best, Kitten." He says, pushing the box away. "Harry, this must've cost you over a million dollars. Don't you need money for important things?" I say. "You are important. And don't worry about the money, Kally. You deserve the whole world. I just want to make you feel like a princess." He says. "I understand, Harry. But I don't want diamonds, I want you." I say. "I understand, but I love to spoil you, okay? I'm sorry." He says. "It's okay. I guess I'll just have to get used to you spoiling me. I won't complain anymore, I promise." I say. "Thank you. Now turn around." He says. And I do. Harry moves my hair out of the way, and puts the necklace on me. "Thank you." I whisper. "Anything for you." He places a light kiss on my neck. I turn back around, and take the earrings. I go back into the bathroom, and put on the earrings. I looked like a million bucks, probably what Harry wanted me to look like. I walk back out, and Harry says, "Are you ready to go?" I nod. "Yeah." I say. I cuss under my breath, realizing that I don't have shoes. "I know you need shoes." He says. Harry grabs another box, and I smile is on his face. "Really though?" I ask. "Really though." He smirks. I sigh, and open the box, seeing a pair of white lace high heels with flowers as lace, and then a flower at the toes. "I hate you." I giggle, taking them out of the box, and putting them on. "You know you love your big daddy." He smirks. "Oh my gosh! Stop!" I lightly smack his chest. "It's true." He chuckles. "Can we just go, please?" I say. "Yes we can." He giggles. And we do.
Harry's P.O.V
I'm walking down the red carpet, holding hands with Kally as our fingers intertwine with each others. I take pictures with fans, and I'm about to walk away when someone pinches me. "Ow!" I yelp. "Are you okay?" Kally asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." I cringe. She grabs my hand, and walks me away from the fans. I hear pulling yelling whore, and I look over at Kally. She tries her best to act like she doesn't hear them, but I know she does. "Just ignore them, babe." I whisper. She doesn't say anything. "Harry doesn't love you!" One shouts. "Harry hates you! The whole world hates you!" Another one screams. We walk into the building, and Kally sighs. "I'm-" She cuts me off. "It's fine." She says, shaking her head. We find our seats, and we sit with the boys.
We were two hours into the award show, and had already won an award. I was so proud of us. I felt like we were on top of the world.
I carry Kally from the car all the way to our hotel room. She giggles as I lay her down on the bed. "I couldn't wait to touch you." I say seductively. My hands trail up her dress, and my thumb moves across her heat, feeling her damp panties. "You're so wet for me baby." I whisper. "I want you." She says. I get on top of her, and kiss her. We kiss for awhile, and then all our clothes are off. I start to kiss down her body, and I was starting to get to the good part, but that's when there's a knock on the door. Kally sighs and so do I. We put clothes on, and the person keeps knocking on the door. "Just a minute!" I call out. I soon get my shirt on, and then walk over to the door, and open it. It's Taylor.
Kally's P.O.V
Why was Taylor here? She always had to ruin our time together. The only time where Harry and I can actually talk to each other she had to ruin. "Why are you here?" Harry sighs. "I just wanted to see how you two were." She says, and walks in without being asked to. "You always say that. Why are you really here?" I say, crossing my arms. "I already told you, whore." She says. "So that's why.." I say. "Shut up!" She says. "Taylor you need to leave!" Harry says. "I don't have to do anything." She says. "Why do you do this?" I ask. "Do what?" She asks with a smile. "Torture me, call me names. Why?" I say. "What? You mean whore?" She asks. "Yes.." I whisper. "It's not my fault you are one.." She trails off. "Okay! That's enough! Leave!" Harry shouts. "Fine. Have fun reading." She smirks, then leaves. "I hate her." I say, shaking my head. "I know baby, I know..."

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