Chapter 5: Meeting Raps

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Cassie pov
Once I got the kid to calm down and sleep I carefully laid him back so he could rest comfortably. A heavy sigh escaped my lips, I hadn't had proper sleep in a few days, my fingers ran through my hair standing up and moving towards the door. My fingers just barely have a chance to brush the knob before a whimper escapes the kids throat. He sure had been through a lot the last few days I can probably sleep on the couch for now. My feet carry me towards the couch on the opposite side of the room and I ease myself down before slowly letting a dreamless sleep take over my mind.

Raps pov
Skipping down the halls of the hospital towards the room, I held the basket of cookies in my arms. The door came into sight and I smiled excited to be allowed to check up on Cass and the kid. I knock on the door once before starting to open it and I see they're both asleep. The boy's arms are both hanging in slings carefully and he still has bruises. Slipping into the room I set the basket down on a small table before walking over to Cass to cover her with the blanket properly.
A small giggle escaping my mouth. I sit and wait for either Cass or the boy to wake up. I use this time to study him, not the injuries but what I can see from him. His hair is a raven color and seems to have a small streak of teal in it, he has a small dust of freckles on his cheeks and nose. He seems to be scarily thin for his age, but that is due to the situation he was in. Pulling my phone out, I text Eugene while I sat and waited. After about an hour or two I hear a mumbling come from the boy. Looking up I see he's starting to wake up. I slip my phone into my pocket and sit and wait for him to wake up all the way. His blue eyes flutter open and then he panics for a moment after seeing me. Before calming down he goes to cry out but then he calms down slowly. Panting her stares at me. I smile grows on my face and I wave saying "Hey it's nice to meet you, I'm Rapunzel, I brought cookies for you and cass" He stares at me with fear filled eyes trying to decipher me.

Varian pov
Light spilled into my vision. I caught a glimpse of someone else in the room that wasn't cass so I started to panic before seeing it was a young woman with long blond hair. She waves and says "Hey it's nice to meet you, I'm Rapunzel-" I tuned her out trying to figure out if she was going to hurt me or not. She wasn't advancing towards me, but she also wasn't looking away from me. She lets out a sigh and says "Listen cass told me what happened, and I don't think any kid should have to go through, But I want you to know you'll be safe with me no matter what" She gives a small smile to me and I kinda return the smile before sleep claws me back into its dark pits once again.

(A/n I beat my word record for a chapter this one it 564 words for the chapter itself plus the authors not it's 588)

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