This fan-fiction is about Izuku Midoryia's road to being a villain. Starting off from the USJ Arc to The Hosu/Stain Arc this will be the first book in a series that will focus on Izuku Midoryia's fall to being a villain.
Be warned this a primary dia...
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All Might: I can't reach Thirteen or Aizawa Whatever the reason, I am neglecting my teaching duties because of what happened outside of work hours. I did something very foolish.What if I go say something at the end? My body will last for another ten minutes or so...
Principal Nezu: Wait Toshinori Yes! Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? But my real identity is the principal!
All Might: *feeling awkward* Your fur is well-groomed today, as usual.
Principal Nezu: The secret is keratin (a hair straighter) You humans can't get this kind of color and luster in your hair, But let's talk about that later.
All Might: But...
Principle Nezu: Listen Toshinori look at this newspaper *put's newspaper on the table* the headline says All Might Resolves Three Incidents in Only One Hour! Look at this! "All Might Resolves Three Incidents in Only One Hour!"
All Might: I have to keep up my image after all
Principle Nezu: But The fault mainly lies with those damm ruffians who still cause trouble in this town even with you here but you also shouldn't react every time you hear of an incident! *sighs* You really haven't changed at all, have you? Your hero activities are limited because of your injury and its aftereffects. Along with that, you need to actually train your One For All successor.
All Might: My legacy is riding on him, he better not mess up
Principle Nezu: *ignoring the passively aggressive comment* Anyway since you insist on remaining the Symbol of Peace, the only way you can keep the world from finding out about both of those is for you to come here. You know that's why I suggested you become a teacher. And as the principle I think you can stay here and relax for a little longer. In actuality, you can only teach this next class for a little bit, right? I'm the one who suggested it, but since you have accepted the position, I wish you'd prioritize your teaching duties.
All Might: I know but what bothers me most is that I didn't get a voicemail and couldn't connect at all First of all, regarding the vulnerability and responsibility of being both hero and teacher.
Principle Nezu: Relax Toshinori, here have some tea
*Meanwhile at USJ*
Mineta: Are you stupid?! These guys might kill All Might, right? You're contradicting yourself, Midoriya! The best plan would be to sit tight and wait for the U.A.heroes to come save us
Me: Mineta those guys down there are clearly assuming we'll fight in the water, right?
Samebito: Are you ignoring me?
Tsu: Does that mean they knew what was in these facilities before they gathered people?
Me: Yeah For people who gathered that much information so meticulously, there's something strange. They sent you Tsu to the shipwreck zone after all.
Tsu: That's true If they knew that I was a frog then they probably would have thrown me into that fire zone over there.
Me: They probably separated us because they didn't know our Quirks so they planned to overpower us with numbers. We have less experience which means that our only hope lies in the fact that Samebito doesn't know what our Quirks are!
Tsu: That makes sense But that probably means they aren't underestimating us, either. Ok I'll tell you more about my Quirk. I can jump high stick to walls and stick my tongue out up to about 20 meters. I can also spit out my stomach and wash it, and secrete toxic mucus though that actually just stings a little. The last two are practically useless, so you can probably forget about them.
Me: Wow you're really strong. I have super strength, but once I use it, I'm pretty much out of commission. It's like a double-edged sword.*flashback to the Zero Point robot*
Mineta: My Quirk lets these stick super tight. Depending on how I'm feeling, they can even stick for a whole day. They grow back after I pull them off, but if I pull off too many, I'll start bleeding. They don't stick to me and They just bounce off. That's why I said we should just wait quietly! My Quirk is totally unfit for battle!
Me: Th-That's not it! It's an amazing Quirk, and I have a way to use it
Samebito: You done Kids because your all going to die, but hey I'm a nice guy so I'll give you one more minute, Use it wisely *laughter*
Mineta: See Midoriya
Me: Mineta, didn't you enter become a hero?
Mineta: Shut up! It's weird to not be scared right now! We were only in junior high until a little while ago! Who would have thought that we would be almost killed right after starting school!
Samebito What? This is your way to win! You really must be kids, with all the chirping and screaming about dying? Then again Shigaraki said just don't let down your guard, remember? Don't judge them by their ages. Look at their Quirks. Shigaraki is the boss after all.
Me: Okay I can get Samebito with a smash and....
Tsu: Either way even if we get through this shipwreck zone, there are still other enemies. So you can't sacrifice your arm!
Me: *gathering his courage* trust me I have an idea on how to control my power, *turning to Samebito* SAMEBITO
Samebito: Yeah kid
Me: Your about to regret giving us this minute
Samebito: Well that minutes up kid
Then sharp metal fins popped out of Samebito's arms and an even bigger metal fin appeared on his back like the blade of a swordsman
Samebito: I'll slash you with my fins, nothing personal just business
Me: Get Ready!!!
Samebito: *Jumping in the air he seemingly glides towards us*
Florida Crash is a move I came up with. Basically Izuku claps his hands together using One For All to make a shockwave.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Please comment if you have any feedback I can use to make this fan-fiction better.