chapter seventeen

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'My name is...'


Richie shook his hand slowly, "Richie." he said back.

"Well nice to meet you, Richie."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too, look I'm sorry but I really need to go. My boyfriend is waiting for me at home." Richie said without realising what he just told his actual soulmate.

Richie started turning around to walk away, but Connor stopped him, "Wait, boyfriend? Do we have another soulmate?" Richie froze at this and turned back around for the second time.

"Uh..Look I really need to go
Just- just give me your number, I'll explain everything," he said while handing him his phone, "it's just complicated and I don't have time to explain it."

Connor typed in his number and handed the phone back over to Richie.

"Well, I hope I'll see you around." Connor said while waving at Richie.

"Yeah.." Richie answered awkwardly back and started speed walking to his appartment so he could cuddle with Eddie...his Eddie.

As soon as he closed the door to his appartment Eddie greeted him with open arms, "You were gone so long, I was starting to get worried." the brunette said while nuzzling his face in the crook of the taller one's neck.

"Yeah..uh..something happened." Richie answered nervously.

"What happened?" the other one asked curiously.

"I- euh..Let's go sit down and talk." the taller one said while softly guiding Eddie towards the couch.

"Richie? What's wrong? You're scaring me." Eddie now said, a hint of concern hearable in his voice.

Richie didn't answer him and just went to sit down on the couch. He patted the spot next to him for Eddie to come sit and when the shorter one was seated he threw an arm around his shoulders and softly pulled him against his chest.

Eddie was listening to Richie's heartbeat which was quicker then normal and after a while of both boys not talking Richie cleared his throat, "I was at the arcade, walking over to Street Fighter, and there was this..guy...playing the game and...Eddie I- he had the same streak as me."

Richie felt Eddie tense up and the brunette pushed himself off of Richie's chest, "What are you going to do?" he asked after a while, with hurt evident in his voice.

"I- I don't know. I gave him my number-" Richie was trying to explain what happened when Eddie cut him off.

"You gave him your number? Are you gonna meet up with him?"

"I don't know.."

"What about us?"

"I don't know."

"God, Richie! You don't know what's going to happen to us? What? Are you going to break up with me?" by now Eddie was standing up next to the couch with his arms crossed over his chest, he was scared of losing Richie, but he didn't mean for him to start getting angry at the ravenette.

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