30: finally training her

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Tanya sighed while helping Visha up.

Visha didn't handle the explosion well.

"What kind of shield was that!??" Tanya yelled over.

Visha coughed while dusting the debris off of her when she stood up.

"What use are you for me if you can't even defend yourself, huh!?" Tanya nagged loud while walking over to Visha who frowned while grabbing her gun.

'Is this what those four went through with her?' she thought.

"Fix yourself up, we're not done!" Tanya said while crossing her arms together.

"Yes, young boss." Visha said while wiping her dirty cheeks with her arms.

Tanya sighed.

"I gotta hand it to you, you're attacks are good..but how do you expect yourself to be able to attack like that if you can't make a proper shield, huh?" She said.

"Please don't get mad, young boss!" Visha said while bowing down.

It made Tanya click her tongue a few times in disappointment.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to properly make a shield, hell, you might even master it better than them if you can." She said while offering a hand.

Visha pursed her lips, nodding eagerly when she took the hand.

"Where are we going, young boss?" She asked when Tanya began to lead the way around the ruble of junk.

Tanya glanced around a few large piles before pointing at one of the tall ones.

"I'm going to break that and cause a storm of danger down. I want you to shield me." She said.

Visha gasped.

"What!??" She stammered.

"But..! I'm not good with---"

"Did I fucking stutter..? Visha?" Tanya growled when she looked up at Visha.

"N..no, young boss! I apologize for my stupidity, young boss!" Visha stammered while bowing for mercy.

With Tanya rolling her eyes in ignorance, she aimed her gun towards the pile, slowly aiming precisely with Visha trying to clear her head to get the right strength of the shield she'll need to do.

As soon as the pile was shot, trash and broken bits in the sizes of small and large items quickly began to rain down everywhere.

Visha had succeeded.

"I'm impressed, you did well." Tanya said while slowly clapping her hands.

Visha smiled, feeling proud to herself when Tanya had acknowledged her heavy work.

"Now, to see if you can handle well on using your mana." Tanya said while stepping out of the spot they stood in and out to another spot.

Well, more like out of the place.

"Where are we going next, young boss?" Visha asked with hesitation clear in her voice.

Tanya frowned.

"Just follow." She said while opening the driver seat door of the car.

Visha sighed and got in, sitting by the passenger seat with Tanya while buckling the seatbelt down securely.


They drove for only a few minutes in total silence before Tanya stopped by a cliff. She stretched her arms out and walked over the edge, crouching as she eyed down below it.

Visha glanced around, enjoying the view a bit while walking over beside Tanya.

'What are we doing up high here..?'  she thought.

"Are you ready for your use of mana?" Tanya asked.

Visha hummed in surprise before nodding. She didn't know what she had to do actually.

"Oh, really?" Tanya asked while raising a brow as she glanced up at Visha.

"Y....yes, young boss." Visha slurred while trying to keep her calm composure together.

And without a second thought did Tanya shove her towards the edge when she stood up.

Time somehow slowed down over Visha's eyes when she glanced over to Tanya, her hand in an open palm reached out from the push.

Then, everything turned into a gasp of surprise for her.

"Pathetic, you didn't even do anything to help yourself!" Tanya said.

Visha was sweating madly with her back pressed against the transparent shield Tanya created behind her.

"What a waste you'll be! You had good altitude and all but you're a complete lacky piece of shit!!" Tanya growled while yanking Visha from the shield.

Visha landed on all four, her breather sharp and fast from the surprise.

"How about this, if you can get your shitty ass back into the mansion before I fucking do and greet me there looking pristine and good and not like shit you look like right now, I'll bet I'll let you live." Tanya said while walking towards the car.

Visha frowned while trying to stand up.

'Is she going to kill me?' she thought while trying to comprehend what Tanya had said.

"Visha," Tanya said when she opened the driver seat door.

"If you don't prove you're sorry ass to be of use, I'll kill you, got it?" She continued before getting in and driving off.

"Wait! Young boss!!" Visha called over while running towards the car.

"Don't leave!" She yelled but it only went over deaf ears when she ran to catch up on the speeding car.

Standing there, she paused, watching Tanya drive off without her.

'Why is she so horrible and strict..?' she wondered while trying to recall what Tanya said.

Right, she was going to get killed if Tanya gets there before her.

She had to get there before her boss.

But how? You may ask??

Just how can she when she has only her feet as her traveling speed?

Visha took a big huff of air before turning back around the cliff.

She had to do it. She had to. It's her only chance of escaping the clutches of death around her neck.


"Fuck..that was too harsh..." Tanya pondered while resting an arm on the open window as she sped through the dirt road path before going into moderate speed on the asphalt road.

She hummed while speeding calmly back home. Hell, she's probably tired now.

'If she ever really does make it before me...that can only mean one thing.' she thought while turning a road and another.

"Oh, fuck it all... she'll be begging on my knees when she fails, all I need to do is just forgive her for fuck sakes..." Tanya scoffed while pressing on the horn when a car wasn't moving.

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