12: working with the gears

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Schugel coughed as black smoke blew up in front of his face without warning.

He had failed again on creating a 'supergun'.

"Damnit!" He said to himself as he flung everything to the side where he made a corner for trash and other things that miserably failed on him.

"Oh God, please give me a sign..." He whined as he knelt down on both knees.

Tanya placed a hand to keep herself from snickering as her smirk grew wider each passing second from the staring he has done on the failing and desperate scientist.

"Why the hell are you praying 'make copies exactly like the red jewel for other mages.'??" Tanya said.

Schugel gave a flustered look and turned around to see Tanya smirking at him in amusement. Faking a few coughs, he stood back up and rummaged around his fully swept desk.

Tanya watched as he took out a few cogs and gears, before taking out necessary instruments for use. Twisting down a screw, he proceeded to get a magnifying glass next.

"Oh wow...now you're busy again?" Tanya commented behind him as she glanced around the scraps near the trash.

Taking one of those jewels that look exactly like hers, it bloomed crimson red and violently shook in her palms.

Schugel turned to look at what Tanya was doing and was surprised at what she was exactly doing, making him give a flustered look.

"How are you doing that!?" He yelled.

"Me? No clue, just picked it up when I saw it." Tanya answered back before tossing it back over to the dump with Schugel immediately trying to catch it.

"What..? How?" Schugel pondered as he poked around the dead jewel.

Tanya rolled her eyes and walked over to his desk. Schugel was working on something.

"If you keep asking like that on shit, you'll never get anything done in time or at all." Tanya laughed quietly as she picked up a small metal hammer from the desk.

"True... I won't get anything done." Schugel said after a deep sigh as he stood back up walking over to Tanya. Looking back over the desk, he took the hammer and magnifying glass before gently hammering down with sheer force on the jewel and the inner mechanical workings on it.

"Did you place those gears inside?" Tanya asked after glancing at the jewel that gave light flashes in each hit.

Schugel hummed as he gathered the right words to say.

"No, here in this universe, jewels that have gears in them are known to be used in machines..." He explained.

"Machines? How about this one I have then?" Tanya said.

"That right there on your neck is the same as what I have right here but it's much rarer due to it being able to boost anyone by strength, rapid regeneration, and even bigger knowledge and logic on everything. Basically, it's a very strong power booster." Schugel explained further as he took another light swing on the jewel before the sound of gears clicked and the sound of clicks and clacks presumed next.

Tanya stared in awe as she watched the gears inside the jewel work around from the magnifying glass.

"That's quite interesting." Tanya commented as she crossed her arms while watching Schugel slowly try and poke it with a burning sharp red ended needle.

Raising a brow she stared as Schugel began to calmly poke with the needle, smoke somehow coming out of the edges of the needle as it dug deeper into the jewel.

As soon as it hit one of the gears, it stopped glowing and it made Schugel throw a fit before trashing everything to the side again.

"Oh, wow...was that a failure?" Tanya asked as she took a step back to look over at the trashed jewel.

"Yes, it was a failure. I've been having a hard time trying to make more like the one you have, but the only machine I use that lets me do this easily was stolen months ago, and Maxiliam is failing his gang and everything he had given birth to which makes it harder for me to ask for a few men to find out where my machine had been taken to." Schugel blabbered.

With Tanya feeling bored listening to his blabbering she spoke.

"Are jewels like those common here and not rare?" Tanya asked.

"No, we steal these jewels." Schugel immediately answered.

Tanya hummed before looking around the half rubbished office.

"Who do you commonly steal from?" She asked before walking over to the metal closet from beside a few mechanical items.

"Somewhere from 'Russia', or so what we liked to call it. A gang of commies" Schugel said before giving a quick fit of laughter.

Tanya snickered.

"Commies? Really?" She giggled while slowly kneeling down on one knee.

"Yes, since they mostly earn money from doing good deeds as such back in their home country." Schugel said with an amused smile as he took out another jewel from the cabinet.

"Ok, how many jewels do you have in stock?" Tanya asked as she knelt down and peeked under the metal closet.

"Just a few left." Schugel answered.

"Why is it that you have to try and jab a burning needle in the center?" Tanya asked another as she reached out under the closet, before grabbing a small toy from underneath.

"A nutcracker, huh? Is this what you wanted me to get of all things!?" She hissed while staring at its poker face.

"What?" Schugel gave a flustered look.

"Nothing, I was talking shit to myself." Tanya said as she stood back up with the nutcracker in hand.

"Oh, ok." Schugel said before he continued to hammer on the jewel.

"Anyways, can you fill me in with some information right now?" Tanya asked after walking towards him.

Schugel hummed in agreement as he continued to hammer with all ears on Tanya's favor.

"I and Maxiliam will be going on this 'casino' somewhere in the city and I wanted to ask you what would be in there knowing you've been dragged in there by him once." Tanya said.

Schugel paused and stared forward before gulping.

Tanya raised a brow.

"Oy, answer my question." She frowned.

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