Chapter 6: Finding a Safe haven

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Cass pov
A few weeks had passed since we lost the abuse convict. I was in my office almost 24/7, and when I wasn't there I was at the hospital talking to the kid. The doctors had finished fixing his hands and now they just had to heal, his black eye was almost gone, he had put a few pounds on since we rescued him, the doctors said to take it easy with that aspect. Something about if he ate too fast he would get sick, I wasn't paying complete attention. Raps had volunteered to house the kid until he was done healing so that he wouldn't have to go into foster care, at least until he was done healing. Heading to go and tell him about this, I hope that it won't trigger him. I had heard about him having really bad nightmares a lot. I'm really worried about how he'll react to this news. Knocking on the door I hear his voice say "Come in" Quietly, yet loud enough I could hear. I slide into the room and he smiles at me saying "Hey cass" Shifting around on the bed so he was sitting up. Sitting down in the chair besides his bed giving him a smile.
"How you feeling kid?"
"Pretty good, the doctors say I'll be out of here by the end of the week. I'll still have to take it easy, I want to know if there's anyway I could repay you for getting me out of....there" He clearly winced thinking about his home.
"Well I just want you to focus on healing for now okay, that's what I want from you okay" He sighs and clearly seems annoyed with the answer "Okay. I will then"
"I do have something I need to tell you, you remember the blonde woman that was in here a few weeks ago?"
"Yeah, she brought cookies"
"Well she's offered to let you stay with her and her fiance once your released from the hospital, so you have a safe and secure place to stay while you finish healing"
"Really the Mayor's daughter would do that? For a screwed up kid like me?"
"Yeah she would. She really hates seeing kids go through stuff like this so she offers her home as a safe haven."
He looked thoroughly shocked and stammers through a sentence, "W-well, I uh, I guess, I-i, could take her offer then."
I smile at him comfortingly saying "Okay well I'm glad your doing better I have to go I'll bring you some food later"
Exchanging a smile I leave the room and head out to my car to go and head off to work.

Eugene pov
I was down in the kitchen cooking breakfast for me and sunshine. I could hear the soft pitter patter of footsteps of her feet coming down the stairs and then she says shocked, "Eugene, When did you wake up?"
"I've been up for an hour or so"
"Huh normally I'm the first one up though. Well I'm glad to see you awake and up."
I kiss her cheek softly before turning to the eggs I was making for breakfast.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to see the kid? I had thought about making a trip to go visit him"
I hesitate in my movements before saying "Would that be a good idea, I know with victims of abuse they end up fearing the gender of the parent or person that was abusing them, and in this case it's a man"
"Eugene I think it would be a good idea since he's going to be staying with up that he gets exposure before he comes to stay here"
"We'll, I guess that, I'll do it then maybe we can bring him some breakfast as well?"
"Amazing idea Eugene"
(I give you a fluffy chapter. Also max word could like 645 words I'm on a roll! See y'all next chapter)

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