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Nate's POV

when we finally get to the club Only a few people are in line. We got to get in that line before more people get there. There are only 5 people in line. So we still have to be in that club. What's so special about the club anyways. There are free beers and t-shirts are flung everywhere and the girls look pretty awesome too.

This is why Mark loves his girl because he can complete girls and she won't care.

what's up with you lately we've gone to plenty of clubs without you complaining so stop.

Okay fine. I say so he would stop bothering me. some reason I feel that ever since I started hanging out with peter I have gotten nicer and don't want to do as much stuff.

I don't know what is different because I've hung out with plenty of people in the past but this time it feels different. Peter is kind, respectful, and is the most caring person I know.

He has been on my mind for a while now. He shouldn't be but he is. I was so deep In to thought that I didn't hear Mark say my name. Nate are you getting out the car or do i have to leave you in here? Oh sorry, yeah I'm coming.

So when we got through the line and in side we split off into different directions of the club. I went off and got my girlfriend and I some beers with my fake ide.

Mark has a friend who knows how to do that kind of thing so he got me and Mark one a year or two ago .

4 hours later

So we have been in the club about 4 hours and I can see that Mark is pretty drunk. That's how it usually is when we go out, he gets drunk and I drive home, but I don't really mind because I'm not a big drinking fan.

Hey it's time for us to go home now I tell Mark. 5 more minutes. No your mom will be here in a couple of hours and you got to be sober enough for when she gets to my house.

After a few minutes of fighting with him to get him in the car we are finally on our way back home. Mark fell to sleep right away so I like that because the girls talk in the back and I can focus on what I'm thinking about. (Witch is usually about Peter.)

Yeah I love hanging out with my friends and girlfriend but I keep wondering if I would of had more fun with Peter at the go-cart racing.

When he texted me back last night he said it was okay but I can't help but feel that I let him down.

I don't know what it is about him but my mind keeps coming across Peter.


I look at my phone for a second to see who it is from. It said it is from Peter it said "hey can we hang out tomorrow then. So I grab my phone but I can't text him back because my girlfriend tells me not to text and drive.

I love her but she can't help but try to boss me around. Well at least I know that we will be together for ever. Well I hope so at least.

30 minutes later

After I dropped off the girls I got Mark on the couch so he can sleep and sober up some more before his mom gets here.

So I head up to my room and pulled out my phone and see that I have got one more text message from Peter it said that there is a movie in the movie theater that we can watch tomorrow.

Sure that sounds fun and sorry that I skipped today. Mark came over this weekend and he wanted to hang out because we hadn't seen each other for two weeks.

I sent the message and then turned on a movie.


I look at my phone and it is from Peter. That's okay my dad had me doing stuff all morning anyways. And is Mark the one that only wants him to be your friend or the one that only eats vegetables?

When I see the text I laughed and texted him back. The one that only wants him to be my friend. I think the one that only eats vegetables moved to Arkansas.

We started texting back and forth for a while Intel Mark walked in. I texted Peter that I needed to do something and could text him later.

Was that your girl he asked me kind of hung over and drunk at the same time. Yeah I lied.

Is your mom here I asked him. No she said that she would be here in 5 minutes. Okay.

Did you find the advil that was out on the table by the couch. Yeah I did but I still have a huge headache. That's what you get for drinking so much.

Shut up I'm not in the mood. Oh I'm sorry did I press some bodies buttons. You know if you weren't my best friend I would have punched you by now. Yeah yeah whatever.

Hey Mark your mom is here. We hear my mom yell from down stairs.

Okay thanks Mark tells her. I'll see you in a couple of days he says to me and then he left my room.

So when he was completely gone I texted Peter back. Hey sorry about that.

I waited for a few minutes then after he didn't reply I put down my phone and went down stairs.

2 hours later

I've been waiting for a while and he still hasn't replied. Maybe he's mad that I keep turning him down. Oh I hope I didn't make him mad.

Wait why am I so worried about him I mean I have only known him for a week. Why is on my mind all the time. Mark is my best friend and I don't even think about him that much. Well not any more.

Why is this happening to me. He makes me happy but then all of the few friends I have do to. But this feels really strange and different.

I don't usually care when someone leaves me on read but I really want him to reply.

This sort of feels like it felt when Katie and I started going out. Wait he's a guy I'm not supposed to feel anything for guys right.

I haven't felt like this for years. Katie is great and I love her. But I am really confused I don't know what's going on anymore. Why just why.

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