1- Mirkwood Forrest

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(Emilia Clarke is Ellysia in this book.)

Hey guys, first I wanna thankyou for choosing to read my fanfiction, it means a lot. This story will be packed full of romance so if you're a hopeless romantic like me you won't be disappointed. I chose to write a Thranduil fanfiction because I adore the character and feel like he has so much depth to him that needs to be explored. I chose to write about Legolas' mother as the main character instead of a romance that is set after the movies because in the films it is evident how much Thranduil loved his wife, and I wanted to create a backstory for them. 

Anyway, that's enough from me, please point out any typos and let me know what you think in the comments 😊 


Thranduil's pov:

I stepped quietly and raised my bow as I crept through Mirkwood Forrest. I was on a hunting spree looking for a giant stagg to shoot and bring back to the palace as my prize. I had tied my Elk 'Sael' and elvish word meaning wise, to a tree a short while back and continued down the path alone.

My attire wasn't made up of mostly armour like most Elvish warriors, on the contrary, I wore a set of hard brown leather pads over my charcoal coloured tunic for protection. The colour was a sharp contrast to my silvery blonde hair that hung loose down my back; I also wore a silver cape, not too long, that came down to my knees. A large brown quiver was fastened to my back, a small knife was strapped to my side and a long silver sword hung from my belt.

I squinted my eyes and peered through the thick foliage to see if a stagg might be taking shelter there. I could see something crouching by a faraway tree through the thicket, so I stepped closer to get a better look. As I did, I stepped on a twig and the creature ran. I followed it as best I could as it bolted through the bushes. I raised my bow and pulled back on the hard cord, aiming for the creature. I lined it up in front of it as it ran and let the arrow loose. I heard a 'clunk' and knew I had missed and must have hit a tree instead.

I continued to chase the creature further into the thick wood until all of a sudden, it stopped moving, this surprised me and made the beast far more difficult to find now. I stepped silently along, scanning the trees with my eyes to make sure it wasn't hiding behind one. About ten meters away, I saw a flash of green and heard rustling, the creature was hiding behind a large tree. I quietly raised my bow, placed an arrow on the notch, pulled it back and aimed just to the side of the tree, hoping that it would hear the noise of my arrow and run into it by accident. A let out a deep breath as I loosed the arrow, it flew through the air and this time I heard something different, a gasp or noise of something in pain and I was certain I had hit it. I hung my bow on my quiver and ran over to see what bizarre creature I had caught, but just before I reached the spot something stepped out from behind the tree.

A young elleth was standing in a flowing light green dress with brown leather boots; her hair was long and contrary to most elves, was wavy. Her locks were a mix of both silvery-white and blonde, not stripey but a perfectly blended colour that looked beautiful against her green dress. On her right arm was a thin chestnut coloured band, and on her left wrist was another. She lifted her gaze and met my eyes and I shivered from some feeling unbeknownst to me, for they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my lifetime. They were a bright brilliant saffire with tiny silver flecks, no makeup to line here eyes was present but neither was it needed, for she was a natural beauty.

The moment was abruptly shattered when she spoke, "who do you think you are!" She yelled, "to shoot at an unarmed elleth!"

I frowned in confusion as to why she was so angry with me, I was the prince after all, but my confusion quickly diminished when looked down and saw her left hand was at clutching her right arm as a bright crimson liquid spilled though the gaps between her fingers.

"Oh, I am so sorry," I began, shame heating my cheeks, "I beg your forgiveness, I was hunting and thought you were a wild creature."

She frowned, and somehow still managed to look beautiful even with a sour look on her face, "well do you happen to have a cloth I could tie around this wound?" She asked, "it is very deep."

I stepped forward and asked to see, so she moved her hand and revealed the wound, it was quite deep and would definitely scar. I pulled my knife out from its holder and cut a strip from the bottom leg of my tunic, placed the knife back and began to wrap her arm. Her pale skin was so soft and I felt tremendous guilt to think I was the one who caused such a wound that would now tarnish her with a scar.

After I tied the last knot I stepped back, "there, I'm truly sorry Miss," I stated apologetically.

 "Thank you," she replied, then her expression softened, "but in truth, it was half my fault, I thought you were a beast chasing me through the woods so I ran, that is why you shot. I will remember this as an accident only."

I smiled at her kindness, then a thought struck me, "if I may ask," I began, "why is an elleth out all alone in the Dark Forrest without even a mount?"

She looked slightly embarrassed, "I did arrive on a horse," she stated, "but it spooked and I fell, I tried to retrieve it, only for it to run off the path and be devoured by giant spiders."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "do you have a way of returning home? It's near sunset."

She shook her head, "no sir," she stated, obviously completely oblivious to whom I was, "I haven't. I suppose I'll walk."

"It is far too dangerous to walk this path alone at night," I stated, "come with me, my mount is tied not too far away, I shall escort you to your home."

"Oh I couldn't let you trouble yourself," she protested, "I don't even know your name sir."

"I am Prince Thranduil," I answered, "son of King Orophor."

Her eyes grew wide and she fell to one knee in front of me, "forgive my foolish ignorance my lord," she gasped, "I did not know it was you."

I took her hand and pulled her up to a standing position, "you need not bow," I stated, "we are not at court, and you did not know, it will not be held against you."

She smiled shyly, not meeting my eyes and tucked a strand of her silky hair behind her pointed ear, "thank you," she spoke softly.

"What is your name?" I asked her.

She still averted her eyes, but glanced up somewhat before answering , "Ellysia Rose."

"What a beautiful name," I declared genuinly, "well, Ellysia, allow me to take you to your home before it gets dark."

She only nodded in response and followed me down the path.

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