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The world has evolved from as simple as it was since four years ago. Being able to be free with the people you chose to be in your life. Engaging in relationships and friendships all together in one. All of that is gone. Relationships and friendships wiped out all over the world including in dictionaries. Any trace of memory that one may have is treasured core deep. If one is caught encouraging it they're automatically killed. That's the world I live in. This now sick world where the new president now takes control of everything we do and refrains anything related to friends. The whole world is meant to be single and alone.

The cold foggy winter morning was enough to wake me with ease. Grasping anything to hold any warmth within my freezing body. Winter was always the worst. Made it feel more depressing and lonely. Nothing to hold actual human warmth against. My life was already depressing coming to find out that I'd never be able to talk nor have any communication to my close friend Haechan.

Not being aware of how fast time has gone, it was already too late hearing the piercing sound of my annoying alarm. That was the last alarm that was set, meaning I've only got 10 minutes to get ready and be out the door.

Thank goodness the douchebag president of ours didn't create a law regarding our clothing. Nowadays no one cares to dress up anymore. There's no point in doing so when you can't grasp anyone's attention or you know, you'll be killed. Literally. Black was everyone's favorite color which displayed our everlasting moods. Depression for most of it.

Guards and military was every where watching every single humans move. One symbol or sign of contact and or communication meant death. Those symbols and signs being you cannot talk to anyone whatsoever. No matter if it's a simple hi or bye, you'll get killed for it. Stand at least three feet away from anyone. Standing too close apparently meant that you wanted to be in there presence and embrace. Technology was stripped away preventing anyone from having conversations throughout texts. Sign language was also cut from being communication. How did they deal with them, they had it worse than everyone else. All of them were killed under the presidents demand. He felt that they'd secretly be having a conversation and he doesn't know it. This society was a living hell. And for it to happen to literally four years after freedom existed messed everyone's life up for the worst.

I have yet to adjust to this life style. Me and Haechan were inseparable until this whole law became the new life. Of course I still would be lucky enough to see him. To me, it was luck to be able to still see him. But that was only at school. School only worked with 10 students being in one classroom and a teacher projected on the wall and the hawk eyed guards. All students were of course three feet away if not further.

What the system and the world forgot to take away from us was paper, pencil and stamps. I was able to write to Haechan under a bill collectors name of course. He knew it's from me because he doesn't have bills to pay. His parents on the other hand knows about us and is cautious. 

Everyday I would write him a letter updating him on my everyday life. He reminds me of our old memories when he'd reply. Honestly, I want him to stop. It's all too suffocating, having to think of all that gone to waste. Tearing up with every word he would write. I wanted to change the world for the better. Go back to how it was before. Make a movement. But how when everyone including me is afraid of being killed. Sometimes it was better to just stay quiet and just live with this new lifestyle. But I'm sick of it.

I only had one class that taught each and every subject that I needed in order to graduate. We were sat in alphabetical order and I couldn't be more proud to be Lee Haneul. Being able to sit next to him and admire his face as much as I wanted. If looking was a crime I'd be dead. Haechan drop his pencil and goes to pick it up. The guards eyes were on him heavy. Just like normal he'd manage to throw a envelope to my feet so when they're focused on him and look everywhere else I'd be able to grab it and read it.

Dear Lee Haneul aka my only friend,
I'm missing you more than ever. It's our Friday, going to hang out till late at night. Just grabbing snacks and setting up a blanket at a random cliff to gaze upon the city lights. Do you remember doing that? I mean of course you do, it wasn't that long ago. My heart aches knowing that we can no longer be the friends that we were but if we ever get the chance I wouldn't hesitate. I hope you still know that I love you Lee Haneul.
Sincerely your friend, Lee Donghyuck

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