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A/N This is a request for . I hope you like it! I tried my hardest!

 "They still bickering?" Morgana asks, gliding over to stands next to Gwaine – eyes tracking the blonde and brunette trading playful remarks. Gwaine smirks and nods, biting into a apple. Arthur makes a remark, eyes scanning the tourney field with nervous eagerness, and Merlin rolls his eyes. He responds with a sly half smile, laughing when Arthur swats him upside the head, before indignantly squawking. Arthur laughs, worries seemingly forgotten, and accepts his sword. However, when Merlin turns away to organise the weapons on the rack, Arthurs eyes dart from the blue strip of fabric on his opponents' arm, to Merlin's beloved neckerchief. The indecision in his eyes is clear, but fortunately his determination shines through, and he turns to face Merlin.

"Is he really going to do it?"

Gwaine shrugs, pretending that he isn't interested, but continues to watch the boys like a hawk. At first Arthurs hesitance is obvious, the slightly defensive stance and reluctance to make eye contact, but then he slips behind his pratish exterior, suddenly confident. Merlin protests at first, but eventually rolls his eyes and removes his neckerchief – securing it around Arthur's bicep. He flits around for a second, checking buckles and straps before fiddling with Arthurs hair – tongue sticking out slightly in concentration. Declaring himself finished, he steps back, eyes darting to his token before back to Arthurs. Merlin beams proudly at Arthur, receiving a meaningful gaze in return, when the moments broken by Uther announcing the start of the next match.

"Anyone would think they're in love" Gwaine comments, chucking the apple core over his shoulder. They exchange knowing looks before separating, Morgana heading up to the stand and Gwaine heading to his tent.


As soon as the knock rings out, Arthur knows who is at the door. His father never visits unless he's on his death bed – which unfortunately is quite often – and Merlin never knocks, simply barging in like he owns the place.

It must be Morgana.

"Come in" Arthur orders, just as the door opens. Arthur smothers a snort; nobody listens to him anymore. Merlin's a bad influence.

"I have come to congratulate you on your winnings, though that's nothing of a surprise" Arthur suppress his pride at that. Although he would never admit it, he did value Morganas opinion, as she is the closest thing to family he has.

"But then again, I'm not the one you want to hear that from, am I?" The smirk is clear in her voice, and she circles the table to stand next to him – the very action predatory, like a wolf stalking an lamb. Arthur shifts, taking a long sip from his goblet in a feeble attempt to delay the conversation. Opting to play oblivious, he raises his eyes to morganas and smiles.

"Uther's not one to offer much praise"

Morgana doesn't even respond to the blatant deflection, holding eye contact with one eyebrow raised. Arthur doesn't fall for the attempt to make him fill the silence, and looks away to pick at the remains of his tea.

"Don't play dumb, Arthur"

Wincing at the reprimand in the tone, he admires at the fact that Morganas picked up from Uther the steely undertone of you better tell me right now, but still able to keep the over all sense of friendliness. She was born and raised for politics, that much is clear.

"I don't understand"

Still clinging to the oblivious act, then. Morgana, grabbing the goblet and placing it out of his reach, smiles softly.

"Yes, you do"

Arthur shows no sign of hearing the response, and Morgana turns to go fill up the goblet, slipping a small vial from her pocket. Pouring it into Arthur's drink, she caries it over to the slumped prince, who immediately downs about half of it.

He opens his mouth, blurting "Yes I do", before his eyes widen and he clamps a hand over his mouth. Morgana had confided in his about her magic, and his sudden inability to lie could come from no other place but magic. He glares at her, reluctant to speak in fear of what he might reveal, but she continues to smirk.

"We both know Merlin's pride is the one that means the most to you. You might as well admit it Arthur"

Arthur sighs. He's been raised to realise when you are going to win, and when you are going to lose, and when to surrender. This is time for surrender.

"okay, your right. I value Merlin's opinion the most because I love him and oh hell please shut me up now-" Morgana doesn't move to cut Arthur of, but he is interrupted by the familiar clatter of armour hitting the floor. The siblings turn to stare wide eyed at a stunned Merlin – who had opened the door at the most inconvenient time. Morgana smirks, winking at her brother as she sweeps out the room. Arthur wants to scream at her for abandoning him, but he daren't open his mouth right now.

"You like me?"

It's meek, quiet, and so unlike Merlin's normal confident sass that Arthur feels wrong footed. Subconsciously he opens his mouth, a teasing remark forming on the tip of his tongue, when he remembers the position and snaps his mouth closed.

Fortunately, he's to late.

"Of course,"

Merlin's eyes widen and he beams brightly, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"I like you too"

Arthur lets out a relieved laugh, only to be cut of when Merlin flings himself into Arthur's arms, burying his face in the side of Arthurs neck. They stand like that for a few moments, before Merlin leans back to press his lips to Arthurs.


Smiling contently, Morgana and Gwaine watch as the picture of the two lovers fades from the water. 

Their plan had worked.

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