Chapter 03

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The sun's warm and bright light graced the land. White clouds sailed across the vast sky, bringing a soft breeze with them. The refreshing breeze traveled over the ravaged land. Nothing managed to escape the beast's rampage. The ground was filled with holes and scattered broken trees. Whatever came in beast's way, was leveled to the ground. Even a small village that was located under the mountain. Not a single house, barrack or a stable survived the night.

There was no one in the village. The people abandoned their homes just in time. However, there was a little figure just outside the village. A small boy was lying on the ground, right under a lonely tree. As the weak wind passed by, it tickled his chubby face. The branches swayed on the wind, allowing the sunlight to reach the sleeping boy.

He began to stir, frown until he woke up. The wild-haired boy blinked a few times as he lifted his upper body.

 "Huh? Where am I?" His quiet mumble reached no one.

While he cleaned his sleepy eyes, the boy slowly rose from the ground. At that moment, the child realized he was naked. 

"My clothes are gone! Why am I naked in the middle of nowhere!?" His loud voice echoed through the place. He looked around but there was no sign of his clothes.

The little boy tried to remember what happened, but nothing. There was a faint memory of him waking up in the middle of a night and going outside the house. What happened after that was lost to him. The boy didn't dwell too long on that and just shrugged with his shoulders. He would get a new pair of clothes when he gets back to Gohan's house.

Upon remembering the gentle martial artist, the boy released a chuckle. "I'm sure that idiot is looking for me. Hah, he'll never find me here!" Maybe this wasn't so bad.

While he had no idea how he got here or where he was, it made him happy to be far away from Gohan. He could already imagine how worried the old man was and that entertained him. The boy quickly stopped laughing when a growl escaped his stomach. He put a hand over it and glanced around. His dark orbs caught a glimpse of red fruit hanging from the branches.

The boy approached the old-looking tree and pulled his arm back as he bent a little. "Hah!" He struck the tree with his right fist and immdiately jumped away.

He looked up and smirked when he saw apples fall. The boy moved fast and collected a bunch of them. He licked his lips as he brought the apples in front of the tree. After he sat down, he leaned against the tree and started to eat.

As he was eating, the boy noticed a village. He narrowed his eyes as he chewed the fruit and saw the destroyed houses. It made him curious, however, he didn't budge from the spot. For some reason, he was hungrier than usual. He figured out the apples wouldn't be enough to satisfy his stomach.

Fifteen minutes later, the boy wandered through the ravaged land. With the last apple in his hand, he walked through the village. A drop of sweat slid down his cheek while he stared at the destroyed houses. Whatever did this, was huge and that made him uneasy. He put the apple in his mouth and took a bite as he looked around. The village was empty. No sign of bodies at all. He was sure the people ran away before this happened. Now he wished he was here to see the scared expressions of those people.

He walked around the empty village for a few more minutes until he had enough. "Hmph, I wonder if I'll ever come across whoever did this. Now, I should go back. I don't want to listen to Gohan's stupid lectures." The boy threw away the apple as he turned around.

The wild-haired Saiyan tried to figure out a way back to Mount Paozu but something made his ears twitch. He slightly shifted his head to the side and saw the rubble collapse. To protect his eyes from the dust, he lifted a hand. After a couple of seconds, he put it down only to feel something bump into his left leg. He glanced below and saw a shiny orb.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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