Chapter Four: The Pheonix

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"Intruder!" Someone screamed.

The palace was in chaos. People running around trying to find a place to hide and screaming slings of curse words claiming the intruder was going to get them.

I hurried down the cement stairs from the tower my bedroom is in as I headed towards the center of the commotion. The throne room.

I sprinted and shoved through all the people blocking the path. The sight in front of me explained the chaos. There was a tall and buff man, nearly the same size of my father who was 7 feet tall,with a hood covering his face.

"Get out of here Laylah." My father snapped when his eyes landed on mine. I shook my head and gripped onto the hand of the warlock standing next to me. He wasn't prepared when I started draining the small amount of power in his body and absorbing it myself. I raised my hands and targeted the guy when I was sent flying backwards into the wall.

I groaned when my head bashed into the cement wall.

"Everyone Get out of here now! That's an order!" I screamed. No one wasting a single second before shoving each other to get out of the room fast.

"Let us go." I told him. He let out a humorless laugh before letting go of my father and making his way towards me.

My father seemed to understand what I was planning on doing, since he hurried towards the side room connected to the throne room.

I started screaming and unleashed the beast.

He seemed caught off guard when the darkness clouded the room.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said raising his hands in defense.

I sent him flying into the wall where I kept him stuck.

I need to get this back in before I kill him without knowing anything about who he is, and what his intentions were. I gripped at my hair and tried pulling it back in. He was gasping for air and writhing in pain against the wall. I screamed as I felt it get sucked back into me, the force knocking me down in the process.

I stood up and called my father.

"Who are you?" I asked him not releasing him from the wall.

"I'm Jasper." He spoke still not removing his hood.

"What are you doing here Jasper?" I questioned taking a step closer to him.

"I'm here to take you with me." He said unfazed by the amount of guards who swarmed the room along with my father.

"You're not taking her anywhere." My father chuckled darkly, holding a blade in his hand. "Now tell us why you want her, and why I shouldn't stick you in the Faction of the Forgotten where you can fucking rot."

"Maybe another day. " He said before a force sent me flying back similar to earlier, but this time he was gone.

"No!" I yelled. "I had him!"

"Everyone out! Now!" Father yelled.

"How could he break out of my powers. Did I discard too much yesterday?" I was furious at myself.

"This isn't your fault he was a powerful being, not more powerful than us, but he must've studied our strengths and weaknesses to be able to find gaps in your powers and even enter the throne room. But the question is, how does he know all of this?"

"None of this makes any sense, it's not possible for anyone to get around my powers. I've never even seen that person. Ever." I groaned.

"Come with me." He snapped.

"Your mother wrote about things like this in one of her journals. I think it's time I tell you a little about your mother." He said and I swore pigs were flying outside.

"There is a restricted room that only I know about, it was where I kept everything from your mother." He spoke leading me through a hallway I wasn't as familiar with. The hallway ended in a dead end with a painting on the wall.

He pulled the painting off the wall revealing a tunnel into a room filled with papers and notebooks.

I walked in and picked up the first one I saw.

Cora Lightwake was scrawled on the front of the leather journal.

"Was this her name?" I asked. He just nodded.

"She studied demonic topics in great depth, I have other things to deal with right now so look through as many as you want and see if you can find anything useful." He said before turning and leaving this hidden room.

I flipped open the leather notebook filled with scrawls of ink.


I glanced at the description in shock, this was over a hundred years old.

Today I broke into Lucifer's kingdom, the wrongful and dejected people from earth are sent here as previously assumed. Something doesn't seem right with anything here, the people are different so different it's frightening, they are monsters. Everything here is demonic and vile.

I flipped a few pages until I saw a page that was ripped with ink smudges smeared all over it making it incredibly difficult to decipher.

Today we discovered some of the other species inhabiting this realm, we found one in particular that seems to possess interesting qualities. The Phoenix. It has healing abilities while also having incredibly destructive abilities in addition. If people experimented on them I'm sure a catastrophic weapon could be created that could only benefit us in our studies. We were also able to obtain warlock blood, witch blood, demon blood, and now we are prioritizing getting something from the Phoenix.


Lucifer and I have gotten quite close he thinks of me as a goddess and I couldn't be happier. For being the devil he is quite pleasant to be around. I don't know if he feels exactly the same way as me or if he just wants an heir in case anything were to happen, he wants to preserve his bloodline.

I was able to obtain Phoenix blood without anyone catching me. They had captured one a few days ago that attempted to break the barrier at the tower of torment.

I reached the end of that journal so I reached for another one. Father told me that the Faction of the Forgotten used to be smaller so the creatures there were stuck strictly in the tower.

The date on this one read 4/1900 so this was a lot later.

Everything was complete, I am 6 weeks pregnant and have been drinking small dosages of the collected blood that we obtained. My baby should be more powerful than anyone could know and could help restore balance to this realm. It has a division now that is filled with possessed demons who are tormented by their driven mad souls. Lucifer has tried to make them obey him but there must be some sort of disturbance affecting them more than anyone can tell. I want to bring my team out there and see how much
Information i can collect but Lucifer doesn't want to risk anything happening to our child.


Something has gone horribly wrong I am now 2 years pregnant. It seems that the blood has interfered with the growth of our baby and Lucifer is growing more suspicious everyday despite my made up excuses. I told him it was normal but nothing can be proven since this is a first.

I do hope she makes it...

I put the book down. Is the baby me? Am I my mother's experiment? I threw the journal across the room when a piece of paper fell out. I knelt down and picked up the old piece of paper.

It was a drawing of a hooded figure that looked oddly similar to our intruder and underneath it, scrawled in ink read.

The Phoenix.

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