That's okay

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Peter's POV

So Nate and I were supposed to meet yesterday at the go-racing. But he had a change in plans. Witch I don't  care about but then he got off the phone with me because his friend Mark doesn't let Nate hang out with any other guys.

He texted me after saying sorry but I can't help but think that he is using me as a backup.

It is Sunday now and we have plans for us to hang out at the movies. I am gonna go there because I shouldn't think to much into it.

The thing about me that I'm gay. A bunch of people say that it isn't a problem and they're right it's not but the problem is that I like Nate but he isn't gay he has a girlfriend.

I hope one day there might be a chance for us but I already know that isn't going to happen.

He makes me laugh and we tell each other every thing. Except that I haven't told him that I am gay I don't think he will be okay with me being gay.

I want to tell him I do but I don't know how.


Come in I tell who ever is on the other side of the door.

Hey bro my older sister said to me. Hey what's up.  I needed to  talk to you.  About what I ask. Boys. Of course that's what she wants to talk about.  I swear they are on her brain 24/7. Ever since I came out to my family she has wanted to talk about them with all the time.

Okay I say letting her know that she can continue. Well there is this one guy that has been single for a while and won't ask anyone out because they are to afraid that will be rejected again. They also won't  get out of there bed to go do anything  anymore.

Haha very funny im working on getting a boyfriend it's just taking a lot longer than I thought it would.

Okay why is it taking so long what's going on. Do you really want to know about my problems. Are you kidding you are my brother so any problems you have I have.

Okay so there is this guy at school and he is really cute and we are in the same grade. He is really nice and talented and really cool. Okay I don't see what the problem is. The problem is that he is straight and has a girlfriend. Oh I see have you hung out with him lately maybe you  can tell if he is just in the closet just waiting to come out.

We are supposed to hang out today at the movies. And he is definitely not in the closet he loves his girl more than anything. Or maybe it's a cover up and maybe he doesn't know that he is in the closet. He could feel things for guys or start to and he doesn't know what it is so he sticks to what he already knows.

Do you think you cold be right. I don't know I haven't met the guy has he done anything to might sound like he is just in the closet. Well he hangs out with basically all girls and he laughs at some of my stupid jokes.

That might be a sign that he likes you to. Know you are being crazy there is no way that he is in to me. You never know if you just stay here on this bed of yours.

Okay what time are you suppose to meet at the movies Clara asks me.

Two but I  don't  think that I'm going to go.

Wait you have to go if he is expecting you there. Did he ask you to go or did you ask him. I asked him I  told her. well now you definitely  have to go. I still don't  know because he has a friend that doesn't  want him to hang out with  other guys because he thinks that he will loose Nate as a friend.

Okay that is confusing but if he is hanging out with you at school and now on the weekends he really wants to hang out with so I wouldn't waste your time on the this bed when you could be at the movies in a hour.

I still don't know Clara I  just don't want to feel like a back up.

I doubt that is what he is doing.

Okay I  will go. Clara is like thank you. Remember to see if he is just struggling to come out of the closet.

Yes I  will know  I got to get ready for the movies.

Okay I get it you want me to leave I am but remember to tell me everything that happened later. I will.

When she left my room I  got my phone out and texted Nate. Hey we are still on the for the movie right.

Yeah I was just waiting for  you  text back. I'll be ready in like a half hour if that is okay with you.

I read the text and smiled he has been waiting for me.

Sure that sounds fine. I sent him that text message and finished getting ready to go.

So when I was done getting ready I went to done stairs.

Where are you going my dad asked me. I'm hanging out with a friend. Oh ok. Is it a boy  per chance. Did Clara tell you. Clara didn't tell me anything.

Yes it is a boy but don't tell mom because she will think that we are dating and make a big deal out of nothing. Are you dating? My dad asked me. No we are just friends.

He wants them to be though I hear my sister say.

Shut up Clara not helping.

Okay  have fun hanging out with your friend my dad told me but he use the air quotes. Dad we are seriously just friends. He has a girlfriend  anyways.

You are still doing what I told you what to do still right.

Yes Clara I am. I'll be back in a little bit okay by.

So walk out of the house. I'm glad I'm out of there because they get so annoying.

I love them I do but when it comes to me and my daiting life they are up in my business 24/7.

My mom even has tried to set me up with one of her friends from work son.

When it comes to this kind of thing I want to be able to make my own decisions. When the right guy comes I'll know it and I will make the decision to date him or not. But right know I really don't think Nate is the right one.

So I'm walking up to the movie theater where I see Nate standing there. He looks really hot in his v neck shirt and blue Jeans.

Hey I said to him. Hey. So what movie was the one you wanted to see he asked while we got in the theater.

There is fist fight or mantis. That sound pretty good.

Mantis sounds cool Nate said.

Cool. I really want to tell him that I'm gay but what if he is like some of those people where they call you fagot  and beat you up for being gay. He seems like he is a cool guy but you can't really any body when you're gay not even your best friend.

Hey there is something I got to tell you when the movie is over okay.

Yeah okay.

2 hours later

When the movie was over we went for a walk to talk. It was actually his idea so I was really surprised but I went with him.

He was talking to me and I was listening but it was hard to considerate because I kept thinking how I was going to tell him that I was gay. Every said that when you tell your parents and family is hard but this is a lot harder than it was to tell my family.

Hey peter are you okay I hear Nate ask. A yeah I am. What was it you wanted to tell me. Dang it I wanted to keep talking so I could think how to tell him.

Um what I want tell is that I'm gay. Okay is that what was bugging you I'm okay with you being gay. It doesn't change our Re- friendship.

Then he kept walking did he just what think he just did he was about to say relationship. Is he really in the closet waiting for it to get opened.

Hey are you coming. He asked me. Yeah sorry. I'm  really happy not just he said that he is okay with being gay but I'm more happy  that he almost said our relationship ship because that means he either wants us to be in one or he is in the closet.

But it did feel really nice to hear him say that it is okay.

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