Chapter 1: The rescue

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(Ello guys! So I was inspired to do this on a couple different things. The prompt above is the prompt I used. There's an adoption au comic by on instagram that inspired me. there was another archive of our own story it's called 5 times varian gets in trouble for a chemistry accident + 1 time he dosent, by InsanityIsClarity. Aight let's get this story going fools. ~Cipher)

3rd person pov

He was currently curled up on the cold stony floor of the basement shivering violently. He hadn't eaten or drank in days, his stomach was eating itself. Sleep was always teetering between nightmares and a blank scene. The pain in his stomach was becoming unbearable. Darkness ebbed on the edges of his vision. A dull ache rested in his hands. The ugly greenish-yellow color told him that when they were crushed last week, that they were broken. They had gone numb around, what he could only guess is, two days ago. How severely they were broken he didn't know, probably never would with his luck. He could only hope that they would be able to heal properly. Heavy thumping footsteps came down the stairs, then towards the cage that kept him locked away. He didn't move, he couldn't if he wanted to, a gravelly voice spoke "Get up." He remained curled up on the floor. "Get up now brat. I won't say it again" A rattle of keys and unlocking of the cell door followed the voice. Varian made a feeble attempt to sit up limbs shaking and trembling under his weight. A hand grasped the front of his shirt pulling him up off the floor and he came eye to eye with his father who had crushed his hands and kept him locked up. He reeked of alcohol and smoke. His dad says "You know what I give up for you boy! I keep you alive! I kept you around when your mom wanted to send you away! Why don't you show me some damn respect!" Varian attempts to grip his father's hand weakly as he trembles and quivers. He just wanted it to be over. He wanted to vanish and find a good and happy place. He almost escaped several times before his dad crushed his hands and locked him away. Before his mom died it was all happy and good. The second she was gone, his dad went to dark places to feel happy. Varian went to chemistry books to escape and reminisce. His trembling form was released and dropped as a banging rang out from the front door. He scooted and curled away from his father's retreating silhouette, starting to silently cry as he was unknowingly saved. From upstairs, there came loud stomps that rumbled the ceiling above him. There were two loud and sudden bangs that made Varian think of the day his mom died in that accident. He yelped and curled into himself tighter. Pinpricks of white began to dot his vision, and ringing entered his ears. As he heard thundering footsteps come down the stairs and a voice calling out "Chicago Pd!" As he faded out of consciousness he watched a black haired woman swiftly approaching him. He had a glimmer of hope that his mom had come to save him from the fate he was gifted. 

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