Match maker

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Carter's POV

So I'm in the car with Peter I think that's what his name is. Anyways he gave me an idea that maybe my brother is in the closet. I want him to come out because his friend Peter is a really cool dude and I don't like that girl he has been dating for a while. When I was running up to the school and when Nate turned around I saw him place is hand on Peter's stomach. Nate he does never put his hands  on a guys stomach. He always high fived them or patted them on the back.

Here is a quick story to tell people that are still confused who I am.

So about a year ago I got beat up by my ex best friend because I am gay. So when my dad figured out why I got beat up my dad kicked me out of the house. He also didn't want me to come a round the house because he didn't want me to  hang out with my little brother because I am gay.

He didn't want a son who likes dick instead of what girls have to offer. I lost all contact with my brother. My dad had changed his number and kicked me out of his life completely. The only thing is that when I left I told Nate not to listen to our parents to do what is right to stick up for someone when they need help.

That's exactly what he has done. As I got to know Peter more I found out some of the things that Nate has said to him. A lot of the things were that Nate cares a lot about Peter. If anybody that knows Nate he used to never say anything like that to a guy. I mean he says he will always be there for his best friend but that's as far as that goes for caring about a guy.

So everything that he has said has me wondering maybe that he is in the closet. So my plan is to get my brother and Peter together but first I have to get my brother out of the closet. So I need to ask peter a question. Hey Peter do you have an older sibling.  Yeah I have a older sister. I love her but she makes me very enoued with her because she wants me to date so badly.

So now we are  pulling  into the hospital and most people would say for a kid whose mom just had a stroke is very calm. I'm actually not it's just talking distracts me from everything else and they did kick me out but I guess at the end of the day she is mom.

So I run into the hospital where I see my brother and dad. I go up to my brother to talk to him. Hey how is she. She is gone Carter. Mom is gone.

After I heard that I started to break down into to tears and so did my brother.

After a while we all calmed  down. Then my dad comes over to me and says I think you should go now we will take care of this. I can't believe the nerve he has.

No dad Carter is staying and if he does go I am going with him. Why would you want to go with him my dad asks Nate. Because he is my brother and I am not going to push him out of my life like you did. I am not 17 any more I am a adult. So you want to hang out with a fag. No I want to hang out with my brother and he is nothing else he is just my brother I don't  refer to him as my gay brother. I refer to him as a person that is gay and my brother being gay doesn't change that. Then Nate stands up and leaves. So I get up and leave with him and Peter fallows behind us.

Sorry about that dad has not changed at all.

That's okay Nate. Hey are you going to go back to school or do you have some free time I would like to catch up. Yeah I don't want to go back to school at least not to day I can't handle moms death and that stupid Bobby. Hey hey I know you don't have to. I'm trying to calm him down because he was about to cry again.

So when I got him calmed down again we got back in the car and started to head to Peter's house so I could drop him off.

So when I pulled up I saw someone that I'm guessing is Peter's dad. I'll talk to him so you don't get in trouble. Thanks Peter says while he is getting out of my car.

Where have you been I got a call from the school that you didn't go today. That would be my fault sir. Who are you Peter's dad asks me. I'm Nate's brother I'm guessing you know who he is. Yeah I do but that doesn't explain why he wasn't at school.

So my brother is supposed to be helping your son survive school right. Yes I guess so. Well our mom had a stroke this morning. Oh I'm sorry. That's okay thank you. Anyways I had to take Nate from school and I didn't think it was safe for Peter to be at school alone. So I took him with us.

Well I appreciate that thank you but next time Peter call me and let me know. Yes dad.

Thank you for getting him here safely. Know problem. How is your mom doing. She past away an hour ago.  Oh I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you.  Oh um befir I forget can I talk to your daughter for just a second. What for. I just need to ask her a quick question.  I could see that he was kind of worried.  Don't worry I'm gay.

In that case sure. So they started to go up on the front porch and I could hear there conversation. Who is that he is cute. Sorry sis he's gay. Also he needs to talk to you.

So they went inside and Peters sister came down the steps. I heard you needed to talk to me. Yes I do. What about.

So your brother is gay right. Uh duh if you want to talk to me about My brother being gay then I don't want to talk. Not really I want to talk about my brother and yours.

Okay I'm listening. So I think my brother is in the closet close to the front of it if you know what I mean. Yeah I do. So what I am trying to say is that I think my brother likes yours.

Finally somebody that thinks the same way I do. So what do you need from me. I need you to help me get my brother out of the closet. Then if it isn't to much to ask will you help me get our brothers together.

You want me to play match maker with our brothers. Yes I say not knowing if she is okay with that.

Of course I will my brother has been single for way to long. Also I like the way your brother is protecting mine. Me to I said. I am actually really proud of him.

So when she goes inside of her house after we were done talking I go over to Nate's car and open up the door. Hey drive to your house and drop of your car we will just use mine .

Okay cool he says. So I head off to my car and get in it. I have a lot of work to do to get my brother out of the closet and to get hi together with Peter. So Peter's sister and I traded numbers and I said that I will call her when we should start planning on how to get my brother out of the closet.

This is the first time I will say this and hopefully the last. I'm gonna play match maker for my brother.

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