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    Nate's POV

I go to this school call wedge wood high school and I have everything that I could ever want awesome parents amazing Girlfriend and the best friend in the world I wouldn't change anything if I could. 

So I'm walking with my girlfriend and I see some flowers so I pick one for her." here" I said. Thanks, babe she tells. Know problem. Hey, babe, she says. Yah You know that I'll love you no matter what right. Yes, that's why I love you. (or that's what he thought)

When we get to her house I kiss her on the forehead. I'll see you tomorrow I said and headed off to my house.

Once I get to my house I'm greeted by my parents they are the best people on earth. Hey, hun, my mom says. Hey. I love my parents but they can get on my nerves. One day Carma is going to come and bite me in the ass.  

Where are you going she says to me while I was trying to go to my room. I'm heading to my room that is not a sin I kind of yelling I mean I had a bad day and she is just getting on my nerves. hey, she said. what I said getting mad. I just wanted to tell you that Mark is in your room. Really I said way happier than just a few seconds ago.

I haven't seen my best friend in a couple of weeks because of his parents splitting up he was with his dad for a couple of weeks. Thanks, mom I said and ran to my room. What are you doing I say to him making him jump fifty feet in the air? Don't scare like that he says. Sorry, but it was pretty funny.

Shut up and give a hug he says. fine, I say with a laugh. Because you are my best friend I will never stop scaring you. shut up he says.

We hang out for a couple of hours and we drank some beer. Then he looked up some clubs. what you doing I asked him. Looking up some clubs we can go to. Cool, I said. Hey is Linda going to come with us  I asked? Yah she said that she would come up tomorrow if that was okay. Yah you are my best friend I don't care. But you sleep on the floor I said while I pushed him on the floor.

You Asshole he says even though he was laughing.  

3 hours later

Hey is something going at school? Mark asks me. No nothing I lied. It's not that I didn't want to tell him but he gets jealous when I hang out with other people. he says that I'm his friend and his friend only. he thinks that if I hang out with others that I will not be his friend anymore. I didn't really care. He let me hang out with girls because he says that every boy needs women in there life. Now I feel different because a week ago a new kid named Peter moved here.

I never felt a connection with guys, of course, like as friends but not more than friends. But now I can't get him out of my head. we became friends and we hang out every day at school I was surprised that he came and talk to me in the first place because I'm not one of the cool kids, not even a little bit.

I was so deep in thought I didn't realize that Mark was talking to me. Hello, earth to Nate he said. Sorry I was just thinking. Did you need anything I said? Yeah, your mom said it's time for dinner.

Oh okay. Um, I'll be there in a minute. Okay, he says not sure if he trusts me but he went to the kitchen.

When He was completely gone I took out my phone and found Peter's contact. Hey, I won't be able to hang out tomorrow, things came up. But I will Sunday. If that's okay.

I sent the text to him and headed to the Dinning room.

Was that your girlfriend Mark asked me when I reached the table. Yeah, I lied I just don't want him to get really mad so he won't end the friendship. 

What's the matter, my dad asked me. Nothing I said I'm just tired.

Is something wrong with your girl Mark whispered to me while we were eating. No, I'm just tired I promise. Okay if you say so.

2 hours later.

We both are in bed but only Mark is asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about Peter. So about a week ago Peter came to my school and I was on the edge of going up to him to say hi. Then I got cold feet because I didn't want to ruin everything for me yes I'm not popular but I enjoy my life.

So now I'm laying in bed thinking about him. We had plans to go to go-cart racing but I didn't know that Mark was coming over.

Then soon I fell into sleep 

6 AM

I wake up drenched in sweat because I had the worst dream in boy's eyes. It didn't start off bad but then it turned from being good to bad in 5 minutes. I was laying in bed with my girlfriend and then we start kissing but when I open my eyes It is Peter and not her.

I don't know why I was dreaming about him especially because I have a girlfriend and he's a boy. I'm not going to tell anyone because I'll get called fagot and other crap.

Hey, wake up we got to go to a club soon. It's only 6 in the morning yah but we have to be there when it opens or we will be in the line forever. Besides, we have to pick up the girls. Both of the girls are going I thought it was just Linda coming. Oh, I called your girl she said she would like to come. Is that Okay with you Nate? Yeah. 

So we got up and ate breakfast.  Witch I wish we didn't because my mom was asking Mark about the club and she told him to use protection. It was so embarrassing but yet funny at the same time. Mark was just getting bright red because he was so embraced I thought he was going to run out of the room.

  30 minutes later 

Are you ready I said calling for Mark. You are worse than my girlfriend. "I just had to get something," He said.  You are worse than my girlfriend he tells me.

Ever time he is over here we have so much fun we get on each others nerves all the dame time.

Mark and I started off our friendship with hate. When we first met we hated each other so much. We both at one point tried to get each other expelled from school.

Now we do everything together. We go to clubs together we tp houses together. Hell, I was there when he broke his leg jumping off of his roof for a dare. Well, he broke it after I pushed him off the roof because he was being a chicken.

I mean he gave me a concussion once so it kind of was payback but we never stopped being friends. And sometimes I question myself why I didn't end the friendship a long time ago.

Anyway, we were at my girlfriend's house before I knew it. Hey, babe, she says when she gets in the car. Can you sit back here with me? she asks. No babe Linda is going to be back there. Oh, she's going to? she asks. Yeah. Okay. 

I love my girl because she understands me she doesn't talk back she has my back all the time and she is really good looking. I will love her no matter what and she will love me too. I have everything that I would want and more. A best friend an awesome girl and my parents can be cool too. Everything is perfect.

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