Touch and Tell

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Merlin - over the many years he had known Arthur - still didn't fully understand the Prat, but it certainly wasn't for lack of trying. After about a year in Arthurs service, Merlin had come to the conclusion that Arthur was a very physical person, and that is how he had learnt to read into every touch and move the young pendragon made. It was six months later that Merlin had decided to make a list, as it was getting harder to remember what each and every movement - on top of the chores and destiny business he had to do daily.

Merlin's list of Arthurs touches:

Pat on the shoulder:

Translation: well done or glad your safe.

It's about the fifth time Merlin nearly dies for him that this touch appears, and Merlin can't help the swell of affection that fills his chest. The other knights are smiling and praising him, but Merlin finds that he doesn't care - because Arthur is the only one here that he actually cares for and the only ones who's praise Merlin would fight for. It's only a brief touch, but the heat lingers throughout the night, and the other Knights trade knowing looks like the Prince thanks and praises him.

It's one of Merlins favourite touches.

Elbow to the ribs:

Translation: shut up or you okay?

This touch was the most common and was a part of their unspoken routine. It was their way of asking the other if they were okay, and if the other responded - then they was fine. Merlin came to rely on this in public when Arthur refuses to show any emotion, and the familiarity of the gesture would alway cause the edges of Arthur's lips to twitch upwards and his surprisingly sharp elbow to dig into Merlin's ribs - but the joy would always be worth the pain.

Hit over the head:

Translation: Idiot.

This was Merlins least favourite, for both obvious and hidden reasons. the obvious is that although Arthur never purposefully hurts Merlin, he is a knight and he's strong and his hits hurt, but this gesture normally meant that he had displeased Arthur in some way. Displeasing Arthur always made Merlin feel like a scolded child who was found with his hand in the cookie jar, and it makes Merlin want to sulk and please Arthur simultaneously and it really really confused him.

That's why he doesn't like this touch.

Arm around the shoulder:

Translation: Protective or thankful.

Another thing about Arthur is just how protective he is of any of his friends, so it comes as no surprise when the foreign knight backs of at Arthurs animalistic look.

The knight had been eyeing up Merlin since he first arrived with his lord, and Arthurs' metaphorical heckles had risen when he caught sight of one of the lustful looks. Merlin had quickly retreated down one of the corridors - eager to get away from the obvious gaze of the knight - but the man had followed with matching levels of enthusiasm. Panicking, Arthur had hurriedly but politely excused himself from the room to follow Merlin. His footsteps were verging on jogging, but it was unseemly for a Prince to be seen running, so he forced his pace to remain steady.

The prince turned the corner with a hand resting on his sword, to see Merlin slowly being backed up into a corner by the much larger knight. His manservant was blurting jibberish, eyes searching for an escape, before quieting as he catches sight of Arthur. His eyes fill with relief, but the Knight doesn't realise the approaching danger until the Prince slides past him to wrap an arm around Merlin's shoulder. His gaze is full of fire and he practically growls "Leave him alone" to the foreign Knight.

The man flees.

Arm around the waist:

Translation: MINE.

This movement had appeared around the time they started courting, and it surprised Merlin at just how often it happened. Turns out that Arthur is incredibly possessive, but Merlin can't find it in himself to complain.

The first time it happened was when Merlin and Lancelot were talking privately on the outskirts of the training field - only a few feet from the rest of the knights of the round table. They were discussing Merlin's last success at protecting Arthur in hushed whispers when the clashing of swords stop filling the air. Arthur had been demonstrating a new move on one of the more experienced knights, but neither of the pair registers the change. Merlin nearly jumps out of his skin when an arm wraps around his waist, but the limb locks in place - not allowing Merlin to move at all. As the person had grabbed him from behind, Merlin has no way to tell who it was. Magic surging forward, Merlin only relaxes when he sees Lancelot bow his head respectfully - something he only ever did when talking to Arthur. their silent as Lancelot bows before slipping off, Merlin scowling as he watched his friend practically flee.

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