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dianna's pov;

i didnt know what to tell him. i knew i wasn't in love with jaden it was just a fling but tony? i've been in love with him and he kept messing it up whenever we tried to make this relationship work.

"dianna, i'm sorry i promise it won't ever happen again" he tells me, his hands reaching for mine.

i pull away from him and look at him "this is all your fault if you hadn't made that sex tape or pretended to go out with me or kissed addison this would've never happened" I tell him. "we probably would've just still be fuck buddies but all that made it so complicated."

"i'm sorry i never wanted you to get hurt" he mutters and tried going for my hand again. "marry me dianna"

what the hell did he drink? he could see i wanted to laugh at his comment but he rolled his eyes.

"your drunk tony" i told him

"i'm sobering up! i'm being serious d!" he said and got up walking across the room. "look i can walk in a straight line"

he attempted to walk straight but instead, he walked in zig zags.

"you see, straight!"

i chuckled "yeah, no c'mon let's get you in the shower and then to bed."

i helped him up and took him to the bathroom. he began undressing and i quickly turned around.

"it's not like you haven't seen me naked before"

i rolled my eyes "were not together though"

he slowly turned me around and places a kiss on my lips. don't give in.

"i'm going to go get your clothes and towel" i told him and walked outside.

i grabbed his clothes that were in the bottom drawer of my dresser and grabbed his towel that was behind the bathroom door.

i went back into the bathroom and left everything for him on the toilet seat. i walked back into my room and put on some pajamas.

after awhile tony came into bed and hugged me. i pushed him away but he put his arm around me again.

"i love you d"

i sighed "i love you too tony"

once i woke up tony wasn't next to me. i checked my phone to see what time it was, ten fifteen.

"hey your up i made pancakes and eggs"

"you dont have a hangover?" i asked as i went to the bathroom to wash my face.

"yes but i wanted to do something special and i had to run to the store downtown."

i walked out the bathroom and followed him into the kitchen. we ate and had a small conversation about where he was last night.

"yeah ondreaz wanted me to go out drinking and i just didn't want to be there, i wanted to be home but with you because your my home."

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