Chapter 8
April 7th 20XX
U .A Class 1-A
7:56 AM
Ochaco: Bakugo!!!
Bakugo: Hey Ochaco, um how are you feeling
Kirishima: Aww Baku-bro are you expressing your feelings?
Bakugo: Say another word I'll kill you bastard
Kirishima: There is the Baku-bro I know
Bakugo: Fuck Off
Ochaco: I was so worried about you
Bakugo: Sorry that Samebitio guy really got me, but next time I'll kill the son of a bitch
Ochaco: Your awesome Bakugou
Bakugo: Thanks Ochaco *face turns bright red*
Kirishima: *laughs*
Bakugo: That's it *starts chasing Kirishima* prepare to die you redheaded fucker
Tenya: Behave this is not U.A behavior. No profanity and no running on school grounds
Me: Tenya it's no use, Bakugo and profanity go hand and hand
Tenya: Hmm I suppose you are right Midoriya but as the class Rep I must try, what if the principle were to show up.
Principle Nezu: *appearing from behind the teachers desk* Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? But my real identity is you principal!
Tenya: Good Morning Sir, sorry about our class I promise we aren't always like this
Everyone sat back down in their seat, even Bakugo who was still muttering under his breath was sitting in his desk
Principle Nezu: As you may know every year we have a U.A sports festival, now even though we were attacked by those villains the festival will still go on, and it is my duty as your principle to inform you that the U.A Sports Festival will officially begin in two weeks
Bakugo: *smirk* I'm ready to win this thing, not like any of you clowns can defeat me
Principle Nezu: Now, now listen up I have one last bit of information for all of you, there will be no School for the next two weeks in order for us to prepare for the festival, so I recommended all of you to rest up and get ready, This has been your principle!!! *goes back under the desk*
The Entire Class: YEAHHHH
We all got out of our seat and almost ran out the door into the hallway when All Might stopped us
All Might: Young Midoriya come with me immediately
Me: Um okay All Might
I followed All Might down the hallway, the hallway lead into a part of the school I had never been two yet. After a few turns we reached a metal door that said teachers only. All Might pressed a button and a key slot appeared. All Might pulled a metal key from his back pants pocket and put the key in the key slot (then again what else do you do with a key). The metal door opened and another hallway appeared we reached a stairwell that I never had seen before.
Me: Ummm... All Might
All Might: just shut up and follow me boy
We went down the stairs that seemed to go down forever until we reached two giant doors that were locked with several huge bars. All Might stepped forward and punched in a pin code which slowly opened the doors.
All Might: This is a special training room
Me: Wow All Might is this where you trained when you were my age?
All Might: No this training room has a special purpose
Me: What is that?
All Might: You see long ago the school was forced to make a training facility in case of a student needed to control an overwhelming power
Me: But All Might I don't have that kind of power
All Might: That's the point *smirk* well you see Young Midoriya you are supposed to be my successor, yet during the villain attack you did nothing
Me: I'm sorry All Might
All Might: *continuing* You sat there and watched as your classmate was seriously injured, oh wait you did do something you cried like a little brat
Me: I know...
All Might: And most importantly I almost lost to that damm monstrosity, you know I am the number one hero and I will not have it taken away from me because you are a weakling
Me: But...
All Might: Nana would be so disappointed, Now then I think it's time to toughen you up
Me: What do you...
I was cut off as All Might punched me across the room at full force. Hitting the back of the wall I realized that this is the real All Might. The All Might that is obsessed with being the symbol of peace no matter what.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please tell me if there is anything I can do to make this fan fiction better.

Hero Society Vol 1: Cause and Effect (A Villain Deku MHA Fan Fiction)
FanfictionThis fan-fiction is about Izuku Midoryia's road to being a villain. Starting off from the USJ Arc to The Hosu/Stain Arc this will be the first book in a series that will focus on Izuku Midoryia's fall to being a villain. Be warned this a primary dia...