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dianna's pov;
three weeks later

i decided to quarantine at the hype house with tony. we were currently making a chocolate cake and by we i mean me. tony was just sitting on the kitchen counter on his phone. everyone else in the house was just doing there own thing.

"here. do something" i told him, handing him the batter.

"do i stir?" he asked and i nodded.

i took out two pans and placed them on the counter. after he finished he dipped his index and middle finger in the batter.

"come mamas"

i walked over to him, placing myself in between his legs. he put his two fingers into my mouth. i grab his two fingers and take them out my mouth slowly.

"fuck d." he said and began kissing me. "i want to fuck you right on this counter."

"so do it" i smirked at him

i was only wearing one of tony's shirts and some pajama shorts. he pulled down his shorts and boxers.

"im gonna to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk." he says as he takes off my shorts and panties, throwing them across the kitchen.

he bended me over the counter and moved his tip around my pussy, then he slowly slid himself into me. my eyes instantly rolling back to my head.

"jesus your so fucking tight" he said and began picking up his pace "you like that mamas?"

i felt him dig his nails into my hip from grabbing it hard. "yes tony"

our skins slapping against each other was getting pretty loud, i'm pretty sure everyone in the house could hear.

he began pulling my hair "shit i'm bout to bust" he groans

i felt a knot in my stomach and before i knew it, i released my juices onto his d!ck and he fills me up with his.

we were panting like crazy and i turned around to look at him, instantly feeling the pain in my legs.

"told you, you wouldn't be able to walk"

i rolled my eyes and tried looking for my clothes.

"oh my god, my eyes!" we heard "y'all couldn't take it up to your room?"

tony automatically covered me with his body. his butt cheeks were exposed to chase and he turned his head towards the doorway.

"um sorry i just couldn't wait" tony told chase.

i quickly put on tony's shirt and grabbed my shorts.

"wheres my underwear?" i whispered to tony

"on the counter" ondreaz came walking in.

tony snatched them and handed them to me. "okay guys this isn't a show, now leave."

they left and we put our clothes back on. tony ended up finishing the cake and cleaning everything up. i was in tony's room scrolling through tiktok when i got a message from jaden.


hey i miss you :(
come over we're going to texas with your brother next week for a few days.

can't i'll be with tony

oh you guys dating now?

we're not but i just can't

he said something after that but i didn't bother to check it. tony's phone was on the bed so i grabbed it. i'm really not nosy but i just wanted to see something.

"you've got to be kidding me" i said as i read tony's messages with addison and some other girls.


addy 💙:
maybe you can come over again?
i can make you feel good just like i did last week

for sure but i'm with dianna atm

addy 💙:
oh i didn't know you guys were together... nvm them.


your coming to tina's?


daddy, you were supposed to be here two hours ago 🥺

sorry cutie
had something come up

tony walked into the room and widened his eyes as he saw me going through his phone. he ran to me trying to snatch it.

"you should come over again" i mocked addison's text message "i can make you feel good again"

i threw his phone at him. "your an ass you know that."

he grabbed his stomach from the phone hitting him.

"i knew you still weren't ready for a relationship!"

he tried talking but i interrupted him "shut up i don't want to here it, you can go text your hoes now and make them feel good."

i began grabbing all my clothes and walking out.

"wait d please!"

"no tony i'm not doing this again" i told him as i continued to walk down the steps. "i'll be in texas for a few days"

"texas? with the sway people?"

i nodded and grabbed my keys from the kitchen.

"why the fuck you want to be around them, they're problematic and they're just going to get you in trouble"

"my brothers going to be there" i told him walking out to my car

"d, don't leave!"

once i got in my car i locked the door and texted jaden.


im actually coming with you guys to texas

great can't wait to see you
we're leaving soon
i can take my car so it'll just be you and me.

"d, i'll stop messing around just please don't leave me!" he yelled banging on the window.

i put the radio on and blasted the music. i drove out the driveway and drove to the sway house.

lowercase intended
word count: 895

should i post the next chapter later today? 🙂

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