Chapter 01

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Disclaimer: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, GT and Super all belong to Toei Animation, Fuji Tv, Shueisha, and Akira Toriyama.

An AU fan fiction story about Kakarot (Son Goku) never hitting his head and completing his mission. Also, this is a prequel to my other fan fiction story called Saiyan Revenge.


On a very distant planet, a war for survival was rampaging for almost a month. The inhabitants of the planet fought back with everything they had. Even though they outnumbered the enemy group, their population diminished with each passing day. Their most advanced cities were annihilated. They were frozen by utter fear and shock when the forces of evil transformed one night, during the full moon. While the most skilled fighters tried to stop and vanquish the threat, many civilians died in the process. Only one man managed to scratch the beast, however. he paid that with his life. The monsters released unified roars as if proclaiming supremacy, destruction upon all who stood in their way. Glowing explosions were visible from the cold, lonely space, but there was no one to come and save them from the evil invaders.

The warm and bright rays of sun illuminated the ravaged land. There was nothing, only destroyed buildings though which the wind played its music. Countless bodies were trapped under the ruins or just scattered across the terrain, providing food for the wild animals. Near the destroyed buildings was a pit. Five people appeared to be inside the crater, sitting or lying around the fire. Smoke soared to the sky while some ate or had a conversation between each other. They mostly spent the early morning bragging about their conquest. The warriors were proud of their accomplishment, however, only one of them remained silent.

His wild hair danced on the soft breeze as he stared at the cloudy sky. He tried to ignore their constant jabber, but it was impossible. A weak growl of annoyance escaped from his throat. Suddenly, he shifted into a sitting position and glared at his companions who didn't pay attention to him at all. He spat on the ground and rose from the ground. This, of course, finally caught the attention of others.

"Hey, where are you going?"

He ignored the warrior and continued to walk until he heard a woman's voice. "I bet Bardock's worried about his second son. So, he's just trying to get back to his lovely home, right?" A throbbing vein appeared on his forehead when he heard that.

Except for a very tall and muscular warrior, the entire group laughed. "Haha, c'mon Celipa. You know it's not wise to tease Bardock like that." Even though he said those words, the spiky-haired man couldn't stop chuckling.

"Oh, yeah! What's the kid's name? Shouldn't he be old enough to conquer planets?" A bulky warrior posed the question as he tore a piece of meat from the stick.

He took a deep breath and five seconds later exhaled. "Tch, Kakarot." The warrior slightly turned to the side and saw the smiles on their faces. He clenched his teeth and spoke through. "If anyone tries to be a smartass, I'll bury him or her on this pitiful rock!" His dark orbs revealed how serious he was, but his companions were already used to it.

"Fine, we'll behave... boss!" The spiky-haired warrior glanced at the others who didn't say a single word. "Anyway, where are you going? We're in no rush to go back home. This way, we can relax a little before they dump another mission on us." The man stood up and approached his leader.

Bardock thought about it, for a second. He felt a hand on his shoulder but it didn't bother him. " You guys do what you want. I don't have any intention of staying here." With closed eyes, he took a step forward which forced his second in command to lift the hand.

"By the way, where's Leek?" He almost forgot about his teammate who joined their group just a few months ago.

"Hm, the guy's probably wandering somewhere nearby. Why?"

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