Chapter 02

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The peaceful life around Mount Paouzu came to an abrupt end ever since that boy arrived. His childish tantrums and constant screams resonated across the mountain. Each time he saw an animal come close to the river, the little boy would attack it. It didn't matter if it was a rabbit, deer or a dangerous mountain lion, he would dash at it with all his might. Such behavior caused the old man to worry and watch over the boy. However, the wild-haired boy didn't want any help from the older male. Instead, he bared his little fangs at the man who didn't know what to do.


Each time he tried to approach the little boy or simply talk with him, the response would always be the same. The boy would growl, snarl at him and attack without further notice. Of course, he was a martial arts master and much stronger so it was easy for him to deal with the boy. However, he didn't like it. He wanted to have a nice and peaceful life, teach the boy how to talk, write and read. But that didn't seem possible at all, no matter how hard he tried.

Nevertheless, he wasn't a man who easily gave up. He was determined to teach the boy what was right and what was wrong. Since it was a nice and warm day, he wanted to show the boy the other side of the mountain. It was rich with tall trees, vast green land, and tasty fruits. He put only the essentials into the big basket and placed it on his back. As always, a warm smile shined from his old face as he approached the doors, however, a loud cry forced him to quicken the pace.

The old martial artist rushed outside, not even closing the doors. He quickly approached the river, only to halt when he saw what was going on. A drop of sweat slid down his wrinkled cheeks while he stared at the sight below. He extended his hand and tried to call the boy, but his voice was surpassed by the loud growl.

Fearing the worst to happen, the old man dropped the basket and rushed to help the boy. "Goku, don't do it! It's too dangerous, stop it!" He pleaded the boy to not engage the winged dinosaur, but as usual, his words fell on deaf ears.

The boy lunged at the dinosaur despite already being wounded. His childish growl seemed to annoy the animal who retaliated with its tail. This time, the boy saw it coming and ducked in time. He slid under it and catapulted himself at the beast who dared to come here. His tiny fist was about to reach the flying dinosaur, but the creature smacked the boy away with its wing.


His concerned voice echoed through the place when he saw the little child hit the ground. Before the animal was able to curl its sharp nails around Goku, he jumped and kicked the dinosaur under the jaw. While the beast was disoriented, he picked up the child and moved him away. Once they were far away, he immdiately checked if the boy was alive. A wave of relief washed over him when he saw the boy was doing fine, despite several wounds.

He gently put the boy on the ground and shifted his attention to the dinosaur who growled at him. "Go away! Don't make me hurt you!" The martial artist glared at the beast.

The beast hesitated for a moment but eventually flew away. Seeing that, he released a long-held breath. 

"Phew, that was close. Now, let's get you patched up." He carefully picked up the unconscious boy and brought him inside the house.

As gently as possible, he put the boy on the sturdy bed and turned around. He reached the small cupboard and took the bandages. Carefully, he removed the boy's weird clothes or rather, the strange-looking armor. He tossed it on the floor and inspected if there were any broken bones. The old man could see the blue bruises across the body which made him regret not acting faster. First, he cleaned the wounds and wrapped the bandages around Goku's body. He was no doctor, so he hoped there wasn't any severe injury.

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