Case Closed

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  The sound of doors banging open, glass chattering, screaming, runing, fighting, the pop the tazers make when shot and skin hitting skin. Its chaos, my feet carry me through the building clearing room after room, I see man on their knees hands zip tied behind their back all lined up in the hallway. They all look as if they knew they would get out of this, as if this was a waist of our time.

Smiles adorn their bloodied dirty faces. But we cant stop the search because theirs one man missing, the one we need the most, with out him we have no case. We have theories, we have statements, we have evidence but its all useless with out a swap of his mother fucking cheek. And the roach is yet to be found. Every single room has been cleared twice but I'm not giving up, he has to be here, we have all exits coverd, all windows watched, the stairs have guards in them on all 4 floors but no one has seen a hair or the lack of it. He couldn't have just walked out of this place everyone knows who we are looking for. Out of anger, desperation and a second of weakness   I flip a mattress of its frame and throw a lap towards a wall.

"Look again! He has to be here! Flip every fucking piece of furniture move every fucking floor board but find the piece of shit and bring him in!" My men get back to it, some grunt and hiss about how im gonna keep them there all night looking for a ghost but others move with a pep to their step as if what I said had motivated them to actually find the dirty fucker.

He was there, I could feel it. There was no way for him to leave with 9ut some one seeing him. "Over here. Found something you might want to see cap." The sound cane from where the kitchen was and with out question my feet traveled the distance in the blunk of an eye.

A hatched was lifted from under where the table had been, steps decended lower, darkness overcoming the space. Grabbing a flashlight passed to me I decended the steps with a firm grip on my hands. If he wasn't here, if this hallway leads to an exit we are fucked. There is no way he'll stay in the city let alone the town, we might have missed our opening. I waited to long. The hallway lead me to a wooden door, there was light coming from under it.

With tensed muscles I reached for the door before looking back to confirm that Kenny had my back and after receiving a nod I pulled the door open and he stepped in, "clear" the word was hushed but we heard it, the door only lead to yet another hallway but this one had door after door in each wall. There were atleats five door in each and I could swear I hear a child like cry coming from one. The guys and I started moving one after the other the doors where swung open and all you could here were the affirmation of there not being any threats. There were women, men and children huddled together in every room, and when we finally got to the last room and the door swung open the sound of crying was drowned out by the sound of a gun going off. The air was nocked out my chest with a silent thump and while my body fell Kenny appeared aiming his own gun into the room and firing while yelling to who ever was in the room to drop their weapon.

  The burning of flesh, the smell of blood and the ache on my shoulder had distracted me from the chaos surrounding me. "We got him brother." Kenny's face hovered over mine a smile spread across his face as if there had been no casualties. Obviously there had been, I had been shot and he had the balls to smile.

  "Get out of my face Kenny before I permanently erase that smile of yours."

"Stop being a baby, your fine. Your not even bleeding... that much."

He extended his hand out to me and helped me stand, when I looked at the room the scene infront of me broke me just a little more. There was girl, maybe 6 or 7 years old, she was missing her two front teeth, tears streaming down her face, a blanket settled on her shoulder but ther was blood covering the filthy mattress laying on the floor where she was sitting. Her body was pushed up against the wall, her knees pulled up to her chest and her body was shaking so fast that I worried she was going to break. Bruises covers her small face, blood dripped out of her right ear and her tiny hands held on to the fabric covering her with such a strong grip that her knuckles were white.

  I wanted to walk away, I wanted to go up to her and hold her till she stopped crying. I wanted to turn back time and kill the fucker being dragged up the stairs. He didnt deserve to live, but he didn't deserve to have such a fast and painless death. I knew for a fact that where he was going his life would be nothing but a living nightmare day in and day out I would make sure of it. In minutes the place was full of blues and whites. Paramedics looking over the victims and cops gathering evidence and escorting the detained out towards the vans waiting out front.

  I didnt feel as accomplished as I thought I would. It didn't feel like it was the end of what ever the sick bastard had started but it was most definitely the end for me. I had done it, we had done it. Years of working undercover, of putting my family and life on pause to catch the people who had kidnapped and done the unthinkable to my sister and I was ready to finally turn in my badge and walk away, there was nothing more for me to do at the station and I had some women who needed me to show them that they were and always will be my priority.

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