Robes and Reasons

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A/N This is based on the deleted scene where Arthur can not find Merlin anywhere. This includes Rose from my other story (Merlin's twin) who likes to tease the boys!

"MERLIN!" Arthur yells, storming through the corridor clad only in his white sleeping top and brown worn breeches.

"what is it, my Lord?" Agrivaine halts, turning to face the aggravated King.

"Find me that dollop-head!" Arthur orders, slightly out of breath from running all over the castle. Agrivane doesn't even blink in response to the insult, knowing immediately who Arthur was referring to.

"I have a council session to attend to, does he expect me to dress myself!?" Arthur exclaims, pinching his nightrobe to exaggerate his predicament.

"Fetch Merlin from his chambers" Agrivaine orders the two guards who have been standing silently behind him.

"he's not there"

"Check the armoury" The guards turn and leave, ignoring the rest of the conversation.

"Oh I've done that"

"And the stables?"

"No sign of him"

"Where else could he be?" Agrivaine asks, confused.

"You tell me!" The annoyance in Arthurs tone wavers slightly, letting some repressed concern leak into the syllables.

"When did you last see him, My Lord?" 

"Last Night!" Arthur shouts, turning to leave and leaving a stunned Agrivaine in his wake.

"Last night?" A figure parrots from the shadows, "Should I be worried?" 

Arthur grinds to a halt, turning to glare at the lazily lounging figure of Rose as she reveals herself. She glides smoothly to Arthur's side, linking an arm with his to guide the cautious but pliant King towards his chambers. Ignoring the burning of Argrivaines gaze, they walk in silence up to his chambers, where Arthur turns to face Rose. "He's safe, right?" 

Rose hesitates.

The slight falter makes Arthur's hairs stand on end and all of a sudden his hand is on his sword and a mixture of anger and worry is pasted across his face. 

Rose lays a hand on Arthurs shoulder, rubbing her thumb in an attempt to calm him.

"He is making it safe, no harm will come to him"

Arthur melts at that, slumping against the wall with a sigh of relief so great he visibly sags. Rose smiles softly, twisting the handle to open the door.

"I'll call George to dress you, then I'll take over for Merlin" Rose states, walking down the corridor. 

"Oh, and Arthur?" Rose calls, "Make sure to tell Merlin someone else dressed you!" And with a wink, she disappears around the corner.


"George had to dress me this morning" Arthur states casually, scanning Merlin for a reason to Roses order. If he hadn't been watching so closely, he would have missed the way Merlin's jaw clenched and his shoulders drew up into a stiff stance.


Biting his lip to prevent a smile, Arthur continues speaking, saying things like: "He should do it more often" and "He is rather...efficient" and observing as merlin gradually becomes as stiff as stone and is glowering at George from the other side of the hall.

Arthur catches Rose's eye, who winks at him before turning back to Leon and laughing at one of his extremely lame jokes - knowing full well how his eyes follow the movement of her hand as she raises it to rest against his chest.

Then again, she seems to know everything.

Turning his attention back to Merlin, his eyes track George as he moves to fill up a nearby Lords cup. Noticing Arthur's is nearly empty, he moves to fill up Arthurs - and frowning in confusion as Merlin steps bodily in front of him, effectively blocking him. 

Merlin leans to fill up Arthurs goblet with his own jug, but the movement brings his cheek next to Arthurs head. After a quick glance, Arthur turns to plant a quick peck against the milky flesh before turning to talk to the Lord next to him. 

But not before he sees Merlin's fiery blush and Roses smug smirk. 

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