Chapter 24

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Andy's pov.
I woke up to the intoxicating smell of Ryan. He's laying on his his stomach shirtless. I smile admiring his toned body. His arm is draped across my stomach as I lie on my back. I drag the tops of my fingers up his arm, then slowly sit up propping my self up on my arm. His hair is messy against his Grey pillow. And his eyes move slowly as he dreams. I run my fingers though his hair making sure not to wake him up. I sit watching him sleep for awhile smiling like an idiot.
"Mm I wonder what goes through that head of yours." I whisper to myself.
"Oh wouldn't you like to know fovvs." He says slowly. His voice is raspy from just waking up making my stomach flutter.
"How long have u been awake?" I pull my hand out of his hair embarrassed.
"Mm pretty much since you've been staring at me." He smiles with his eyes closed. Then he moves my had back to his hair.
"Keep doing that It feels good."
I smile. "Your cute sometimes"
"Mm and your hot sometimes." He smirks.
My cheeks heat up and are probably super red now.
"I love how I can make u red with one sentence."
"Your eyes are closed. How do u even know my face is red." I huff.
He opens his eyes smiles then closes them.
"I like when you blush." He pulls me closer to him.
"I think it's kind of annoying." I lay down on my arm next to him.
"It's cute."
I frown "Yeah I know."
"Hey stop with hating being cute. Your cute and you need to except it."
"Yeah yeah whatever." He pulls me face to face with him.
"Can I have a kiss." My breath hitches.
He touches his nose to mine.
"Mmm I guess so." I move and kiss him softly then pull away making him whine.
"Hey that wasn't long enough."
"Well I think I need to take a shower. And I have a horrible headache because someone let me drink last night." I trace a circle in his chest with my fingers letting my eyes wander down his body.
He lifts my head up to him.
"My eyes are up here." He smirks. "And you took it from me. I wasn't about to protest."
I blush and slide out from his hold.
"I'm going take a shower."
"...can I come with you." He says carefully.
"You.. want to shower with me.." I turn slowly looking him in the eyes.
"Uh yeah.. we aren't going to be doing anything but showering right." He raises his eyebrow.
"Yeah.. I guess." I stand and take clothes from his closet and walk to his bathroom.
A few seconds later he walks in with his phone angry texting.
"Who's that?" I question turning the shower on.
"Nicole. I'm about to block her. " he says chunking his phone on the counter leaning against it.
I ignore his comment. The mention of her name makes me either want to cry or punch something. I take off my shirt placing it on the counter. He slowly looks in my direction looking me up and down.
"Mmm I feel like taking a shower together mean more than we realize." I frown.
"We've taken them together before." He tilts his head.
"But this time is different we didn't have...feelings for each other back then.." He looks at me for a few seconds. The slowly slips off his pants leaving him in just boxers. My eyes can't help but look at every inch of him.
I do the same and slip off my pants. I move and step into the shower and take my boxers off putting them on the floor. I try to distract myself from what's happing. Okay Andy so shampoo goes in hair. I feel him step in and slide the door closed,locking the steam in with us. I continue to wash my hair. Just breathe. It's just a shower. Then I freeze. I feel him trace his fingers from the curve of my back to my shoulder blade. I breath unevenly. His hand slide back down my body making me breath even harder. Then he stops at my waist. And pulls me back against me. I moan feeling him against me. I turn around and look at him. His face is hard to read. My eyes slow start to look down his body stopping where they wanted to go.
He lifts my head back to him.
"My eyes are up here Andy." His lips smirk.  "Gosh Andy you're going to get shampoo in your eyes." He chuckles wiping my hair away from my face. He slowly moves his hands washing my hair. I place my hands on his chest making circles with my fingers. He backs me up slowly so that the water is hitting my hair. I close my eyes feeling the suds slide off my hair.
After a few seconds he moves me away and he has his back face if me.
Move slowly and place my lips on his shoulder blade. He lets out a breath moving to wash his hair. I smirk and leave little kisses all over his back up to his neck. I find a soft spot and bite slightly making him moan. I stay there until he interrupts me.
"Andy. I'm not going to have sex with you in a shower."
"What ! Why not."
"Because." He laughs turning to face me. "I want the first time we do it to be more special."
I frown "When is that going to be?"
"Soon." He smiles kissing me softly. I bite his lip wanting more.
"Ay. No. None of that."
"Ughhh. Your no fun." I plop my forehead on his chest. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I shiver, the feeling of his skin on mine is addictive.
"Can we finish this shower now. I'm hungry." He runs his hands down my back.
"Ugh I guess so."
I'm sitting in the living room watching some show Brooklyn thought would be good.
"Brook what even is this."
"Shut up Andy I'm trying to listen."
I let out breath and try to it attention. But the only thing I could think about was Ryan. Our shower this morning kept replaying in my mind.
"What are you smiling about." Sonny says. I've been so lost in thought that I didn't realize he had sat down.
"Uh nothing."
"Hey guys. What's are we watching." Jack says sitting on the floor.
"Some kind of kid cartoon." Sonny says.
"Hey it's an adult cartoons for your information."
"No it's not brook" jack chimes in.
They start bickering back and forth. My mind slowly goes back to Ryan and our shower. This time I feel my cheeks burn.
I hear footsteps then the couch dips.
"Andy... stop thinking about me. Your face is red." He whispers in my ear. My stomach does cartwheels and goosebumps run up and down my arms.
He walks over smirking plopping down next to me.
"I wasn't thinking about you." I whisper.
"Yeah. Okay. So you weren't thinking about our shower this morning." He says casually pulling his phone out.
"I hate you." I playfully punch his arm. 
"Mm sure you do." He lays on top of my lap not looking away from his phone.
"So did you two kiss and make up or.." brook stares at us confused. Sonny and jack are trying to hide a smirk.
"Uh yeah something like that." I smile poking rye in the side making him squirm.
"So what actually happened between you two?"
Rye tenses up.
"Um so brook. And Sonny I have something to tell you." Jack takes away the attention. Rye relaxes and I run my fingers through his hair.
"What is it ?" Sonny says.
"I've .. decided that I'm leaving the band.."
"You decided what?" Brook stares in amazement.
"It's just not me anymore Brook."
"Well I guess if your not happy anymore I'm not gonna be mad about it." Sonny says.
"Brook?" Jack looks at him sadly.
"Yeah I guess it's just gonna be a change."
He frowns.
A little silence goes by and everyone is back to watching the cartoon that brook put on. Rye is smiling at something on his phone. I look at him questioningly. He turns it up towards me revealing a video of us kissing with a churro. I watch smiling then he gets a notification as my face drops. He looks at me then pulls his phone to him.
"Ugh. Why won't she leave me alone." He angrily types.
"Because she's her." I huff annoyed.  He placed his phone in the ground and looks up at me.
"Ay loose the angry face." He sits up and whispers in my ear. "Your the only one I want." My breath hitches.
He lays back down on my lap smirking.
"Wipe that "I won" look off your face." I say back.
"Well I did. Your face is red and your um friend has come to visit." He moves onto pressing down on my problem making me
Moan. Then I realized we're not alone.
I cough trying to cover it up.
"You alright Andy." Brook questions. Rye is now dying from laughter.
"Yeah I just choked on my own spit." I send a glare to rye then smile at brook.
Silence goes by then Ryan takes my hand and puts it under his back intertwining our fingers.
"I'm going to hurt you later." I lean down and whisper in his ear.
"I can't wait." He smirks.

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