Chapter 3: Introducing the couple

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(Hello pals it's me so I'm dishing another chapter out I have a surprise for y'all in it

Cas's pov
Letting out a deep sigh I sat in the driver's seat of my car and stared out the front window. This is so screwed up I hate but love getting the abuse cases I get to help the kids out but it hurts to see them like that. My phone pings with a message and a grab it and see raps messaged me.
'Hey Cassy! I hope that the boy you rescued is doing okay. Me and Eugene wanted to meet up once you were done with work for the day.  We have an announcement'
I chuckled at her excitement and typed back
'Okay I just have to file my report and then I'll head that way' I click my phone off and head towards the police station to file my findings.
*time skip*
Pulling up to the big fancy house I park and turn my car off before getting out. grabbing my keys, purse, and coat I head towards the front door. Briskly knocking, I hear footsteps swiftly approach the door and then the door swings open and I'm met with a rough and tight bear hug.
"CASSANDRA YOU'RE HERE!" I need to remind raps that her bear hugs hurt a lot. I gently Pat her shoulders and say "okay raps you're crushing me"
"Oh sorry sorry" She quickly released me from the bone crushing hug. I roll my eyes and say "Thank you." She gets a spark of realization and says "Oh how's the kid doing?" 
"Well he woke up for a moment before passing out again but he's currently going back into surgery soon"
"Oh no well enough with the sad, me and Eugene have an announcement"
I raise an eyebrow and follow as she leads me into the kitchen where Eugene was currently frying up some chicken and it smelled good. Me and raps get sat down at the kitchen island. He turns the stove off and places the fried chicken on three plates and says while placing a plate in front of each other us "Bon appetite" I carefully take a bite of food and the second it enters my mouth and hits my taste buds I sigh and finish the bite
"This is really good"
"good if an old favorite from back when I was in the orphanage"
I smile at him and say before taking another bite "so what is this surprise you two have?"
Raps makes a happy squealing noise and she says "Well it wasn't a surprise that it would happen but me and Eugene...we're-"
"Getting married!" Eugene says with a big smile on his face. I give a light chuckle at their giddiness and say "Congrats that's amazing I'm so glad it's finally happening"
Me and raps exchange a hug and my phone goes off. We pull apart and I pull it out of my pocket and it was the station.
"I have to take this" I step out of the room and answer the phone
"Detective Espinosa. We need you to come back to the station... We've found a dilemma"
"What kind of dilemma?"
"One with your abuse case perpetrator... He's.."
"What is it! spit it out"

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