Ally's Alley

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Ally's P.O.V

I stand and wait for them to show up in the alley next to the brew. I already knew they would follow me, they're too predictable. Besides, I made them. I stood there with my arms folded and a smirk as they formed a line in front of me. "Ally what are you doing back? I thought you left town." "Well you think a lot of things Aria but, you never know until you witness them, right?" Spencer rolled her eyes. "Just tell us what your doing back Ally." "Well I heard that there were four extremely hot Australian boys joining us at Rosewood High school and, I just had to see them for myself but clearly they have taken a liking to you." Hannah stepped forward. "Cut the crap Ally what are you really doing here?" I smiled sweetly and walked closer to her. "I came to finally destroy A" "What took you so long? Tanning on the beach again?" "No Spencer, research." "Research for what?" "You're the smart one Spencer, you figure it out." "Just tell us Alison, we want to end this too." I walked straight up to Emily and stroked her hair. "Oh, Emily. It hasn't even begun yet." I smiled and looked up. "Well it was nice talking to you again. And nice meeting you boys." I said the last part a little louder and the four walked out of their hiding spot to join us. They girls stood there shocked but I knew their presence from the start. I strutted out leaving them to figure out my "research" I smirked at the last thing I heard before I got into my car. It was an accented voice asking, "Who's A?"

Hannah's P.O.V

The question was simple and yet so complicated. "Who's A?" Luke asked looking terrified. We all looked at each other, not really knowing what to say. Finally, Emily spoke up. "We don't know, that's what were trying to figure out." "Well why do you have to destroy them?" Michael asked. "Because they've sort of been bullying us." Aria answered "Why? What have you done?" Ashton said, concerned. "Look guys we really can't talk about this so, can we just leave it alone?" They nodded but still seemed curious, a little too curious. "Well if we can help"- "You can't," we all said in unison. "Okay well we've got to go." "Alright see you at school." Spencer said waving. All of our phones alarmed just after they disappeared. 'Careful or you'll all be shrimps on the barbie -A'

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