Chapter Fifteen: Last Resort

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My father was lying on his bed in his chambers. None of the healers knew how to help him. Everyone was at a loss. Even the councilmen... They hadn't even scheduled a meeting.

The hallways felt dim every time i walked by, people fearing that their true leader may die, leaving them with me.

"Dark Lord, we have a few spells we can suggest to keep him comfortable, but we don't know how to break this curse, I mean we don't even know what this curse is." She frowned bowing her head in respect.

"I'll look into spells there has to be something to cure him." I turned facing the guards stationed at the door. "Go get a squad ready to hunt down Cora." I ordered him. If I couldn't find anything Cora would be my last and only

"Of course my Queen." He spoke before exiting the room in a swift motion. I exited the room and walked up to my chambers.

I yanked my door open, the loud squeaking noise erupting from the hinges. I plopped down on my bed putting my head in my hands. I felt so useless right now. I couldn't be everywhere I needed to be, people were going to suffer because I couldn't be there to protect them. I couldn't even kill Cora how would they? I just needed her located, and fast. We just have to thoroughly search an entire realm, how hard could that be?

I looked for one of my ancient spell books lining my bookshelf, I had an entire wall of just books in my chamber. The binding was nearly falling off as I grabbed it off of the shelf.


I patted away the dust that settled on the cover before gently opening it. These spells were written by one of the first ever witches, Nella Cresk. She was an incredibly powerful witch and I've studied and memorized every one of her spellbooks and every log relating to anything magical I could find. She was a genius. A magical genius.

I read each page, each and every one of them were familiar to me, I was always too scared of the outcome of using one of these spells, necromancy was forbidden here and it has been for centuries. Father suggested I study it incase I ever need to defend the palace from someone using it. Necromancy mainly focused on different types of deadly poisons, resurrection spells and curses, usually the deadly kind.

If she had a witch or warlock cast a curse this difficult to identify it wouldn't surprise me if they used necromancy. What does surprise me is how they knew how to use and control it.

I found the list of curses she created/discovered and began reading away.

Extreme Curse of Dereliction

- Curses one to suffer at any and every task, I've found that it leads to extreme humility and self inflicted pain. ( Depends on the amount of self-inflicted pain)
Counter: none

Curse of Never Ending Famish

- Curses one to suffer usually to death from lack of food and water. (Lasts until they die.)
Counter: none

Curse of Suffocation
- Once the potion is in their system
Usually between 2-6 hours the suffocation takes place. I've found it works with water or sand ingredients while brewing.
Counter: none

Curse of the Rabid
- Slowly begins to shut down the organs of the host. Based off of my findings they usually die between one to two days of being cursed or become rabid and need to be put down.
Counter: none

I shut the book before darting out of my room. I sprinted down the stairs nearly falling down them on my way. The only curse that seemed to fit his situation was the 'Curse of the Rabid' he was unresponsive and was slowly fading away. This explained why.

One problem though, she never found a counter spell to stop it. I have to. Once I got to his chambers I filled in the healers immediately.

"Dark Lord, isn't necromancy punishable by death." She frowned.

"The people who cursed him will share a fate similar to Cora's. I assure you it will be fine for me to use as long as I'm just using it to save him. Assuming I can." I frowned glancing at my fathers body that seemed to be growing paler and paler as the time stretched on. I was running out of time and needed to get working on finding a counter curse and quick.

I hurried down the hall towards Orpheus's new holding prison. This one was more heavily guarded with enchantments keeping him in. Only I could take them down, and I don't plan to for a very long time.

"Sister." Orpheus greeted looking up at me from his sitting position on the floor.

"Don't call me that, Orpheus." I snapped.

"What do you know about Cora's plans?" I demanded.

"That asshole had them fry things into my brain to break her out, if you think I am on her side you are wrong." He spoke now rising from his sitting position.

"She took away any chance I would have had
To be happy or have a normal life, I will never help her, plans and maps in my brain or not." I looked up at him, I could never trust him especially after the last incident when he also claimed that I could trust him.

"Why don't you start by telling me everything you know." I said pulling up a chair, I had a feeling this was going to be a long story, so why stand.

"I was practically raised in the basement of that lab every month there would be a new rumor about her whereabouts spreading from scientist to scientist. It was never ending, they claimed she was powering herself up to overthrow Hell and practically take back everything she lost including her research. I just didn't realize how desperate she was to get her revenge on this place." He looked at me and If was clear in his eyes how much he hated her, she took everything from him.

"Do you know how she escaped?" I asked, "Given that you were her plan B and everything."

"I don't know the specifics, mainly she would consume magic, overload her body with it making her powerful, but then again that could also be just rumors, I only heard pieces from the scientists at that lab." He frowned. But that was more than enough information to make sure that, that never happens again, especially when I get her back in there.

"Thank you for your help Orpheus." I smiled. I was about to leave when he called out.

"How is he doing? Our father...well your father."

"As of right now, not good." I frowned. "I'm trying to figure out how to find a counter spell for a potential curse."

I left that corridor and made my way back to his chambers to see if there was any progress or changes while I had been away.

When I walked into his room healers were everywhere casting spells. His body was shaking furiously, he had blood droplets dripping from his ears and nose.

He was going to die. I felt so helpless. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't even make him proud.

I turned away and left his room getting my heavy breathing under control. That's when I got the dumbest idea I probably will ever have. I needed to go talk to Noah, Ty and Lance again. They are all interested in this type of stuff maybe more heads working on this would help me find a solution and fast.

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