🌑Chapter 7: Finding Winter🌑

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     "Moon it's alright he'll come to his senses eventually" Turtle said patting my back gently, I was crying my eyes out and my hand was stuffed in my talons. "Moon calm down we will find him" Qibli said from my right, I looked up staring right at him. "I CAN'T CALM DOWN QIBLI! WINTERS GONE AND MOONS KNOW WHERE HE IS!" I yelled with a harsh glare.

     Qibli backed up a bit and I then settled down and sighed, "I'm sorry Qibli, it's just it's not like him to up and leave" I said. I replayed the memory in my head over and over like reading the same part of a scroll over and over. "I just really miss him" I said looking at everyone, "Moon when I find who did this to hurt you or Winter. I'LL SHOVE BLUEBERRIES UP THEIR NOSE UNTIL THEY LOOK LIKE A HIPPO!" Kinkajou said yelling.

     Everyone looked at Kinkajou shocked, she never sounded like that before, well not that I can remember. "Kink are you alright?" Turtle said putting a wing over her, "yeah sorry, over reacted" Kinkajou said leaning on Turtle blushing. "What are we gonna do? We can't just go up to a random person and say 'hello, have you seen a grumpy young looking Icewing who might have been mind controlled or dumped a Nightwing named Moon perhaps?'" Qibli said.

     I completely broke down after that, would Winter really do that? I thought while I was laying on the floor with my eyes buried in my arms. "See what you did Qibli! Say sorry RIGHT NOW!!" Kinkajou said yelling at Qibli, Qibli sighed then said. "I'm sorry Moon. I shouldn't have said that, maybe what I said was wrong" Qibli said.

     I sat up and then looked at him with sad and red eyes from crying, "no your right. Maybe he did break up with me. Maybe it was just me.." I said looking down. I then felt a hard and fast smack across my cheek, I ribbed my cheek and looked to my right to see Kinkajou looking at me with a stern face. "You do NOT blame this whole thing on you. Winter would never break your heart. I'm sure as Moons not gonna sit around and let my ship be sunken to the bee pest part of the ocean. UNDERSTAND!?" Kinkajou yelled at me.

I blushed slightly at the fact of people shipping me and Winter. "I don't know much about what you do in these types of situations but what I know, is that Winter loves you with all his heart" Peril said walking up to me. "Y-you think so?" I said between sobs, "I know so" Peril said. "Now how about we stop sulking and find this frozen lizard" Peril said turning to everyone.


"Now here is what we do" Qibli said slamming the map of Pyrrhia on the wooden table in the planning room in the treehouse in the Rainforest. "Winter flew to what direction did you say?" Qibli said looking at me, "Northeast" I replied back with a determined look. "Ok, so we know that Winter must have stopped and landed in this area" Turtle said. He circled between Jade Mountain and under the mountain where the Dragonets of Destiny were told to have lived.

"We will have to contact all the Kingdom's and send search parties to every location on this continent" Qibli said. "Me and Anemone have the Kingdom of Sea" Turtle said gesturing to him and Anemone. "Kinkajou has the Rainforest" I said looking at Kinkajou with a smile. "I have the Sand kingdom" Qibli said, "I have the SkyKingdom" Peril said, "I have the Mud Kingdom" I said, "Ok who wants to take the Ice Kingdom?" Qibli said looking around he room.

"I will" Anemone said raising her hand, "you have to come with me" Turtle said looking at Anemone. "Yeah but if it means finding Winter faster then I have to do it" Anemone said looking at Turtle. "Ok. Let's do this" Qibli said rolling up the map, everyone left but me, I stayed in the room with the midday light shining through the window on my right. "Hey. You alright?" Qibli said coming up behind me, "I guess" I said getting up to leave.

Qibli grabbed my tail and said "you know Winter would never break up with you. He cares to much about you" Qibli said while I turned to look at him. "I hope so. I just miss him so much." I said, Qibli pulled me into a hug but I didn't care right now. All I care right now is getting my ice head back to me so I can be in his cold arms. "I should be going now. The faster we send a message the sooner we get Winter back" I said getting free of the hug. "Ok" Qibli said and we walked out to the holes.

     "Ok guys I have these special pieces of paper so that if we need help we can communicate between each other" Turtle said giving each of us a piece of paper. I looked at every one and they had a determined/scared face, "we will get this done. Whatever it takes" Qibli said putting his hand in the middle. We put ours on top of one another's and we broke the circle and we entered the assigned holes.


     I landed on muddy, soft and squishy ground and it felt kinda nice, each step I took I was cautious on what might happen. I looked around for maybe a main building and all I saw was egg shaped buildings. A few Mudwings walked by and I tried to ask for help but none even acknowledged me. "Excuse me but do you need help looking for something?" a dark brown Mudwing said. "Yeah. I'm looking for Queen Morhen. Is she here?" I asked, "yeah, she's right over there" the Mudwing said pointing to the Mudwing Queen walking alone one of the paths.

     "Thank you" I said to the Mudwing before running off, the Mudwing yelled back a 'your welcome.' "Queen Morhen?" I asked running up to her, "huh? Oh hello. Who are you?" Queen Morhen said turning to look at me. "I'm Moonwatcher and I'm one of the dragons who stopped Darkstalker" I said sitting in front of her. "Oh yes I heard much about you. What is your reason of your presence?" Queen Morhen said sitting down and cocking her head to the side.

     "Well I have a friend that went missing, he flew off Northeast. An Icewing named Winter, I was wondering if you saw him or if one of your soldiers saw him?" I said hope rushing through my veins like a Skywing. "Icewing? Nope. Don't think any recent updates required a Icewing" Queen Morhen said looking at me with a solemn look.

     I was about to cry but I couldn't do that in front of a Queen, it will be humiliating, "thank you for your help" I said turning to walk away with my head hung low. "Wait! Maybe I can send some troops to find him" Queen Morhen said. "You will do that?" I said turning to look at her, "of course. Anything to return for one of the dragons who defeated Darkstalker" Queen Morhen said smiling. "Ok thank you!!" I said before running back to the tunnel. I entered having happiness running through me.


     I walked out of the tunnel only to be met by the rest, the sunlight felt Moons better knowing that hope is a possibility. "What did you learn?" I asked everyone turning my head, "well no one has seen a Icewing but Queen Thorn sent out troops to search. "Same here" everyone said but Peril said, we turned our heads and she finally said after a few long seconds. "Well what Queen Ruby told me was that she saw a Icewing fly towards the mountains but she couldn't tell from far away" Peril said. "What else did you learn?" I asked getting closer, "well she sent troops to look at the location he went" Peril said still sitting in her original spot.

     "Well let's see what else we can do until we find something" I said walking towards the treehouse seeing how it is almost night time. "Ok. Well we'll see what happens in the morning" Qibli said and we entered the treehouse and I went straight for my room. As soon as I entered I flopped down on my bed and I swore I heard noise outside my window but I was to tired and fell asleep.


     "Master. I found her, don't  worry. She won't be much of a struggle for the new recruit"


There you go. Another chapter and I hope you like it, sorry if it's not as long as you would like but hey it's better than nothing right? Right....? Anyway I hope you have a good day and see you all next time.
JJ out.

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