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dianna's pov;

i was at the sway house because avani had dragged me here to see anthony. i sat on the couch as i was watching avani and anthony making tik toks. i'm pretty sure i was in the background of their videos.


tony 🙇🏻💓:
mamas i miss you :(

i miss you too :((

tony 🙇🏻💓:
i'm coming over later today

are you actually sleeping over today?

tony 🙇🏻💓:
yes mamas
you should just move back in the hype house and move into my room.

hmmm maybe

jaden and griff came into the living room laughing. they sat next to me. jaden put his arm around me.

"i'm single now so what's up" he said

i took his arm off "and i'm not"

"y'all aren't even official. you just dating for the fans" jaden said

tony had decided to tell all of our friends that it was just for the fans.

"so if you think about it you can really hook up with anyone. i mean tony is doing it too."

what did he mean by that? tony wouldn't do that like ever.

"yeah he sent a video to the group chat getting his dick sucked by some girl."  griff said

i furrowed my eyebrows. jaden scrolled through his phone and showed me the video. the video was sent yesterday so i guess that's why he wasn't answering my messages or why he didn't show up at my house.

"you know i could always treat you right" jaden said.

i rolled my eyes "your annoying"

after being there for a few hours i decided to leave.

tony's pov; 🚁

i heard the doorknob jiggle and i got excited. i was really trying to prove to dianna that i wanted to be in this for real.

once she came in she looked at me with a mad face. "what were you doing yesterday that you didn't show up or text me back?"

i furrowed my eyebrows "out with ondreaz, buying things for tonight."

she scrolled through her phone and finally showed a video to me.

"this was a long time ago. how did you get this?"

"jaden said you sent it to the group chat."

of course it would be him to show her this. jaden was always on my ass about her, even when he was with mads.

"well i sent it to them but it was from a long time ago while we weren't talking."

she gave me a disgusted face and went into the bathroom. she came back out with a makeup wipe, removing all of the makeup she was wearing. i always thought she looked good without it.

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