Arguments and Adorableness

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A/N I saw this post on Instagram, and just had t write a one-shot about it! So, normal disclaimer (I don't own Merlin) but also I don't own the 'prompt'.

The prompt will be in bold.

Pushing open the doors to the Armoury, biting into the apple he had just nicked from a very annoyed cook, Gwaine pauses mid-chew as he takes in the scene in front of him. Merlin is sat, one hand clenched into a fist at his side and the other in Arthur's white-knuckled grip, back tense and rod-straight. His face and tips of his ears were flushed - something that signals his anger or when he is flustered - and his face was the picture of steely determination and bubbling anger. Eyes fixed firmly on the wall, he didn't acknowledge gwaines arrival in any way, something he only did when extremely furious.  Arthur, on the other hand, glanced briefly at Gwaine, eyes flicking to look over his shoulder at Merlin every few seconds. The mask of composure was in place, the only sign of any emotion was the fact he was nervously nibbling on his lower lip. It was a habit that only appeared when he was stressed or nervous, something that had become a rare sight since his courtship with Merlin first started. 

Lancelot appears at gwaines side, his brow creasing for a few seconds when he sees the pair.

Gwaine: "why are Arthur and Merlin sitting back to back?"

Lancelot gives him a startled look, raising an eyebrow, the gesture screaming 'you didn't know?' in a way no words could. 

Lancelot: "They had a fight"

The two share a look, turning to watch the once and future King and court sorcerer of Camelot like parents do toddlers throwing a hissy fit. A detail Gwaine noticed earlier suddenly demands his attention, and his eyebrow shoots nearly of his forehead when he acknowledges their intertwined hands once again. 

Gwaine: "why are they holding hands?"

Lancelot smothers a giggle into the back of his hand, fondly gazing at the couple's behaviour, before leaning in to whisper into gwaines ear like it was the private matter of state deepest secrets. 

Lancelot: "Arthur gets sad when they fight"

Gwaine, having expected pretty much anything but that, abruptly chocked on his own saliva, gaining a quick dart of the eyes from Merlin, but is manhandled out of the armoury by Lancelot before any questions could be asked. As the thick door slams closed behind them, their eyes connect, and the two dissolves into laughter, the sound only occasionally broken by girlish remarks of "Princess is such a girl!" and "They are adorable" but despite their disruptive exit, the two Knight's spend the rest of the day preventing anyone from disrupting the arguing pair.

After all, it was just another day in Camelot. 

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