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"Shit!" I mutter as I trip over a pile of clothes on my floor and fall rather ungracefully.

I get up, rubbing my arm where there's sure to be a bruise.

I yank the straps of my short black dress over my shoulders and zip up the front.

After applying my signature red lipstick I throw my bag over my shoulder and grab my shoes and coffee, locking my front door behind me and sprinting to the bus stop.

The bus arrives just then and I place my card against the reader and sit down after hearing the satisfying beep.

The bus is mostly empty on this Monday morning, which isn't surprising since I live in a really deserted part of this small town right outside of Portland, Oregon.

I ignore the disapproving look of an old lady as I yank on my black heels, strapping them around my ankles and fixing my hair.

I sigh and take a sip of my coffee, finally looking out the window at the beautiful view.

An hour into the ride it has started raining and I pull a cute hooded coat out of my bag and prepare to put it on when I get off.

I get out in front of my college, checking my watch and cursing as I sprint through the rain to my first class.

I've been wearing heels for years, so I'm an expert at running in them.

I arrive outside my Advanced Literature class just in time, pushing my hood off and fixing my long blond hair.

I slip inside the door and place myself in a seat in the back of the half-full lecture hall.

I ignore the stares I get because how much of my legs are exposed, digging through my bag and taking out a pad and pen, preparing to take notes as every other student opens their laptops.

"Okay," A deep, sexy voice says.

My head snaps up with everyone else, and we all gape at the most attractive professor ever.

He has ruffled brown hair, striking brown eyes and tan skin.

He looks edible in a blue button-up shirt and black pants.

I can practically feel the lust fill the room.

"My name is Mr. Park, and this period will just be and introduction to my Advanced Lit course." He continues.

Shaking myself out of my stupor, I concentrate as he talks, chastising myself for getting distracted by someone's looks.

As most of the class swoons over him, I scribble down everything he says and writes, feeling myself getting excited about this course.

I can already tell he's a great teacher, and I love Lit classes.

When class is over I get up with the other students before dropping my bag and all of its contents on the ground.

No one seems to notice for which I am grateful, and I drop to my hands and knees as everyone else files out of the room.

I curse under my breath and dig under a chair for my chapstick, sticking my ass in the air to reach it.

"Um, do you need any help?" The deep voice asks me.

I freeze and then remind myself not to be affected, getting up and throwing my bag over my shoulder.

I smile at the professor and shake my head.

"No, thank you. I just dropped all of my shi- stuff and was having a little trouble retrieving it." I quickly cover up the swear, God knows my colorful vocabulary has gotten me into trouble before.

Mr. Park smiles. "What's your name?"

"Adriana Taylor."

"It's very nice to meet you, Ms. Taylor." He sticks out his hand and I shake it.

"Just Adriana." I say, cringing at my last name.

Before he can say anything else I let go of his warm hand and head to the door, turning back to him as I lean against it with my hand on the handle.

"Anyways it was great meeting you and I look forward to your course, but I've got to run." With that I open the door and rush through it, pulling the hood of my coat over my head and running through the rain to the specialties building.

I am taking Advanced Lit for my own enjoyment, but all my other classes are preparing me to become a teacher.

I already know the professors of these classes because it it the second semester of my last year here, and the for my teaching credentials I need double-semester classes.

I enter my second class of the day and settle in, trying not to think about my extremely sexy Lit professor.

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