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  We got the location, we got the people, now we need the perfect time.

  "Alright so this is how its gonna happen, we will not shot their operations down, we will stay in the shadows, watch their every move. Remember this isn't just about removing the prisoners but catching the asshole who have been keeping them there."

  There is a couple of questioning looks and nods form the guys and I continue.

"Yes the woman, girls and anyone who isn't part of the operation is and always will be our priority. But we have to be smart about this. What's the point of going in getting them and not making any arrests if by next month they will have probably moved the operation else where and have stocked up again?"

  My hands lay on the table clasped tightly, I want to go their right now I want to remove them from that fucked up situation this very moment but we have to be smart about it.

  "If we just barge in there we might loose a couple of our own and I know all of you are ready to give your lives up so they can be home with their own family but let's think about our families aswell. We dont want and shouldn't make them suffer if it's with in our reach.

  And as of now it is, so while we have the upper hand we will play it safe. I'm gonna have a couple of you guys stake out the place, if its possible maybe infiltrate. Let's try and have them make a sale catch them on the act it'll help our case."

The plan hadn't been thought all the way through, we had just recently received the location and currently had eyes in the sky keeping us updated on all activities that are taking place in their base of operations, we have yet to see any prisoners or captives and are hoping that it stays that way until we figure out who is gonna be our buyer and how we want to play this out.

  While our team worked on perfecting our plan the door to the meeting room swung open and a breathless and bruised Naomy plowed through the room towards the table where she rested her hands.

After asking if she was married or not and not really getting an actual answer or one that I understand we have been busy, she has been working on a different case wich kept us from having time to lunch together or me from simply admiring Gods perfect creation.  The Goddess had the power to acquire all of my attention, to bring to a standstill all of my muscles and train of thought by just looking me straight in the eyes and that is exactly what she did.

Her glasses were missing, her eyes filled with tears. She looked like she had been runing for hours, sweaty, shaking, breathless. All sings of struggle were present. My eyes wonder every inch of visible skin taking inventory of her appearance hoping to not find any more damage than had been visible from where I was standing. There was an exact amount of ten chairs on each side of the table full of coworkers who's heads were swinging from one end to the other.

It was no secret how I felt about her. I'm sure everyone at the office knew, everyone but her. Her hands move up the sparkling ring on her left hand shining with the light above us. She pushed her hands through her hair and straightened up as much as she could.

  "I got you something." I wasn't sure what she ment but I didn't care I was concerned about her appearance, her bruised knuckles caught my attention and with out thinking I was standing and heading over towards her.

"Come sit, love. Talk to me about all this before anything else." My voice was soft and she flinched at the word love but took the necessary steps and planted that perfect as of hers on my chair. No one moved. Not one of the guys made a sound, we waited for her to catch her breath before she finally spoke.

  "As you already know there has been a series of bodies popping up in certain crime scenes. I thought originally it had been a message for McNeil but I came to discover today that the message was not for who I had thought." Her shaky hands pulled at the small locket around her neck and her eyes stared passed me as if she was now traveling back in time to the events that had lead her to this discovery.

  "Naomi would you like to have this conversation in private?" One of the guys asked and she shook her head, answering him with a no gesture of her head.

"There was a new body found, we were called to a crime scene and apparently arrived before the body had been planted. On my way in to the now burned home I could here talking, thinking that it had been one of the guys I made myself known by shouting out for them to not touch or move anything. And before I could round the corner the conversation stopped. I didnt see them till I was standing in the same room there were two guys I saw there faces I could describe them to the last hair on there head or lack of." She started of speaking looking towards me but them swung the chair around to look at the board behind her the border that held some of the guys we were planing on arresting in what we hoped was only a couple of days but knew might take longer.

  "I had been collecting DNA off the body's of the victims that had been placed on each of my crime scenes but had yet to find a match, not even one, not until today. They came after me but I got a loud scream out alerting everyone outside that something was wrong and a needed assistance, before anyone had the time to arrive one of them had his hand around me neck and had landed a punch. I tried fighting back and in the process got a good scratch or too and a punch I'm sure he will feel for a week or so." Her chest puffed out adding volume to her mouth sized breast, not that I was complaining as long as she had some I would be a happy man.

"Out of the scratches I landed I was able to get enough DNA to run through the data base and although I didnt get a name, not that I needed one I got a match to a couple of the victims." She pointed to one of the pictures on the board and my world stoped and not for the right reasons.

Armando, she pointed out towards Nemesis right hand man. If we catch him its over their operation dies and we can rescue all these woman, finally bring them home. We got him, eye witness, DNA match to the crime scenes and most importantly a location we can move in now. We can finally end this and not worry about losing the case and him being released  for lack of evidence. She single handedly just solved our case and I wanted to kiss her.

"Can we please have the room?" I try to sound calm but firm, professional but even i can hear the need in my voice. Her eyes lock on mine and her tongue darts out to wet her swollen lips. She flinched a little when it makes contact with the cut on her upper lip and she bites on the lower one holding back any sound indicating how much it had hurt but the forced sigh that escapes give it away. She is hurting but shes holding it back so that she could get this information in.

  "I need to give my statement." Her eyes dart around the room and she watches every guy stand and begin to walk out.

"You just did. Suggs, get it written down and drop it on my desk she'll sign it when we finish here." I called out not taking my eyes of her, not wanting her to disappear. "I never got my answer last time."

I lean my body on the table and cross my arms waiting for her to answer so that I can decide whether or not I can hold her. "I used to be." Her voice is soft and a small frown covers her face a  sadness that I had never seen on her before takes a hold of her for just a minute and her right hand flies to her left where she plays with the ring on her finger the emotion shakes my very soul. I sink down infront of her and cover her hands with one of mine while the other reaches up to carress her face.

  "I'm so sorry, if I'd had known I wouldn't have asked." She nods her head and leans in it my touch. "I really want to kiss you, but I dont know how you'd feel about it."

"It depends on whether you know how to or not." The corner of her mouth toug up into a small smile and I chuckle at her attempt to tease me. When her smile drop and her eyes dart to my lips I take it as an invitation and lean in to finally have a taste of heaven.

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