Chapter 5

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Everything seemed to collapse then. I broke down, Jade had her arms wrapped around me, my mother stared at me as though I was a monster, repeating the same words: "My poor baby..."

My father was the only calm one in the room. He quietly asked, "well, whose is it?" It was an understandable question, for I haven't had an official boyfriend since last year.

"N-Nathaniel Harris," I said between gasping sobs.

"Does he know yet?" Daddy asked, still in a calm tone. I shook my head. He sighed and scratched the whiskers on his chin. "When are you planning on telling him?"

My dad was taking this surprisingly well. He always was the strong one of the family. "I- I'm not sure. I was thinking tomorrow at school...?"

Jade nodded in approval. So did my dad. We all turned to my mother who simply stood up, placed the pillow on the couch, and walked to their bedroom without saying a word.

"I'll go talk to her." Dad stood up and followed her. Jade took my hand and led me upstairs, whispering kind words to me.

Later, after brushing our teeth and setting the alarm for school the next morning, Jade and I fell asleep, trying to block out the obvious sounds of my mother calling me a slut and my father insisting that she didn't mean that.

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