Apologies And Interruptions

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I walk into Advanced Lit on Friday with a mission.

I take diligent notes all class, trying and failing to make eye contact with Adam throughout class.

He looks past me the entire time, but I don't give up hope.

When class is over I wait for all the other students to leave, then approach Adam, who is grading things on his desk.

"Hi." I say when I reach him.

He glances up at me then looks back at his papers.

"Ms. Taylor. How can I help you?" He asks in a business-like tone.

"I'm sorry. I have a tendency to push people away when I feel like we're getting too close." I say.

His face shows no emotion as he stares down at his papers, but he's stopped writing on them.

I bend over so that I'm at eye-level with him, and push his chin up so he's looking at me.

"I want to be with you. If you'll let me." I whisper.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair, standing up.

"You were right, though. It's too risky to be with one of my students. If anyone finds out, I would be terminated, and what's worse, you would be expelled." He says in his deep voice, turning away from me.

"I could drop out of your class..." I offer, standing up straight.

He turns to me. "Even then, we could both get in trouble."

"I'm over eighteen." I say, approaching him.

He rolls his eyes. "I know." He says, eying me now as I stand in front of him.

I push my coat off my shoulders and drop my bag, reaching my hands up to my chest and grabbing my zipper.

I make sure Adam is watching as I unzip my skin-tight dress with one gesture.

It drops to the floor and I'm standing in black boots and a lace bra and pantie set.

He swallows, and doesn't protest when I take his large hands in mine and lay them on my waist.

"Do you want this?" I ask him, stroking his cheek.

He closes his eyes, squeezing my sides gently with his hands.

"Not just sex? A relationship?" He asks.

"Not just sex. A relationship." I confirm, kissing my way up his neck.

I reach his lips and whisper against them, "So?"

"Yes." He states, kissing me and pulling me against him.

I sigh into his mouth and play with his hair.

Just as I'm reaching for his zipper someone knocks on the door, and we both freeze.

"Shit." He whispers.

I drop to the floor and pull my dress and coat on, zipping them both up and grabbing my bag.

Adam fixes his hair and sits down behind his desk.

I cool my flaming cheeks with my hands and sit down in a chair, making sure it is an appropriate distance away from him.

"Come in," Adam calls, winking at me.

"So, I just thought I'd ask you, because I wanted to make sure it's not going to be on the final." I say as another professor walks in.

Adam catches on and nods. "Yes, thank you for asking Ms. Taylor. I think we should cover the subject more thoroughly before I test everyone on it."

"Alright, thanks Mr. Park!" I say with fake enthusiasm, standing up and walking to the door, waving at him and his colleague.

When the other professor has her back turned, I blow Adam a kiss before slipping out the door.

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