In Sickness and In... Wait, What Was That Other thing? (Warning: Sexual Content)

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In the morning I roll out of bed feeling like shit.

My throat feels like it's full of glass, my nose is stuffed, and my head is pounding.

Pulling myself off the bed I start getting ready; I have my most important classes today and can't afford to miss them for a stupid cold.

I pull on some black leggings and fur-lined high heel boots, along with a gray sweater, black scarf and raincoat.

I skip all makeup and brush my hair, opting for tea instead of coffee and shuffling to the bus stop.

I fall asleep on the ride into the city and just make my stop, slipping into my Advanced Lit class with five minutes to go.

All the seats are already occupied so I sit in a back corner, reading my copy of Pride and Prejudice while I wait for class to start.

When it does I never even look at Mr. Park, I just listen to his calming voice and write everything he says.

Class is over quickly and people are streaming out around me, and before I know it I'm the last student in the hall. How does this keep happening?

I sneeze as I walk to the door but stop short when his voice, which is very close by, says "Bless you."

"I um- thanks." I say, looking at the ground and reaching for the door handle.

"Adriana. Don't you want to talk to me?" He asks.

"No." I say. With that I open the door and run away from my teacher, praying to make my next class on time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's finally the end of my classes, and I've decided to just go home.

I call Tommy to make sure it's okay, then head to the bus stop.

I pull my coat tight around me as the rain and wind get heavier, praying for the bus to come soon. At least my cold seems to be gone.

When it's getting dark and the bus still hasn't come, I get worried. What if they cancelled the buses today because of the rain? How will I get home?

Just as I pull out my phone and search desperately for someone who would be able to give me ride, a silver car pulls up in front of the bus stop.

The window rolls down and I see Mr. Park smiling at me.

"Need a ride?" He asks.

The rain increases as I shake my head.

"No that's okay, it would be really out of your way!" I call over the wind so he can hear me.

"Get in, we need to talk anyways!" He calls back. I've always been a fairly open person, never to avoid confrontation.

This morning I had an exam in my next class and I was feeling like shit, so I would count that as an exception.

I shrug and slip into the car, taking my jacket off and buckling in as he zooms out of the parking lot.

I give him directions and he turns onto the highway.

"So I wanted to talk to you about what happened on Sunday," Mr. Park starts.

The way he's going is a much faster way to my house than the bus, and we're only about ten minutes away.

"Okay," I say, looking over at him.

He clears his throat. "Well, we were talking and I felt like we kind of connected, but when your coworker came you acted... Distant. Is he your boyfriend?"

I laugh. "Tommy? He's my boss."

"Ah. Then does it make you uncomfortable that I want... Um..." He trails off as he pulls up in front of my house.

"To fuck me?" I ask, checking my watch and looking at him expectantly.

Mr. Park frowns at me. "Well, I am attracted to you, but it's more than tha-"

I cut him off. "Please stop trying to act like you're the adult here. You may be my teacher, but you're only two years older than me. If you want to fuck I'm down, but I don't do relationships." I state plainly.

He stares at me. "I- yes." He says after a second.

"Good." I smile.

I exit the car with all my stuff and beckon him, walking up to my door and unlocking it.

I throw my bag, jacket and shoes aside as he walks in.

He closes the door and I unwrap my scarf from around my neck and pull my sweater over my head so that I'm only in a bra and leggings.

He has his shoes and jacket off, and I walk to him and unbutton his shirt as he tangles his hands in my hair and starts kissing my neck.

I kick off my leggings, showing off my long legs.

He inhales sharply as he stares at my body, and I push his shirt off his broad shoulders, admiring his taught muscles.

I take his hand and lead him to my bedroom, and when we get to the bed I push him down on it and straddle him.

He finally takes control and presses his lips to mine, grabbing my ass in his large hands.

I push my tongue into his mouth and pull my Calvin Klein bra over my head, throwing it aside.

I reach down and unzip his pants and we deepen the kiss as he kicks off his pants and flips me over.

He hovers over me and I start feeling his abs as he kisses me again.

I can feel how much he wants me as he grinds his hips against mine, and I moan into his mouth, combing my hands through his hair.

My teacher pushes his boxers down and smoothly removes my panties, and I reach out to my bedside cupboard for a condom as he sits up a bit.

After rolling it on he climbs over me again, positioning himself and looking up at me.

I urge him on and he pushes deep inside of me.

I let out a long moan as he fills me completely, and he groans too before moving.

I grab his shoulders to steady myself as he leans down and kisses me, thrusting in and out.

I break away and suck on his neck, making a big bruise and kissing his chest as he speeds up.

My moans get a bit more high-pitched as I approach my release, and I can tell he's close too.

When I'm finally done I'm exhausted, and he goes soon after me.

He pulls out of me and tosses the condom.

I vaguely hear him saying something, but I just fall into his chest and close my eyes, falling asleep instantly.

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