This fan-fiction is about Izuku Midoryia's road to being a villain. Starting off from the USJ Arc to The Hosu/Stain Arc this will be the first book in a series that will focus on Izuku Midoryia's fall to being a villain.
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Shoto: Yaouozuri is a tough opponent but I have a plan, I just have to count on her using that... Assuming she can that is
Present Mic: All Right everybody the Battle Between Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaouzuri will commence
Shoto: *walking to the stage* I got this
Momo: So Todoroki you are a powerful opponent
Shoto: Thank You
Momo: But that won't save you from my attack, my creation is stronger than your ice anyday
Present Mic: LET'S BEGIN
Momo locks eyes with Shoto and instead of running up to him like the previous two fights she just stands there
Shoto: *confused* what are you doing
Momo: You see I have something that will blow you away Todoroki
Shoto: Ok let's see what you got
Momo: *suddenly two swords appear from her shoulders* Let's go Todoroki.
Momo was trying to rush at Shoto using her sword to cut threw his ice walls. However even with her swords it was as if Shoto was barely using any of his power. This angers Momo who in her frustration pulls out two guns throwing the 2 swords to the ground. She fires a couple of rounds at Shoto but his ice wall blocks all of them. Momo who was waiting to use this attack creates a giant cannon that begin to charge when...
Shoto: Sorry Yaouyzuri, but it seems you cannon isn't working...
Momo: huh what do you... *realizing that the cannon wasn't working properly*. Todoroki what the hell did you do?
Shoto: *shrugs* I'd step back if I were you
Momo: *realizing she messed up* No, no no no no!!!
With a great explosion the cannon exploded flinging Momo off the stage. As Shoto stood tall feeling good about his odds in the festival tournament.
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Present Mic: Well.. it seems that Todoroki has used his ice quirk to freeze the cannon ball causing a backfire that made Yaouyzuri's cannon explode sending her out of the ring. With that Shoto Todoroki is the winner. At the moment the match-ups for the semi finals are being decided.
Shoto: *walking off stage* I wonder what father thinks... what would mother think... Speaking of people I should see how Izuku is doing...
I hope you enjoined the chapter, and stay tuned for more chapters. I plan to upload at least one chapter a day.