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November 19, 2027
SK, LP Stadium
Presidents speech day
Lee Haneul perspective

Who would have ever known how easy it was to get away with a phony like ID. Have they ever thought of a scam. Well, me being in this room is a scam. I've managed to get inside the stadium's sound system and took a microphone. Why do I happen to have a microphone in hand? Answer to that is me and Haechan's plan. Leaving the room unnoticed, I slipped through to the backstage waiting for my cue to ruin this entire speech. I am not sure how I'll finish this whole speech without being shot but, I will go for it. With the President being at the podium drove my heart uncomfortably rapid. I had to speak now before he did. With my sweaty hands trembling around the microphone, I then began to speak. "May I please interrupt this speech for a moment of your time. I am here to ask for each and every one of your attention, please. As we are well aware of, this society has changed us for the worst and some of you, for the better. But we can all say, this isn't killing off more of our people than we did ourselves. What's the shame in having a friend? Or a lover? There's nothing wrong with that at all. It's called experience, mistakes, and learning from them. This bright idea from our president has stripped many teenagers and children from fulfilling their dreams. The children of this society can no longer know what it is to have a childhood friend because they're isolated from the people who aren't a danger to nor bad at all. Why can't we all stand together and reunite as one? For the rest of eternity? Putting other's life into despair doesn't make your life any better. It only shows how much of a coward you are because of something you've had a rough experience on. Can we change the world for once and for all and become one again?" Sluggishly I marched onto the stage letting my presence be known. The once silent yet attentive crowd bursts into applaud. I came face to face with the president. Haechan steps beside me holding my hand. If they were to shoot me they'd shoot him too. The crowd shouts "become one!" in sync throwing their fists unto the air. It was evident how much of a movement I've made. Leaving the president speechless and his mouth agape, the crowd rooting and cheering for us. Now all was left was the effect of this whole plan. Would it work or not? "Take them for once and for good!"
~ ~ ~ ~

You have reached the end of my book "friEND". Thank you all for reading this book I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. This book was inspired by a wild dream of mines and bringing it to this book.

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