Chapter Ten: Plan B?

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(Laylah's eye color)^^^^^(I don't own this picture.)

We stayed behind the chain link fence watching the security guards walk back and forth examining the perimeter.

"Pudotan."I breathed causing both guards to collapse to the ground. The other ones must have noticed because they rushed over, now in my view so I cast the same spell on them causing them to plop to the ground almost immediately.

"So cool." Squealed Ty.

"Now is not the time to fan girl Ty." Scolded Lance.

He just gave him a dirty look in response.

"Conforndo." I raised my hand blasting a hole through the fence.

"Come on." I whispered motioning for them to follow me through.

Lance looked hesitant but reluctantly follows once he saw his best friends follow after me.

"Now is the tricky part, actually getting inside." I told them going over to where the security guards bodies laid limp.

"Zalpe." I breathed frying all of the security cameras that could spot us on this side.

"How?" Said a still shocked Noah. "How can you even do this stuff." I just rolled my eyes and kneeled down next to one of the guards. I dug through his pockets until I gripped the white card in my hands. I finding pressed it against the scanner and the doors opened.

"And we thought this would be difficult." Laughed Ty.

"Don't speak too soon." I warned him.

"She's right if we end up getting caught it's because you jinxed us you moron." Said Lance flicking Ty on the forehead.

"Hey! What was that for!" He whisper yelled.

"Guys! Shut up!" I warned them quietly. We walked though the now open door and headed down the blindingly white hallway. Our shoes clicked on the white tile as we descended into the compound.

At the end of this hallway about five more connected off of this one.

"Noah which way?" I asked. This placed smelled so sterile it was giving me a headache.

"This one." He said walking towards the one on the left. We all walked down, the three of them making sure they are staying behind me.

As we descended down the hallway I started hearing muffled chatter.

"Stop." I whispered. They all came to a halt except for Ty. He crashed right into me almost knocking me over.

"I can't hear anything. Wait, don't tell me your also a vampire!" He whisper yelled at me with wide eyes. In hell vampires are disgusting people, every single one of them, all they care about is if their glasses of wine and blood are still full. Not to mention the sexist paths most of them tend to follow.

"Never compare me to one of those things ever again." I quietly snapped at him.

We found a gap in the hallway with a water fountain in it. I quickly shoved them so that we were all hiding behind it. I kept my head facing the ground as I listened in on their conversation.

"I can't believe we are this close to finally being able to see the head researcher, we will be able to open the gates and rescue her." They spoke excitedly. Who were they talking about rescuing?

"I hope I'm recruited for the rescue op, we are going to actually go to Hell never thought I would say it. This will be ground breaking." The other one cheered. I placed my hand on the ground and let the monster wave out of me spreading across the floor like fog until it consumed those scientists as they fell to the ground lifeless.

" just killed them." Lance blurted.

"I think I know what they're planning. This is so much worse than I thought." I sighed rubbing my temples. "They are trying to get into hell. We can't let them, it will destroy the balance of nature, the world we know will end they aren't thinking about the consequences of all of this."

They all looked at me like I was dumb.

"You mean to tell me Hell is real?" Asked Ty.

I gave him a pointed look.

"How do you even know?" Asked Lance.

"We don't have time for this we need to get to the bottom level." I Said motioning for them to follow me.

We hurried down the hallway and found a staircase.

"Freeze!" We heard. We all jumped and raised our hands. It was a security guard pointing a gun at us while holding his walkie talkie in his other hand. Great.

" Get behind me. Slowly." I breathed. They all slowly started taking steps back. Once I knew they were a safe distance I casted the spell.


His body immediately tensed up as I am now in control of it.

I slowly forced him to turn the gun around so it was facing him.

"I won't hurt you, just tell me everything about the operations going on here." I commanded him.

"I already called help should be on the way." He coughed.

"Tell me. Now." I Said clicking the safety off in hopes of getting him to answer.

"They don't tell us, please just don't hurt me." His voice shaking.

"You're lying." Suddenly I felt Noah's hand on my shoulder.

"Lets just let him go. We don't need his help, he clearly doesn't know anything." I shook my head at him.

"Walk up to him and pull the badge out of his pocket, quickly." Noah hurried up and stuff his hand in the guards shirt pocket pulling out the plastic card.

"It says he has clearance for all levels." He spoke.

"Now would someone who didn't know anything have clearance for all levels." I said walking up closer to the guard.

"Tell. Me. Now." I snapped.

"There is this boy, whenever I go down there they are always injecting him with these things. He isn't stable though his heart constantly gives out." He spoke rather quickly.

"And?" I said motioning for him to tell me more. This must be the subject my father was telling me about.

"That's all I know, I swear." He said.


He was unconscious on the ground, I wasn't going to kill him.

I held onto his card pressing it against the metal pad to get access to the staircase.

"This is reminding me of Stranger Things, you guys?" Asked Ty.

"What's Stranger Things?" Why are humans so confusing?

"How big is the rock you live under?!?!?" Asked a completely appalled Ty. You'd be surprised...

"Guys?" Asked a scared sounding Noah.

"We got em boss." I looked down the stairs and saw about five guards holding guns that were being pointed at us.

"Are you going to knock them out?" Mumbled Noah. I discreetly shook my head.

"They are going to take us to where we need to go." I said.

"This wasn't apart of the plan." Breathed Lance.

"Well It is now."

The guy who had originally talked into the walkie talkie put restraints on us before motioning for the other guards to take us away.

We walked down the rest of the stairs before we were in a giant circular room with test tubs and giant glass cells. There were scientists everywhere. That's when I saw the boy the guard must have been talking about. He was flailing around the bed like a crazed person as scientists were trying to inject him with syringes.

"Get away from me!" He screamed crazily. He suddenly caught my eyes from across the room and his flailing came to a shop as I met his eyes. The same exact amber eyes as mine.

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