Bandits and Banter

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"We have ten people trying to kill us right now, this is not the time for you to be complaining about hunting!" Arthur exclaims, jumping over bracken and fern. Merlin is slightly behind, panting heavily.

"It's more like fifteen"

"Not the point!" Ducking behind a rock, Arthur grabs Merlin by the neckerchief to haul him out of the path of the angered bandits. Watching with a satisfied smirk as they go charging past - not bothering to check their surroundings. Gasping, the two of them wait for a few moments to catch there breath before Arthur speaks.

"If you hate it that much, then why do you come?"

"It's my job"

Arthur gives him a look, both of them knowing it's a lie. Arthur had relieved him of most of his duty when he took on the job of court sorcerer, Merlin still stubbornly refusing to release his position. George was banned from certain things, like waking up Arthur or writing his speeches. Personally, Arthur was glad for this, but it's not like he's just going to blurt this out.

However, Merlin dismisses his look by emerging from behind the rock, forcing Arthur to either move or be left behind. The horses had run away during the attack, so they set off towards the direction of the nearest path to Camelot. Hurrying to catch up, Arthur asks once again. This time Merlin sighs - aware that he won't be able to deflect the question for the next hour.

"It's nice to get out"

Arthur lets out a displeased hum, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"I don't think that's true. You go out to collect herbs all the time"

Merlin was no longer Gius's apprentice - now a fully trained physical in his own right - but the warlock often offered his services to his ageing mentor. It gave them a chance to catch up - something that was hard to do with Merlin's schedule being so full. Everyone had been seeing less of his - Arthur included - and getting his free time was a precious reward. So when Arthur said he was going on a hunting trip, he was surprised to find Merlin saddling his horse, but secretly gladdened. 

The next few minutes continue much the same, Arthur slowly destroying Merlins excuses, and Merlin's calm demeanour slowly cracking. Eventually, Arthur pushes too far, and Merlin snaps.

"I wanted to spend time with you, okay? Now please shut up!" He shouts fists curled, but as the realisation of his words slowly sets in, he slumps, sighing. 

"We haven't had time together for at least a month. I saw an opportunity and I took it."

Merlin turns before he can see the soft smile that blooms across Arthur's face, slowing slightly so that his friend can catch up. The two relax back into their normal banter, both bathing in the familiar comfort of the other's presence.

The walk back seems only to take seconds. 

A/N Sorry this is so short, I hope you still liked it. I just wanted to post something to celebrate 8000 Reads!!! Thank you so much you guys! It's honestly amazing!

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