You still have me

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Peter's POV

Yeah we will help you out right dad. Yeah of course. Then he looks over at Clara and Carter in a weird way. Are you sure I should stay here I can always stay at Carter's house.

NO carter said. What. I mean my house is really small and you would have to sleep on the couch. This house is a lot bigger.

Okay I guess Nate said. You two I need to talk to you in the kitchen right now.

So we go into the kitchen. What are you two up to. Nothing I just thought this would be a better place to stay. Yeah right what ever you guys are doing needs to stop right now and I mean it.

Okay sorry bro. My sister said. Hey I have to get going if it is okay I will be back tomorrow.  Carter asks my dad. Yeah that will be great. What are they doing.

Okay and Nate I want you to stay here tomorrow don't go to school. Wait then Peter can't Ethier. He can stay here to that's fine with me my dad says. Bye guys see you tomorrow then Carter left.

I'm actually tired to I'm going to go to bed dad will you help me with getting my door open it's sticking yeah sure then Clara and my dad go up stairs. That was wired Nate says yeah it was.

Hey so what was al the yelling about. She was being an ass whole. What did she say it couldn't be that bad. She called you a fag it was that bad.

Oh hey you don't have to protect me you know. Yeah but I want to. Then I hear a squeal from up stairs. Hey Clara is that door still stuck. Uh yeah.

Hey can you help me get my pants on  Nate says with a giggle. Uh sure. So I grab his pants and have him step in them. Usually I would say this felt like taking care of someone in the nursing home but I actually enjoy doing it.

I have tried to hide my feelings for Nate but it is hard if he is going to live in my house yes I admit that I like him. But I can't act on them.

So I help him stand up.  And they are sweat pants so they are easy to get on. Hey thanks for helping me out my arms are killing me hey it's no problem we are friends right. Yeah we are friends then I get his pants over his ass and pulled up all the way. Oh how I want to squeeze his ass but I know I can't.

When I stand up all the way I'm very close to his face and his lips that I would love to kiss but I don't know if he is gay maybe he isn't even gay.

Uh do you want me to show you your room. Yeah that sounds good. We are so close that I can feel his hot breath on my face.

Then I move a way and help him get his stuff into the room he will be staying in.

Hey I will see you in the morning. Tell him and rush to my room.

What did I just do did I run off on  him. What is wrong with me. I was even thinking about kissing him. He just got dumped by his girlfriend and he isn't gay I am so confused. Maybe everything will be better tomorrow.

It's  the next morning and well I don't want to get out of my room because I don't really want to talk about it. I am going to be stuck with him all day.

Hey come out of your room let's have some fun today my dad said. Okay. Fine. When I get down stairs there is a knock on the door. I'll get it I said so I didn't have to look Nate in the eye. Hey Carter come in.

Carter's here hey bro he says to Nate how's your eye. Black he says. Well duh. Hey Carter will you come here my dad says and then Carter heads in the kitchen.

Is it just me or are they being really weird lately Nate asks me. No not just you I've noticed it to.

4 hours later

Hey what's going on you haven't looked at me at all today.

Nothing I just have a lot on mind

Are you sure because you were acting really weird last night.

I said nothing okay so drop it I'm going to my room. Okay I hear while I'm heading to my room.

It's just that I like him and I feel that if he nose that he would freak out and won't hang out with me anymore. Well I guess yelling at him won't help ethier but I just don't know what to do anymore. I know this sounds selfish but last time I told someone that I liked them I got beat up for it and I don't want to go through that again.

I should probably go talk to him. So I get off my bed and head to his room because I heard him head to his room.

Hey I say while I open up his door. What are you doing I asked because I noticed him packing up his things.

I'm leaving. Why. It's clear that you don't want me here he says and turns around to face me. I never said that. Yeah but you didn't have to you don't like that I'm sharing your house and eating your food because if you were okay with me being here you would build up the damn courage to look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you.

I look up at him because I do want him to stay here. I want you to be here okay I don't want you to be on the streets like some homeless person. Okay I'm sorry that I haven't shown it but I do.

Then what's up with you yelled at me you basically avoided talking to me all day what did I  do. Nothing you did nothing I'm sorry. Please don't go

Then he looks down at his stuff okay but if I do something just let me know because I don't want to be played as a fool.

Okay. Then his phone rang. Hold on a second. She did well I don't care. You just are going to leave me to because I'm hanging out with somebody else. Stop calling him that. Know I am not you know what I don't have time for this if you don't want to hang out anymore that's your loss by.

What was that all about I asked. Mark doesn't want to hang out anymore why because you are hanging out with me. Half that and he doesn't want to hang out with someone who has a fag for a friend.

I don't have anything anymore.  What do mean. I mean I had a family a best friend and a girlfriend and now what do I have. You still have me I said.

Well I guess that's good because at the end of the day they were all ass wholes anyways.  I laugh and we hang out. Maybe it won't be as hard as I thought to hang out with him I just hope that he didn't mean when he said he wasn't gay. Because my crush in him is getting deeper and stronger I might just act on it.

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