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   Here we go.  A little sneak peek of what is to be expect. Most of your questions will be answered in this book.

But before we start. How about you guys tell me what you want to read about?

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This will be the last of the Rivers Siblings books and I hope I have and will meet almost all of your expectations. Enjoy.

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   The world is more then what you know, it spreads beyond the horizon, it has dips, hills, curves, it is to you what you want it to be and it can be something completely different for me. As are people, see it's all in the point of view, in the narrator's choice of words, in what we choose to see. You would be amazed in what a person chooses to ignore things that seem little, of no meaning, no longer valuable. Or just plain.

  Those hidden objects or neglected hints can be the key to unlocking the truth beyond what we see or want to see, a simple word, Frase, sentence, chapter. A missing page on a book can change the whole storyline, a missing picture in an album, a missing memory or the missing sibling.

  My life or our life is not what you've been told, well not most of it. Things didnt exactly happen the way you think, or the way you have been lead to think, what happens when most of what you thought was true came out to be anything but?

  Theres only 2 ways this can end, two reactions that will define what will happen afterwards, denial or acceptance. Actually scratch that there are 3, theres also the path to acceptance wich starts with denial, when you grow up thinking everything and everyone is bad or out to get you there might really be no way to get threw to you but when in that fear, in that lack of trust  there is something or some one you cling to as a safety net as a way to keep yourself grounded there just might be hope.

In this case I'm the missing thing, piece, page, picture, SIBLING but I have fucked up and I dont know if there is a way for me to fix it. That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying.

I knock on the door to a two story home that is currently being used to provide safety and warth to the 3 most important women in my life, my 2 sisters and my niece. This isnt the first time I come here trying to explain myself, but I am hoping it's the last. After a couple of seconds waiting I hear someone approaching and brace myself for what is to come. I'm not nieve I knew it wasn't gonna be easy, it hasn't been so far. I know its gonna take time and I'm prepared to fight as long as needed to finally have them back. I wasted so many years thinking she was dead and when I finaly find them I ruin it all. Sure they deserved to know the truth but they have to keep in mind that it was my job, it's what I love to do or loved to do but for them I'm willing to give it all up because they are more important.

The door swings open and I'm greeted by a red eyed, tear stained Ally. She looks so broken for just a mere second but then her expression changes to one of disappointment I can handle anything but that. I could handle her being mad, scared, sad and maybe even over it all but this. That look right there is not one I was prepared for. Disappointment, I lived for seeing her smile, for hearing her call me her big hero, for picking her up at school and hearing her giggle while telling me how her day at school went I have never and wished to have never seen that look on her face.

  But not all wishes come true and not all stars shine so now I'm left speechless, ashamed and with a knot in my throat that I have no choice but to swallow.

"What do want James? Are you here to do some more damage? Have you not done enough? Why are you here?" I was expecting screams maybe a door slammed in my face or hurtful word like the previous time but her words come out steady, with almost no feeling in them and it does nothing but feed my determination. This is my baby sister, the one girl I promised to protect my whole life and I failed her not once but twice and I'm not planing on doing it again.

"Can we talk, Chubs?" I try to use the nick name I gave her when she was just a baby but nothing happens, theres no softness in her eyes, no twitch to her lip, no sing that I'm somehow heading in the right direction.

  "I dont have time for this James, my daughters need me right now. And honestly theres no reason for me to hear any excuses you plan on giving me so please get of my property." She says and softly closes and locks the door.

  I'm not giving up on them they deserve the truth no matter what happens they deserve to know who our parents were and why he did what he did. It took me years to figure it out and I'm not gonna let them go on with out knowing.

  I reached in to my pocket and pulled out my phone to call Kenny, I really need a drink right now. We planned to meet at our usual hang out a bar slightly out of town it's where we went our first day as partners and have keped going since. I'm not gonna waist your time with describing how the bar look. It's nothing fancy a small bar with some pool tables and small round tables lining the walls the rest I leave for you to imagine.

  Kenny is the only one that knows what really happend at my childhood home the only one that I've been strong enough to confide in and in all honesty it wasn't out of strength, I told him while drunk one night and he let me know the next morning that he knew what I was up to and that he would always have my back. And from that moment foward he has, every step of the way he has had my back his modo is act first ask questions later and I'm thankfull, no he doesn't jump when I ask, he doesn't sit and wait he just backs me up when I need it and I do the same for him. I can honestly say he is and always will be my best friend, now the fact that he has been leading my sister on isn't something I like but I'm gonna allow it I'm gonna trust that he out of all people will have her best interest at mind.

  Back when I had just started working for the FBI there had been a case in wich 2 man were killed it was not meant to be handled by me but mistakenly it ended up on my desk. It was an Arson case some one had set a fire on a family home in wich there were 2 men. Brothers almost unrecognizable but once my eyes landed on the pictures I knew who they were. They are the reason I am who I am, I fought day and night to find them and somehow they found their way to my desk or some one made it possible. After a little investigation I knew my sister was alive and somewhere in the world alone. So I did everything I could to cover up the fact that she was probably the one who did it. I erased every trace of her ever being there, I managed to get finger print off another man off the house and that's how I ended up following Reaper around for years, he lead us to Nemesis who later became our number one priority successfully pulling our attention away from my fathers case and into a whole different one.

Eventually allowing me to bury this one under other unsolved but as important as mine. God knows how many other agents had done the same. How many other co-workers had put there job at risk to help a loved one. But who am I to judge we all have our reasons.

And theres might be just as important as mine or far more. The only other person that knows all this is Kenny and that alone made me paranoid, I hoped that he never found a reason to turn me in or to pull out that heavily buried file. Because if anyone where to pull it out it would only take theme a matter of weeks to figure out who did it, if they are as good as I'm making them out to be.

   Hopefully they aren't and they end up following the last couple of steps leading to a dead man Reaper and that would be enough for them to decide to close the case as solved giving everyone else a good reason to look past the file and ignore the unsolved bits and pieces that might seem of no meaning to them, but to me are the hidden clues that there is more to the case. That there are things hidden far beyond the words on the few pages occupying the once empty folder.

  They are the key to unlocking The Rivers Siblings family secrets.


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